
Chapter 676 The Secret Vault 5

Chapter 676
After killing the heart demon on the spot, a black vortex suddenly appeared in the air, and then it spun extremely fast, as if trying to suck everything around into the vortex.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Yi Tian directly set up the light to escape from here, but before flying far, he felt the strong suction covering the whole world, and his body was dragged involuntarily.

After ten breaths, he was directly sucked by the black hole in the center of the vortex, and his face showed a dignified look. Yi Tian also ignored the others and hurriedly opened the protective cover to the maximum, and then quickly moved his Buddhist sect's coronal golden sun Come to strengthen your physical defense.

Just after doing these, the whole body was loaded into the black hole, and there was darkness in front of my eyes, and the whole body felt heavier and heavier, until finally I couldn't hold it anymore and passed out.

I don't know how long it took Yi Tian to wake up slowly, and found that he was standing in a dark space, and the surrounding space was empty and he couldn't see the edge.

After checking himself, he breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know where he was at this time, he was not hurt at all, and his spiritual power was running smoothly for a while, and after killing the demon, he felt a little strange Variety.

After staying here and meditating, he suddenly found some changes in the storage ring. After a little exploration with his spiritual sense, he found that the stone tablet with the words Li Huo Zong written by Yun Zhongzheng that he collected last time was faintly glowing.

After taking it out and putting it in front of him, he saw that the light on the stele became brighter and brighter, and after a while, a figure gathered on the stele.Yi Tian took a closer look, and suddenly his face showed a little joy, and what appeared in the light and shadow was exactly the appearance of Yun Zhongzheng.

Later, I saw him looking around, and then fixed his eyes on Yi Tian, ​​and then said lightly with his lips: "Who are you? Where is this place?"

After calming down, Yi Tian showed a respectful look on his face and said, "Yi Tian, ​​the first disciple of the fourth generation of Li Huo Sect, has seen the ancestor."

Yun Zhongzheng, who was in the light and shadow, sighed a little after hearing this, and said, "I'm just a trace of Yun Zhongzheng's remnants left in the stele, but it's a good fortune to be able to see the disciples of the Lihuo Sect again before they collapsed."

"I don't know if there is a way to stabilize the ancestor's spiritual sense. Now that the Lihuo Sect is fragmented, it is necessary for someone like the ancestor to show up and reunite the disciples who have wandered around," Yi Tian replied.

Yun Zhongzheng slowly raised his head, his eyes glanced over Yi Tian's body again, and then he nodded but did not speak.After a while, he said again: "It seems that what you said is right, Zi Xiaozhan is also on you, and the title of the first disciple of the fourth generation of the Lihuo Sect is also appropriate. In this way, you will be the first disciple of the current Tianlan Continent. Tell me about the situation, and I will entrust you with some funeral affairs while the divine mind is still able to condense."

"Could it be that the ancestor's divine sense can't be attached to this stele again?" Yi Tian asked puzzled, if he could bring Yun Zhongzheng's remnant soul with him, he would save a lot of energy when facing Lu Jinyuan in the future. After all, I am the direct descendant recognized by the second generation suzerain, so it is such a strong proof that I believe that even meeting the Qiankun Yuhuo sect or the sub-suzerain of the Great Sun Yaoyang Sect will be useful.

Yun Zhongzheng's remnant soul shook his head and sighed: "I can guess what you think in your heart, but it's just a wisp of remnant soul that won't help the current situation. On the contrary, I think you have won the suzerain's flame inscription ring." , and with Zixiaozhan and Haotian Mirror in hand, and the fact that Nanming Lihuo, the master of this sect, has been refined to the realm of Xiaocheng, the position of the Lihuo Sect Master is already unbreakable."

After Yun Zhongzheng said what was on his mind, Yi Tian also showed a bit of embarrassment on his face. Fortunately, he has lived for hundreds of years. After three breaths, he coughed lightly to cover up his gaffe, and then slowly opened his mouth Today, the situation in Lan Continent including Siye has been described.

Especially when he was born in Dong'ao, since Yun Zhongzheng fell, Xuanyang's third branch of Kuiyin's line went west, and Chiyang's century-old catastrophe was brought up one by one.Yun Zhongzheng, who was on the side, also had a bit of shame on his face when he heard it, but he couldn't help sighing.

Later, Yi Tian talked about how he found clues from the banyan tree cave in Yihua Mountain, and then how he entered the Chiyang Sect through many selections, and then reached the bottom of the Ice Soul Cave, and the Xuanyang Secret Code and flames appeared All the things about the inscription ring are told.

Yun Zhongzheng's remnant soul gradually showed a smile on his face when he heard it, and then he sighed and said, "That kid Lin Yi is also of high aptitude, Brother Gu originally wanted to train him to be the master of the sect." Candidate, I also voted for Li Baoxiao at the time, so I revealed the location of the suzerain's token to him. At the same time, I also wanted to entrust him with the important task of restoring the sect, but I didn't expect it to become his reminder."

After hearing this, Yi Tian had a look of helplessness on his face. It turned out that the ancestor of his family had intended to return the position of suzerain to Gu Hui of the Zhongzhou sect.

Yun Zhongzheng also noticed the change on Yi Tian's face, and then chuckled lightly and said, "Don't belittle yourself, that Lin Yi failed to get the message out, which shows that he is not lucky enough to be qualified for this important task. On the contrary You will be able to succeed if your fortune stretches."

Then Yun Zhongzheng squinted his eyes and looked up and down for a while, with a weird look on his face, and continued: "It seems that I still underestimated your chance, except for Li Huozong, I didn't expect you to become that Asura clan!" Luo Que's cultivation technique is so much beyond my expectation."

Yi Tian was startled, he didn't expect a wisp of remnant soul to be able to see through his skills, and his face instantly became unnatural.

Yun Zhongzheng's face changed again and he said, "I didn't expect you to have such a deep responsibility, and you even learned that Qianlingzi's Yaojian technique, and even a little bit of the Buddhist sect's kung fu."

Before Yi Tian could reply, Yun Zhongzheng straightened his face and said: "Okay, don't talk about gossip, I have roughly understood your origin. But you must keep in mind what I want to tell you next, and when you cultivate The cause can be dealt with later.”

"Could it be the whereabouts of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi? Is Patriarch Lihuo still on Tianlan Continent?" Yi Tian asked eagerly.

"The Lihuo Patriarch had fallen 3000 years ago, but don't worry too much, the Patriarch is just a clone of the suzerain of the Lihuo Palace in the Upper Spirit Realm," Yun Zhongzheng gently stroked his hands to signal Yi Tian to rest Don't be rash, and then continued: "If you can ascend to the spirit world, you can go to Lihuo Palace to find the real body of the ancestor. As for Luo Que and Qian Lingzi, they are also people with a lot of history. It’s just being trapped somewhere in this world and not getting out.”

(End of this chapter)

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