
Chapter 672 Dark Library 1 Departure

Chapter 672
Not long after waiting on the top of Songshan Mountain, I saw a ray of light flying towards here in the distance.After seeing this, Fei Qingjie said with joy on his face, "Okay, someone else is here, so I'll leave immediately."

After saying that, he turned around and flew to the other side of the mountain, and after a while, a person was rolled up behind him and brought him over.

Needless to say, this person should be the Flying Mouse, but Yi Tian was curious about how Fei Qingjie abducted him. According to what Old Xiahou said before, this person is registered in the Tianli Sect. Take care, is it possible that being arrested like this is not afraid of alarming the people of Tianli Sect.

After Hua Renxiong flew to them, he saluted with the two, then glanced at the flying mouse and said slowly: "You are still resourceful, Daoist Fei, you should have found the way to open the inner vault of the ruins, right?"

Fei Qingjie took out the Lihuo emblem token and shook it, then nodded and replied: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Hua has reached an agreement with Fellow Daoist Yi to exchange the token."

Hua Renxiong then turned around and said to Yi Tian: "This time, I also ask fellow Taoists to break the formation, and the three of us will work together to get out the treasures in the inner treasury. I have stated in advance that only one jade box in the inner treasury is enough. "

After hearing this, Yi Tian had a strange look in his eyes and looked at Hua Renxiong in front of him, as if he wanted to get to know this person again.Since he said that he wanted to pre-order the treasures in the inner treasury, there must be something strange about it.

Then his face changed from cloudy to cloudy and he didn't answer. He just turned his head to look at Fei Qingjie as if he was asking why.The latter also widened his eyes as if it was the first time he heard such a thing, and then cast a calm look.

Hua Renxiong explained directly without concealing it after seeing it: "My ancestor is also a disciple of the Lihuo Sect. He once practiced in that other courtyard, so he knows that there is a secret storehouse there. This time, I will lead the way, Fei Dao You have the key in your hand, Yi Daoyou is in charge of breaking the prohibition, and that boy Flying Mouse searches the hidden space in the vault."

"Then I don't know how to distribute the rest of the treasures in the dark vault?" Yi Tian asked.

"I only take the relics of the ancestors, how about handing over the other things to the two?" Hua Renxiong replied without hesitation.

The suspicious look on Fei Qingjie's face gradually faded away, and then he nodded and agreed: "Just follow what Fellow Daoist Hua wants, and I will share the rest equally with Fellow Daoist Yi."

Speaking of which, Yi Tian has no reason to object anymore, and immediately nodded in agreement, and then the three of them flew towards the ruins again with the flying mouse.

Along the way, Yi Tian didn't talk much, but felt that going to the ruins this time seemed not easy, at least on the surface, Hua Renxiong couldn't explain the matter clearly, and it seemed that he was holding some cards and refused to tell the whole story.

This is the most feared situation in the cooperation, and since Hua Renxiong said that he wanted to take a treasure in the dark vault, Fei Qingjie obviously started to keep his distance from him.

But that's fine, as long as the two have ghosts in their hearts and suspect each other, it's an excellent situation for me, and then I don't have to worry about the two joining forces to deal with me.

The second time I went there was quite familiar, and led by Hua Renxiong, the four made a few detours and then entered from the back of the ruins.When passing by the place where Xiahou Cangqiong smashed the rock outside the entrance and blocked the door, Yi Tian scanned it with his spiritual sense and asked, "Don't you two, don't we enter from here?"

Hua Renxiong just smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, don't be in a hurry, please come with me." After speaking, he took the three of them and flew to a jungle in the mountain behind the ruins.

After arriving in the back mountain jungle, Hua Renxiong took out a map and began to search according to the instructions above.Not long after, he found a small open space, then stretched out his hand, sacrificed a spell, and blasted directly towards the open space.

With a 'coax' sound, a foot-high stone tablet was revealed after the mud splashed on the ground. Hua Renxiong flew forward to compare it with the map, and then determined the direction and flew towards the east.

The three of them followed Hua Renxiong and passed the signposts one by one, and Yi Tian found that there were signposts of the same style everywhere.It’s just that they are so old that basically these signs are either buried by mud or covered by gravel. If it weren’t for Hua Renxiong who had a map in his hand to guide them, it would be impossible to find them.

In less than half an hour, he finally stopped in front of a bare cliff, then turned around and said to the crowd: "This is it, the map guides us to the entrance of the dark vault."

After hearing this, Yi Tian dispersed his consciousness and inspected the surrounding environment carefully. Here is a smooth stone wall more than three feet high.In front of him was a small pool that seemed to be only ten feet in size, and there was nothing special about it being overgrown with bushes.

It's just that, as Hua Renxiong said, this should be the entrance, but after looking around, he didn't find anything unusual.Fei Qingjie also opened up his consciousness and searched around. After a while, his face sank and he didn't find any trap entrance. Hua Renxiong also began to search in private, hoping to find some clues. But after a moment nothing was gained.

Suddenly Yi Tian asked lightly: "Fellow Daoist Hua, can you show me the map of the logo in your hand, maybe there will be some clues."

After hearing this, the latter threw the old map over without thinking.Yi Tianyi stretched out his hand to catch it, opened it, put it in the palm of his hand and looked carefully, and found that there were indeed a series of guiding signs drawn on it.

After following these guide signs to the final destination, there was no lake. At the moment, I was moved. Could it be that there is no water pool here and the entrance is at the bottom of the water pool.

Then he stood up and walked towards the water pool. After ten breaths, he reached the shore and stretched out his hand to cut the water in front of him for a while, revealing the sunken bottom.It's just that Yi Tian raised his Qingling Dharma Eye and stared at the bottom of the pool to search, but he didn't find anything unusual.

When I was wondering, I looked back at the map mark, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed, and then I hurried to the front of the stone wall, took out the sundial and compass, and started measuring.

Some actions brought joy to Fei Qingjie and Hua Renxiong's faces, they didn't bother but stood aside and waited quietly.It wasn't until half an hour later that Yi Tian put away the tools in his hands, and the two hurried forward and asked in unison, "Did you find anything?"

"Well, that's right, it's here," Yi Tian nodded and confirmed: "It's just that we came here at an unfortunate time. There should have been a secret formation here. I guess it will be the first moon on the night of the full moon." The door to the dark vault will not appear until the light reflects on the stone wall and enters the pool."

Hua Renxiong said with a happy face: "It's not too late, so let's wait here. Anyway, today is the first quarter moon, and it will be the full moon in less than five days."

"Then wait a little longer, we don't want to leave this place during this period, everyone find a place to have a good rest," Fei Qingjie echoed.

(End of this chapter)

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