
Chapter 669 Rescue 9 Stalemate

Chapter 669
After waking up from a nightmare, Yi Tian found himself in an empty stone room. In front of him was a stone tablet more than two feet high, engraved with the three characters of "Li Huo Zong" on it, and the inscription on the side was "Yun Zhongzheng" Handwritten. '

Yi Tian came back to his senses a little and looked at the stele. It should not be accidental that its appearance remained here, and the dreams he had just now may have appeared because of the traction of this stele.

In this way, the stele might be the one standing outside the sect, and Yi Tian's heart became hot when he thought of this, and he directly urged Fa Jue to put the stele together with the base into the storage ring.

After finishing these things, I began to slowly recall what happened in the dream just now. Since Patriarch Lihuo left a message asking me to go to the hidden compartment at the bottom of the Sutra Pavilion to find the Zixiao Three Changes technique, it seems that this matter Nine times out of ten, you can't go wrong.

It's just that I haven't been able to get out for a while, and I must go to the former site of Lihuozong to look for it when things happen here.Thinking about it, even thousands of years have passed, but just because the Li Huo Sect dominated the Tianlan Continent for so many years, there must be hidden hands.

Now is not the time to explore these things, Yi Tian took advantage of the opportunity to scan the surrounding environment with his spiritual consciousness, and found that there was a passage in the room he was in, and then restrained the fluctuations in the spiritual pressure around his body, then stepped forward and strode into the passage go.

Before Xiahou Cangqiong, this old man was unreasonable and slipped away in the chaos. If we meet again this time, we will have to settle the score carefully.With anger on his face, Yi Tian ran straight into the passage, and his divine sense popped out quietly, scanning everything within a mile of him, but found nothing abnormal.

While wondering, he suddenly felt that the whole passage seemed to be shaking, and then he hurriedly probed with his spiritual sense and found that the source of the earthquake was three or four miles away from him.

If this distance can be reached in an instant on flat ground, but it is impossible to break through the wall in a narrow passage, God knows what restrictions will be touched.Yi Tian restrained his breath and hurried towards that direction.

But after running for a certain distance, I found that the trembling in the passage became more severe, and it seemed that something difficult happened.It took less than a quarter of an hour to get close to the source of the earthquake.

In order to avoid being found whereabouts, Yi Tian restrained his breath and approached there quietly.After he got a little closer, he extended his spiritual sense to investigate, and after three breaths, a suspicious look appeared on his face.

There is a large stone room a hundred feet ahead, and there are five people there, needless to say, the three people who are going to rescue Mao different this time, as well as Xiahou Cangqiong and Flying Squirrel who just left him and slipped away alone.

It is reasonable to say that finding three people is also a happy event, but the scene seems a little weird now, and the violent vibration in the passage just now is obviously what happened after these people fought.

However, when his divine sense had checked the other party's situation and revealed his whereabouts at the same time, it was Xiahou Cangqiong who spoke first, only to hear him yelling towards the passage: "Friend Daoist Yi, is that you? Hurry up and join us!" .”

At this time, the faces of the other three people also showed a little joy, but then their faces sank and they held each other.Yi Tian knew that he couldn't escape, so he had no choice but to set up the light and fly towards the stone room.

It didn't take a while to come to it, and his brows were frowned after a sweep of his consciousness.These five people were clearly divided into two groups, Xiahou Cangqiong and Mao Budong opposed Hua Renxiong and Fei Qingjie.As for the flying mouse, it hid behind Xiahou Cangqiong and watched the situation in front of it with a warning face.

Needless to say, this group of people should have uneven distribution of treasures, and everyone immediately started to fight, but Yi Tian was curious about what would provoke the four of them to be so tense.

After seeing Yi Tian's arrival, Hua Renxiong and Fei Qingjie obviously showed a little joy on their faces, but they didn't know what would happen next. They only heard Fei Qingjie hurriedly said: "Yi Daoyou, you came at the right time. How to divide the treasure without a headache."

After Xiahou Cangqiong saw it, he just snorted coldly and said, "Fei Daoist, if you have something to say, just say it directly and don't mutter it in private, it won't solve the problem."

Mao BuTong on the side also echoed, "My senior brother came all the way to rescue him. Is that why the two of you voted for Li Baoxiao?"

There was no joy on Hua Renxiong's face, but it was Fei Qingjie who said, "If you want to save me, I think it's mainly through the help of fellow Daoist Yi to break the restrictions of the previous formations. The other person you are looking for should be the famous Flying Mouse in Jundu City, did your spirit pet treasure hunting mouse find any great treasures?"

The flying squirrel who said a word hurriedly shrank aside, but kept repeating in his mouth: "I really didn't find anything, so don't bother me."

Xiahou Cangqiong yelled in a deep voice: "Fei Qingjie, you are going to be a member of the alliance, do you want to be ashamed? How can we say that we all have a share in what we found here this time. If you are a member of the alliance and want to monopolize it, that is absolutely impossible."

"Fellow Daoist Xiahou is serious. I just took what I should have. As for Fellow Daoist Mao, I should have a share too. Don't you think that the Tianli Sect can't do it just because of the number of people?" Fei Qingjie also refused to give in to Mr. Xiahou It's on the bar.

At this time, Yi Tian also used Mao BuTong's private sound transmission to settle the matter here a little bit. In fact, the three of them were trapped by this formation when they came to explore the ruins before, so Mao BuTong thought of sending his senior brother to find someone to come to rescue.

However, Xiahou Cangqiong and Flying Mouse only took out the Daoguang Gate and found the exact location based on the clues left by the three of them. Then Xiahou Cangqiong and the three of them broke through the formation together before they escaped.

Then the five of them explored the cave together, and happened to be guided by the flying squirrel to find some treasures that had been kept by the Lihuo sect back then. Then, because of the distribution problem, the few people had a long-term rift.

After listening, Yi Tian turned his head and looked at Fei Qingjie, only to see that he was holding a storage bag in his hand, presumably the things he found just now should be in it.After weighing it up for a while, he said to Xiahou Cangqiong, "It doesn't seem very natural for fellow Taoist to leave without saying goodbye and leave me there."

The old man Xiahou blushed and returned to normal in an instant, and said, "Fortunately, Daoist Yi Yi is highly skilled in the formation, and I admire him for being able to find another way out."

Faced with such words, Yi Tian naturally didn't have a good face to show the other party, but since he found some treasures left by Li Huozong here, he couldn't let it go.

Now he said slowly, "Since Fellow Daoist Xiahou asked me to help, and I helped you break through the formation to save the three fellow Taoists, then I should have a share of the treasures of the Li Fire Sect."

The fat on Xiahou's face twitched, but he couldn't argue, so he turned around and discussed with Mao Budong.After the two of them communicated a few words in private, Mao Budong said slowly: "Fei Qingjie, let's take out all the things we got. How about the five people present adjusting one of them all based on their eyesight? As for the seven treasures, there must be three of them If you suffer a loss, let the other two make up for it with spirit stones."

Fei Qingjie's face twitched when he heard this. Originally, he only took two pieces, but now he must lose another one, but looking at Hua Renxiong who was on the side, he suddenly said something out of his mouth: "What did fellow Daoist Mao say?" Yes, this time it is all due to Fellow Daoist Xiahou and Fellow Daoist Yi coming all the way to the rescue, so it should be done."

(End of this chapter)

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