
Chapter 667 Rescue 7 Illusion

Chapter 667 Rescue Seven Illusions
After the shark monster was dealt with, Yi Tian directly put his body into a storage bag, which is comparable to the monsters in the mid-Yuanying stage full of treasures, but unfortunately he has no time to count the harvest now.

Yi Tian's face also showed a hint of hesitation after his eyes glanced at the light gate channel at the bottom of the pool in front of him. Logically speaking, the shark monster was solved by himself, so he could go up to the bottom of Tianchi and walk on the right path.

But when he thought that the flashing door seemed to have been forcibly closed by him, it would take a lot of effort to go up by himself, so he didn't know that he could really reopen the door.

Right now, this place is a good choice. After thinking about the meeting, Yi Tian's face revealed a bit of determination, and then the protective light shield around his body was opened to the maximum, and the whole figure came to the entrance of the passage in a flash.

Then he stepped directly into the door with one foot, and a white halo instantly enveloped Yi Tian's whole body.After three breaths, you can feel that your body seems to be falling into a bottomless pit. No matter how much you mobilize your spiritual power to perform escapism, you can't stabilize your figure. After a while, Yi Tian lost his head in a daze after a white light flashed in front of him. perception.

I don't know how long it took Yi Tian to wake up slowly, and after opening his eyes, he found himself in a large hall.Looking around, I saw the emblem of the Lihuo Sect behind the main hall, and a [-]-year-old Taoist was sitting on a high platform, giving lectures eloquently.

There are many disciples sitting below, and there are four seats in the front row. Several monks dressed in the costumes of the inner disciples of Lihuo Sect are sitting one after another, listening to the sermon attentively.

As soon as Yi Tian got up and wanted to go forward, he saw the old Taoist in the middle and said, "Whose disciple are you so ignorant of the rules?"

After listening, Yi Tian lowered his head to see that he was actually sitting in the first seat of the third row in the costume of an outer disciple of the Li Huo Sect.Suddenly, at the end of the first row in front of him, a young monk stood up and saluted the old Taoist Jishou: "This man is Yi Tian, ​​a disciple of my third generation. This time I came out to listen to the old ancestor's lectures and didn't know the rules. Please forgive me."

After hearing this, Yi Tian showed a bit of doubt on his face, and carefully looked at the young monks in the first row, only to see that this person was in his 30s, with superb Lihuo skills, and completely fluctuated the spiritual power in his body. Converged, he looked like an ordinary person.

Taking a closer look at that person's face, it turned out to be somewhat similar to Yun Zhongzheng, the ancestor of Xuanyang of his own sect.Immediately, Yi Tian realized that this place should be the Zixiao Palace, the main hall of the Lihuo Sect, and the person sitting in the middle should undoubtedly be the Lihuo Patriarch.

As for the four in the front row, they are Yun Zhongzheng, Gu Hui, and the first seat in the Dan Pavilion of Naqi Pavilion.

Scanning the people in front of him with his spiritual sense, Yi Tian was shocked, he couldn't see through their cultivation level for a while, and then he looked down to see that his cultivation base in the middle stage of Nascent Soul hadn't changed at all.

At this time, I felt a disciple sitting next to me gently tear off my clothes. After I squinted my eyes, I found that it was Lu Jinyuan. He only heard a soft voice: "Junior Brother Yi, although you are the chief disciple of the third generation, but in front of Patriarch Lihuo Don't make mistakes, sit down quickly and don't break the etiquette, and you will be punished severely if you disturb the ancestor's lecture."

Sensing the eyes of the brothers around him, Yi Tian didn't dare to make a second and sat down hastily, continuing to wait for Patriarch Li Huo to give a lecture.Sweeping the faces of the surrounding brothers with their spiritual sense a little, their faces turned wonderful. Not only was Lu Jinyuan sitting under him, but Lu Linsheng and Hu Yiyuan were also there, sitting in the middle of the third row for a few minutes. locations.

Yi Tian didn't know the few people sitting in front of the second row, but the last four or five were old man Mo Wentian of Tiejian, Patriarch Chiyangzi of Chiyang, Nangongba and Dongfang Lingyun of Xuanling Sect. .

But the person sitting at the top of Mo Wentian was slowly turning his head and glanced at Yi Tian, ​​then snorted coldly, and then whispered to Chi Yangzi to ask a question through sound transmission.

Yi Tian was able to overhear the conversation between the two with a little concentration, but his heart was shocked when he heard it. No wonder this person looked a little familiar, and he was almost like Lu Jinyuan beside him.

Recalling that Chi Yangzi seemed to have mentioned to himself that Lu Jinyuan's father was his senior brother, who seemed to be called Lu Canglong, so it must be this person,
But his attitude towards him seemed extremely unfriendly, could it be that he robbed his son of his benefits.On the other hand, Lu Jinyuan, who was sitting on the side, seemed to have a friendly attitude towards him, not as hostile as Lu Canglong.

Strictly speaking, he should be Yun Zhongzheng's reincarnated disciple, and in terms of seniority, he should also be Lu Canglong's nephew.As for Chi Yangzi, he had no choice but to recognize himself as his younger brother back then, otherwise the majestic Xuanyang Sect Master would not look good if he went out and was shorter than Mo Wentian, Dongfang Lingyun and others for a lifetime.

But after being disturbed on the scene, Patriarch Li Huo stopped talking, just stood up slowly, glanced at Yun Zhongzheng first, then stared at Yi Tian, ​​and then said lightly: " You are very good, very good." After speaking, he turned around and slowly walked down from the high platform towards the apse.

As soon as Patriarch Lihuo left, he saw the four people sitting in the first row immediately stand up and calm down the crowd, only to hear Gu Hui say: "Loyal Junior Brother, your disciples are disrespectful and disturbing Patriarch's lecture. The crime should be punished. Since it is your reincarnated disciple, it is better for you to punish him."

After hearing this, Yun Zhongzheng replied without changing his face: "I respect your brother's instruction," then turned around and gave instructions to Mo Wentian and Chi Yangzi.

After hearing this, the two of them showed a little embarrassment, but they couldn't stand the master's urging, so they had to bite the bullet and walked forward.Later, Yi Tian only heard Mo Wentian say to himself: "The disciple of the fourth generation, Yi Tian, ​​offended the patriarch and disturbed the master to listen to the scriptures and discuss the crime. He should be punished. Now according to the law of the Law Enforcement Palace, Yi Tian will be punished for facing the wall and thinking for a hundred years. Take turns guarding."

In this way, Gu Hui's face slowly showed a little joy, as for the other two Pill Pavilion chiefs, their faces were expressionless, as if these things had nothing to do with them.

Later, I heard Chi Yangzi say: "Yi Tian, ​​come with us, it's not a bad thing to go to Tiandu Peak to face the wall, and the master has not deprived you of your identity, at least you will be the first disciple of the fourth generation when you come back a hundred years later. "

The situation is stronger than others, Yi Tian didn't dare to make trouble in the Zixiao Hall of the Lihuo Sect, he raised his hands and bowed to Yun Zhongzheng from a distance, then turned around and said to Chi Yangzi: "Let's go, Don't make it difficult for Master."

After hearing this, Mo Wentian and Chi Yangzi nodded to each other, and then escorted Yi Tian out of Zixiao Hall.

After leaving the gate of the palace, a white light flashed in front of his eyes. Yi Tian found himself on the cliff of Tiandu Peak in a blink of an eye, but at this time, his hands and feet had been locked with four pieces of black iron. the shackles.

But Mo Wentian who was standing in front of him shook his head helplessly and said: "Yi Tian, ​​you should face the wall here, and my junior brother and I will come up to check every ten years. You are wearing black iron shackles mixed with star crystal essence. Unless you have trained Nanming Lihuo of our sect to the extreme before you can escape, otherwise just stay here obediently, and you will return to freedom after serving your sentence for a hundred years."

(End of this chapter)

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