
Chapter 678 The Dark Library 7 A Chance Encounter

Chapter 678
After coming out of the light gate, Yi Tian found himself in a stone room deep in an underground palace, and slowly released his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings, only to find that the range that the divine sense could attack was only a few feet away.

Gaze across the wall and suddenly found that there seemed to be some patterns emerging, walked up to take a closer look at the patterns on the wall, just happened to know that they belonged to the category of restricted consciousness, so the detection of spiritual consciousness would be useless, everything can only be done with the eyes observed.

After leaving the stone room, Yi Tian didn't dare to fly quickly in the underground palace in case of any unexpected situation.After walking to the verandah, I looked back and found that there are still several stone rooms here, but the stone locks on the doors have not been opened yet.

Then the corner of his mouth twitched and he stretched out his hand to lightly swipe at those stone locks, directly passing a few blue lights and hitting the stone locks in an instant. After a few crisp sounds of 'click', those stone locks broke, and Yi Tian took big steps to search in these stone rooms one by one.

It's a pity that 3000 years have passed, and it doesn't look like the storehouse is not protected by a formation, and all the materials in it have long been weathered.

Yi Tian was not discouraged even though he didn't get half a cent of the bargain. After leaving the stone room, he walked along the outer corridor to explore the central area.From my own experience, this place should be hidden under the ground. As for the way to enter the dark vault, it is the magic circle behind the light gate. As for whether the other three can get out of the middle, it is not up to me to guess. of.

After walking for a while, I suddenly saw more than a dozen stone rooms lined up on both sides of the outer corridor, but these things are because the stone lock on the gate has been cut off, and it seems that someone stepped in first.

In Yi Tian's heart, he had met an acquaintance, and was about to stretch out his spiritual sense to check it out, when he suddenly found a burst of red spiritual power in a certain room, and then someone rushed out of it and appeared in front of him. As soon as people's eyes met, there was a suspicious look on their faces.

Yi Tian found that the person in front of him was wearing the costume of Zhengxingmeng, with a mask on his face blocking his spiritual consciousness outside.With strong fire-type spiritual power, he doesn't seem to be weaker than himself, and his cultivation base has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

After the two were silent for a meeting, Yi Tian was the first to ask: "Looking at your outfit, you should be the leader of the Zhengxing League, Zhengyuandao. I don't know how we met here."

Zheng Yuandao gave a slight 'huh', and then replied: "Are you familiar with Fei Qingjie from our alliance?"

"Unfortunately, I was entrusted by Fellow Daoist Fei to help break the formation. I don't know what the leader of the alliance is looking for him for?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Zheng Yuandao sternly yelled: "Fei Qingjie, a rambunctious fellow, secretly searched for someone to open the Lihuozong Secret Vault without telling me. When I get smoked, he must settle the account carefully."

"In this way, I'm not interested in dealing with the family affairs of the Union, so let's leave it alone," Yi Tian said, turning around and walking towards the corridor next to him.

Suddenly, Zheng Yuandao raised his hand, and a three-foot long blade turned into a red halo came towards him, and Yi Tian's face suddenly changed, and he stretched out his hand to sacrifice the spirit sword, and immediately a cyan filament was carried on his head .

With a 'coax' sound, the spells of the two slammed into the air, and immediately aroused a violent spiritual pressure fluctuation and scattered towards the surroundings.

After the blow, Zheng Yuandao looked at Yi Tiandao with a very solemn look in his eyes: "You are obviously a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, but you deliberately restrain your breath and pretend to be a monk in the early stage. You don't seem to be a good person. And your current face It may not be your true face."

"To each other, you wear a mask and don't want to show your true face, so don't you allow me to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?" Yi Tian said indifferently: "I was thinking that maybe the leader of the alliance may be someone I know well."

"I don't remember any encounters with you, but I would like to advise you that this place was originally one of the legacy of the Lihuo Sect. If you want to play the autumn wind here, you have to take it easy," Zheng Yuandao said bluntly.

"It doesn't matter, those who are destined to get the treasures of heaven, material and earth will get them, but the appearance of the leader of the alliance reminds me of someone," Yi Tian continued with a playful face: "In this way, I will not disturb the leader of the alliance to search the dark storehouse of the Lihuozong. Get over it."

After Yi Tian turned around, he chose a direction and rushed away, leaving Zhengyuandao standing there alone, but whispered in his mouth: "This person is powerful, and his unknown purpose is the biggest variable. I hope God bless me, Li Huozong can recover the secret treasure smoothly."

After passing a few intersections, Yi Tian glanced over the rough inspection for a while and then skipped over. Now it is best to find a few people in the same company and wait for the opportunity to check the progress of the matter.

Now that four people entered the hole, but now that a fifth person appeared, more people would inevitably appear. The only reason was that one of the four was being followed.It is possible to get rid of the other three people after careful identification, but as for Fei Qingjie, he is more suspicious.

And there is no guarantee that the Flying Mouse and Hua Renxiong will find some forces behind them to cooperate with the mark left behind to find this dark vault.

After flying in the long corridor for a while, Yi Tian found that there seemed to be a few spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from not far away, and the corner of his mouth twitched under the careful feeling, and he thought to himself, "We have found you." '

After flying close, the other party also seemed to find his existence and gradually put away his hands as if waiting for him. Yi Tian immediately accelerated his speed without showing any emotion on his face, and flew straight towards the center of the spiritual pressure fluctuation.

Not long after turning a few corners, he came to the door of a large stone chamber, and at the same time scanned the interior with his eyes, it happened that Mao Budong and Fei Qingjie were confronting each other, and the Flying Squirrel was looking fearful. She shrank to one side, and opened the protective cover trembling all over.

After Yi Tian arrived, the two had different expressions on their faces, and Fei Qingjie smiled and said, "You are finally here, fellow Daoist Yi."

Mao BuTong had an embarrassment flash across his face, and later he said kindly: "I said earlier that Fellow Daoist Yi was here, so there is no need to forcibly break the ban."

It's just that Fei Qingjie had a sarcastic smile on his face after hearing these insincere words, and then he moved his lips and gently explained the situation here through sound transmission.

Yi Tian looked at the traces of spell fluctuations in the middle of the stone room, which were obviously left after the two fought, but he didn't expose them face to face, but just smiled and said to the two: "I don't know if Fellow Daoist Hua and Fellow Daoist Xiahou are here. No, let's wait for the two of them."

Fei Qingjie showed a bit of suspicion on his face, and he calmed down soon after receiving Yi Tian's voice transmission.No wonder there was a three-on-two match this time. Although Xiahou Cangqiong was a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, the advantage in numbers was enough to make up for the disadvantage in cultivation.

If there is a big fight here, I am afraid that no one will be able to get the relics here.Yi Tian knew that this was just a temporary calm, since Zheng Yuandao, the leader of the Zhengxing League, also came, then this matter could not be good, and the biggest change came from him.

I just silently thought about the aura of this person. I have definitely seen it before, or I have come into contact with it, but it will not be right for a while.
(End of this chapter)

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