
Chapter 668 Rescue 8 Zixiao

Chapter 668 Rescue Eight Zixiao
Tiandu Peak is a perilous peak located thousands of miles north of Fire Zong Zixiao Hall, surrounded by peaks full of strange rocks.Heavenly Capital Peak is surrounded by restrictions all around. If you want to fly in and out of it, you will definitely not be able to do it if you don't have a cultivation base above the Nascent Soul Stage.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there is only a dangerous road around the mountain. If you don't pay attention, you will fall to the bottom of the valley. Even a Nascent Soul cultivator like Yi Tian can bear it enough to fall down this mountain road.

There is a thatched hut at the foot of the mountain, and the monk in charge of monitoring lives there on weekdays, and needs to go up the mountain once every ten years to check on the detention situation.

Yi Tian sat cross-legged in an open space on the top of the mountain, and then recalled the incident, as if Master Gu Hui deliberately suppressed his lineage.It stands to reason that he would not be punished so heavily for interrupting the ancestor's lecture. Even for a monk of Yuanying, a hundred years of detention is not enough.

Recalling that Mo Wentian said before that these shackles on his hands and feet are specially made, unless he has trained Nanming Lihuo to the extreme, he can escape on his own.

Later, with a smile on his face, he reached out and pulled the shackles, only to find that the other end of the chain was nailed to a boulder on the top of Tiandu Peak.Scanning the stone with his spiritual sense, it seems that there are still some handwritings engraved on it. After careful identification, he can see that the name of his master Yun Zhongzheng is also engraved on it, except for his handwriting.

With a smile in his heart, he feels that he is the second person to come here, but after a quick glance, he finds that there are [-] orthographic characters engraved under Yun Zhongzheng's name. It seems that his ancestor has really been here for a hundred years.

Thinking of this, a gleam of light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and then he stretched out his right index finger and slowly moved a trace of white flames to his fingertips, and later performed the inscription technique 'Concentration and Gathering' to compress and condense the flames into a strand.

Then he raised his right index finger and gently swipe the shackles on his left hand. The Nanming Lihuo he cultivated was nothing indestructible, and the shackles were burned by the white flame for an hour, and then a thin slit was cut.

Seeing that the real fire was useful, Yi Tian didn't care about the huge consumption of spiritual power, and hurriedly cut the other end of the shackles on his left hand.It took three hours to completely free the left hand, and by now most of the spiritual power in the body had been consumed.Right now, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to start again, but just slowly sat down cross-legged and practiced silently to recover his spiritual power.

It would only take ten and a half months to get out of trouble like this, and a little smug expression appeared on his face when he thought about it.

In the following time, Yi Tian remembered that his Nanming Lihuo seemed to have not been refined to the extreme. After savoring Mo Wentian's original words carefully, he suddenly realized that his cultivation was still not good enough, as long as he refined Nanming Lihuo again The effect will definitely be better, and it is useless to think too much, since it is to meditate to restore spiritual power, it is better to directly sacrifice the real fire so that it can be achieved in one fell swoop.

After taking out the Zixiao lamp and putting it in front of him, Yi Tian once again sacrificed a trace of Nanming Lihuo with the index finger of his right hand and placed it in the center of the Zixiao lamp, and then silently carried out the exercises and began to practice.

Recalling that I haven't done any further sacrifices since I cultivated Nanming Lihuo in Wanlihai, why don't I take this opportunity to see how powerful the strengthened real fire is.

In this way, Yi Tian didn't know how long he had been doing it, he only knew that he put the silk of real fire in the Zixiao cup to sacrifice for ninety-nine and eighty-one Zhoutian, and after taking the real fire into his body, he found that it was fused with the rest It got brighter afterward.

Later, he sacrificed a ray of real fire and began to cut the shackles on his feet. After a pass, he found that his spiritual power consumption was reduced by five points compared with the previous time, and the cutting speed was also significantly accelerated.

In this way, there is only one explanation, Nanming Lihuo's power has risen, and he has become more proficient in controlling the techniques he uses.

After glancing at the Zixiao lamp in front of him, Yi Tian's eyes flashed and he couldn't help but mutter in his heart, "This Zixiao lamp is worthy of being the spiritual tool of the Lihuo sect. Although it is not as famous as the Haotian mirror, it can But it is an indispensable advanced spirit weapon for every Lihuo Sect disciple. '

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly a white light flashed in front of his eyes, Yi Tian hurriedly stood up when he saw it, holding the Zixiao lamp in his left hand, and sacrificed a ball of Nanming Lihuo with his right hand to condense it in his hand.

After getting the white light, he showed a figure to see Yi Tian, ​​but he shook his head for a while, but said in his mouth: "It's wrong, it's not used like this."

After Yi Tian heard this, he frowned and then looked closely, it turned out that the ancestor Li Huo had arrived in person. After the halo around him receded, he slowly walked forward and squinted his eyes to look at the Zixiao Zhan in Yi Tianhe's hand. It took a long time before he opened his mouth and said: "Zi Xiaozhan is not used in this way."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his right hand and lightly hooked Zixiaozhan, which was tightly held by Yitian's right hand, and flew out of his hand and flew into Lihuo Patriarch's left hand, and then he stretched out his right hand and lightly snapped his fingers to light up Zixiaozhan.

A white flame that was more than ten times brighter than himself suddenly appeared in the center, and Yi Tian could feel a wave of heat rushing towards him even when he was standing three feet away.

Afterwards, Patriarch Lihuo raised the Zixiao lamp and blew lightly on him, and suddenly a trace of flame turned into a thin thread of fire and passed over his handcuffs and handcuffs, and then the black iron shackles mixed with star crystal essence turned out to be like tofu was cut directly.

Yi Tian directly took off these shackles, and said respectfully to Patriarch Lihuo: "The unfilial disciple Sun Yitian has seen Patriarch Lihuo, and the great skill of Patriarch Lihuo in the use of Nanming Lihuo really amazed me. Open your eyes."

Ancestor Lihuo smiled disdainfully: "Yi Tian, ​​you have treasures and don't know how to use it. It's a waste. There are three ways to use this Zixiao lamp. Strengthening the real fire is only the most basic. If you have a chance in the future, you can go to the Zongmen Let's check the Zixiao Three Changes in the dark underground of the Sutra Pavilion." After speaking, the figure became blurred for a while, and disappeared into the night sky after ten breaths.

"Zixiao Three Changes" Yi Tian muttered softly, thinking in his heart, "I didn't expect Li Huozong to have such a secret." "Looking from Tiandu Peak to the distance, through the clouds, one can see the place where Li Huozong's sect is located thousands of miles away, showing a shining golden light.

Not long after, I saw purple thunder from the sky, followed by a ball of fire falling from the sky. Not long after, a huge gap opened in the void, and a huge Asura dharma body with three heads and six arms escaped from the gap, chasing the purple light towards the sky. Flying away from the Zixiao Palace of the Fire Sect, another white halo flew out of the gap after ten breaths, and the direction of the target was also the Zixiao Palace.

After Yi Tian saw the two rays of light falling to the ground, the entire Zhongzhou Continent suddenly boiled up, and the scattered and disordered aura burst out violently and then spread in all directions, spreading to the Tiandu Peak, which was thousands of miles away, and drowned him in a short while. up.

Yi Tian suddenly woke up and found himself lying in front of a stone tablet, his whole body was wet, not sure if it was from the water or from his own cold sweat.After tidying up his mood, he turned around and performed a cleansing technique to wash himself, then looked up at the stone tablet, only to see the words 'Li Huo Zong' engraved on it.

(End of this chapter)

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