
Chapter 677 The Dark Library 6 Entrusted

Chapter 677
In the formation space, Yi Tian became thoughtful after hearing Yun Zhongzheng's remnant soul's words. It seems that he still knows too little about Lihuozong. Some clues were found in all kinds of fragmented messages.

Now after Yun Zhongzheng's explanation, the previous broken information has been directly reassembled.Not long after, Yun Zhongzheng revealed all the grievances and entanglements of the three powerful men.

Yi Tian could hear the key point. Yun Zhongzheng mentioned the 'seal' many times in his words. Although his face was pretending to be calm at this time, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Separating out a strand of consciousness, he quietly looked inside at the situation in Niwan Palace, and saw that Yuan Yingling had three heads and six arms at this time, and the six hands were holding the Taiyuan Sword, Jingling Bottle, Zixiaozhan, The Haotian Mirror, the Five Vulcan Fans, and the seal.

It's just that at this time, the seal seemed to have some senses, and a faint purple light appeared on it to cover the spirit body of the Nascent Soul. The other spiritual weapons trembled slightly under the purple light, and the halo on the surface of the spiritual weapons was covered The photo converged.

Later, Yi Tian took a closer look at Yun Zhongzheng in front of him and found that he didn't notice anything, and suddenly he felt relieved, and secretly said, "The rank of this seal is definitely beyond the scope of this world, and even more so than that of the upper spirit world." The Jingling bottle that came down was much taller, and it was still connected to his own mind, as if he knew what he was worried about, and would help cover it up. '

Not long after Yun Zhongzheng finished speaking, Yi Tian took out the Zixiao lamp and put it in his hand and asked: "The disciple of the ancestor Mingjian once suddenly Lihuo in the environment. Xiaozhan was able to use it, and the secret technique of the three transformations of Zixiao was hidden at the bottom of the Buddhist scripture pavilion of the Lihuo Sect, but it is unknown whether the disciples can still find the secret technique after 3000 years."

Yun Zhongzheng chuckled a few times and said, "You underestimate the Lihuo Sect. The places where the sect's secrets are kept are not easily found by others. Now you, Nanming Lihuo Xiaocheng, can go there. Search the remains of the Lihuo Zong's Ancestral Hall, and remember that the key to unlock it is in your hands, and no one can take it away."

Yi Tian smiled a little when he heard the words, and then bowed to Yun Zhongzheng's light and shadow again and said: "I don't know if there is anything else that the ancestor needs the disciple's help, please tell me."

"Speaking of this, I have three things for you to do," Yun Zhongzheng replied straightforwardly after thinking about it.

"Please show me the patriarch, the disciple must do his best to fulfill the entrustment," Yi Tian said respectfully.

"Okay, you have three tasks, one is to restore Li Huozong, and the other is to find the whereabouts of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi," Yun Zhongzheng said, looking at Yi Tian again, and said with infinite emotion: "The third, You have to rebuild the Ascension Platform to reconnect the channel between this world and the upper spirit world, so that the monks on Tianlan Continent will have hope."

Yi Tian carefully calculated the three things in front of him and said that none of them is easy, but these things are inseparable from himself, and maybe he is still the beneficiary.

Then he nodded his head and said in a deep voice, "I understand that although these three things cannot be accomplished overnight, as long as we work together and believe that one day they will be achieved."

"I am also very comforted that you have such a mind. It is true that these are very difficult things, but I am optimistic that you can succeed. If you have any doubts, you can ask the disciples of Qingtian Pavilion for help. They are not strong in combat but they will avoid it Fierce's ability is not weak, and he can also spy on the secrets of the sky, so with their full help, they will be able to save the day," Yun Zhongzheng said.

Isn't the Qingtian Pavilion back then the current Tianyun Gate, this Yi Tian was mentioned by Tian Yunzi when he met Tian Yunzi in Xihuang 200 years ago.At the moment, I am determined, since my ancestor said so, I just need to ask Tian Yunzi or Xiao Linhang for help.Then he said: "These are trivial matters. It's just that the ancestor's remnant soul rests on this stone tablet without a continuous supply of spiritual power. I'm afraid it won't last long. Do you need disciples to find a host for the ancestor's soul to deposit?"

Yun Zhongzheng didn't reply directly, but with infinite emotion on his face, he sighed later and said: "No need, I am originally a remnant, three souls and six incomplete souls, and I can no longer practice even if I am reborn. I have already entrusted the future of the sect to you. I only hope that you can glorify the lintel as soon as possible and let the prosperous age of Lihuo reappear on Tianlan Continent. As for me, I will directly escape into reincarnation. People with incomplete souls have no nostalgia for the world gone."

After Yi Tian heard this, he tried to dissuade him, but Yun Zhongzheng raised his hand and said: "Since you have learned the Buddhist Prajna Suffering Zen, you must know the seven sufferings in the world, I should get rid of it as soon as possible. "

Seeing that Yun Zhongzheng is reserved, Yi Tian is inconvenient to persuade him to stay, but his eyes show some reluctance. After entering the cultivation world, he finds that he has a vague connection with the ancestor Yun Zhongzheng of the Xuanyang School .

Now it's finally possible to see the real body and listen to the teachings, but the time to get together is so short.Although the way forward has been pointed out, the person who went forward and pointed the way will never be seen again, and there is a bit of regret on his face for a while.

Yun Zhongzheng could probably guess what Yi Tian was thinking at this time, Shaoqing's face changed angrily and said: "As the fourth generation lord of the Lihuo Sect, you want to kill decisively when you encounter problems, why are you so coy and call me?" This old man underestimated you three points."

"The disciple is really reluctant to part with the ancestor. If we say goodbye today, we will never meet again in the future."

"Why is this idiot, you must know that you have a heavy burden on your shoulders, and when you ascend to the spirit world in the future, you will see the real body of the patriarch and say hello for me," Yun Zhongzheng's remnant soul began to become erratic.

Although Yi Tian knew that even if he was attached to the stone tablet, he could maintain his appearance for another 80 or [-] years, but at this time he took the initiative to dispel the remnants of his soul, tears poured down his face, and his mouth choked up, not knowing what to say.

After ten breaths, the white halo in front of his eyes disappeared without a trace, leaving only a bare stone tablet, and the handwriting on it turned out to be somewhat dimmed with a glance.

Knowing that it was irreversible, Yi Tian wiped away his tears and looked around again after putting away the stele, and suddenly found a bright spot not far away, although it was far away, it really existed, so he didn't think much about using escapism directly to stand up Fa flew towards the point of light.

I don't know how long it took to fly close to the spot of light. After searching with my spiritual sense, I found that it turned out to be a space door, which seemed to be the exit of this phantom array.If he didn't do it, he thought that Yi Tian's spiritual power suddenly burst out and flew towards that place, and he got away from there in less than half an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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