
Chapter 671 Exchange

Chapter 671 Exchange
After returning to Dao Jundu City, everyone dispersed and went away. Yi Tian was also happy to go back to the temporary cave, opened the restriction, and began to practice in seclusion.Thinking about this trip, the three of Mao Budong suffered a little from those restraining formations, so they continued to take a rest for a while.

Sitting in the cave, Yi Tian took out the Lihuo Zong emblem token from the storage ring and looked it over carefully. After half an hour, he couldn't see what kind of material it was made of, but just placed it It can be kept in its original state for more than 3000 years, which shows that this token must be an extremely important object.

Since Fei Qingjie is willing to exchange two treasures for this one, he is not afraid that he will not come, anyway, he is the one who is anxious now, and now he only needs to wait quietly for a while.

Sure enough, Yi Tian still underestimated Fei Qingjie's anxiety, and received his summons after staying in the cave for less than half a year.Yi Tian looked down at the Jade Talisman of Communication, the main idea of ​​which was that he was going to fulfill the transaction made at that time, and the location remained unchanged at the top of Songshan Mountain, [-] miles north of Jundu City.

At this time Fei Qingjie had already arrived there and was waiting there, Yi Tian smiled slightly after seeing it, and then his whole body gradually became blurred, and disappeared without a trace after three breaths.

In Jundu City, Xiahou Cangqiong and Mao Budong from the Lijiao would definitely take turns to stare at him, but unfortunately, their cultivation alone is not enough to catch his whereabouts.Flying high in the sky, Yi Tian probed his spiritual sense to the north and found that there was nothing unusual along the way in the north, and then the wind under his feet performed escapism and flew straight to the top of Songshan Mountain.

Not long after, I saw a steep mountain in front of me. I picked up the map and checked it for a while. It was the destination of this trip.When he flew to the high altitude of the mountain and was about to fall, Yi Tian felt a sudden faint feeling in his heart.He thought to himself; "Isn't this the tracking mark I put on the flying mouse? Why is there a sense here?" '

After sorting out his thoughts in his mind, Yi Tian didn't care about so much, and slowly descended from the clouds to the sky not far from the top of the Songshan Mountain, and then shouted: "Since Daoist Fei is here, there is no need to hide anymore."

A ray of spiritual light shot out from the other side of the mountain, circled in the air and stopped not far from Yi Tian.After the aura faded, Fei Qingjie's figure appeared, and he replied with a smile: "Yi Daoyou is really trustworthy, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Don't gossip, fellow daoist invited you here this time, isn't it for this thing?" Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take out the token of the Lihuo emblem, and then asked: "The thing that fellow daoist wants to exchange for can you bring?" Is it?"

Talking about Fei Qingjie's pain, I saw his face tremble, and then he took out the unknown mineral and said slowly: "Fellow Daoist, please look at the things here."

Frowning lightly, Yi Tian showed some displeasure on his face. He clearly said that it was a one-for-two exchange, but now Fei Qingjie only took out the mineral, which was quite different from what he expected.

And the other party seemed to be aware of Yi Tian's situation, and after three breaths, he had to make amends and said with a smile: "Don't blame Yi Daoist, the top-grade spirit stone I got this time is of great use to me, and after weighing it, I plan to replace it with other things."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's complexion became better, and he asked instead: "I don't know what you are preparing to replace it? You need to know that the top-grade spirit stone is very valuable, so you have to carefully consider what to replace it with." down."

Fei Qingjie just smiled when he heard the words, then took out a talisman pen and put it in his hand and said, "This is it, fellow daoist, see if it is suitable for use?"

After Yi Tian's consciousness swept over the talisman pen, his face suddenly showed a bit of suspicion, and after ten breaths, he sighed softly and said: "This thing seems to be old, it should be a A high-level talisman pen is indeed quite tempting for a talisman master like me. It's just that this thing seems to be damaged and it will take some time to repair it."

Fei Qingjie was beaming with joy. Since Yi Tian said something like this, it at least showed that his heart was already moved, so the next thing had a clue, as long as Yi Tian let go, it would be over.Later he said again: "Since Fellow Daoist Yi is interested, let's exchange two for one."

Yi Tian thought about it pretending to be thinking, then raised his brows and said: "Since Fellow Daoist Fei is so sincere, then I don't need to keep this token anymore."

After speaking, he gently sent the Lihuo emblem token in his hand across the air. After seeing it, Fei Qingjie showed a little joy in his eyes, and then pushed the mineral and talisman brush over together.

After a stagger in the air, the two of them each got their favorite things, and the deal was considered successful. Yi Tian checked the mineral and put it into the storage ring first.As for the talisman pen, I held it in my hand and used my spiritual sense to check it back and forth several times.

I saw that the barrel of this talisman pen was smooth, and there seemed to be golden arc residues on it. Long Wei is here.

After the search, Yi Tian was overjoyed and secretly thought that the material of this Ruiguang pen must be high-quality, and the pen tip is made of dragon whiskers. Fortunately, he still has two dragon whiskers left by the demon dragon back then.As long as it is slightly repaired, it can be used again. As for the original grade of this pen, it is at least the category of a seventh-level spiritual weapon. As long as I choose the material properly and repair it, it may not be impossible to restore it to its original grade.

After putting away the things, Yi Tian said with satisfaction: "Fei Daoist has a heart, this thing is suitable for my next use, but it's disrespectful," and then he made a gesture to leave.

Suddenly Fei Qingjie said coldly, "You fellow daoist, go slowly, there is one more thing I would like to ask fellow daoist for help."

If I had known that he would have a follow-up story, and when I came, I would have found that the flying squirrel was lying on the other side of the mountain at this time through the imprint tracking, probably he was temporarily restrained by him.

The other party came to Flying Mouse to find treasure, and they must have come to him to break the formation, but they don't know how to talk about the next thing.After stopping for a while, Yi Tian replied with a hint of impatience on his face: "Fellow Daoist, what else do we need to discuss, why don't we just talk about it directly."

At this time Fei Qingjie twitched and flew forward slowly, then moved his lips again and said through voice transmission: "If Fellow Daoist Yi is interested, we can go to explore the previous ruins again."

Eyelids twitched and Yi Tian suddenly got excited. Last time, he thought there was something wrong early in the morning, but he couldn't say anything.It's just that Hua Renxiong and Fei Qingjie agreed to Xiahou Cangqiong's proposal so easily.

The so-called abnormality must have a demon. It turns out that these two people still found out, but this time they put aside the Tianli Sect and prepared to do it alone.After thinking for a while, Yi Tian showed a knowing look in his eyes and replied via voice transmission: "How many people are traveling together this time?"

"I, you, Hua Renxiong, plus that boy Flying Mouse, there are four of us," Fei Qingjie hurriedly replied seeing Yi Tian being moved.

(End of this chapter)

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