
Chapter 679 Dark Library 8 Split

Chapter 679
The entire underground palace is not small, and the commotion after the fight has attracted everyone.Yi Tian was the first to arrive, and after looking at the surrounding situation, he had a measure in his heart.

Not long after, several spiritual pressure fluctuations came from the surroundings, but the expressions on the faces of the three were quite different. Fei Qingjie still looked nervous. Maybe it seemed very uncomfortable to him to be directly intervened in this matter by the people of Tianli Sect. In addition, he will face Xiahou Cangqiong in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and he really has no idea.

As for Mao BuTong, he looked relaxed. This time they caught the mantis catching the cicada, and now the meeting in the deepest part of the dark storehouse should be divided in half.

On the other hand, Yi Tian's face was calm and he couldn't see any worries or joys, but his brows were slightly frowned, and he searched around with his spiritual sense, but he didn't find any trace of the righteous source.

But he thought secretly in his heart, "I don't know what the hell this Zhengyuan Dao is doing, so he hides behind and doesn't show up. Could it be that he really wants to have a praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles behind him? It's ridiculous that these two people from Tianli Sect thought it was Standing upright, they didn't expect that they would be missed by others. '

Thinking carefully about Zheng Yuandao's words, a thought suddenly flashed into his mind, he seemed to be hunting down Fei Qingjie from the Zhengxing League this time, so it seemed that he could take advantage of the intricate relationship here.

Half a moment later, two figures arrived one after the other, and the five people on the scene were divided into three camps to confront each other.Except for Yi Tian, ​​the other two parties looked at each other with unfriendly expressions on their faces.

Suddenly, Mao Budong broke the silence and said, "Since the three fellow Taoists are all here, why don't you just open the inner treasury, as for the treasures in it, how about I only take two copies of the treasures in Tianli Sect?"

As soon as this remark came out, Fei Qingjie snorted coldly and before he could reply, he saw Hua Renxiong said, "There are only three treasures in it, isn't it too strong for your Tianli Sect to make such a good plan?" .”

After hearing this, Xiahou Cangqiong was not angry but pleased, and said directly after his eyes passed over Hua Renxiong: "It turns out that Fellow Daoist Hua is a remnant of the Lihuo Sect, so it's no wonder that he knows the details of it, so how about my Tianli Sect only take one. "

As soon as this remark came out, Hua Renxiong showed a thoughtful look on his face, but Fei Qingjie and Yi Tian, ​​who glanced at them, couldn't make up their minds for a while, then shook his head and said: "I will only take the relics of the ancestors, as for the rest. The two pieces will be shared among the four of you equally, and I have no objection to this."

Hearing this, Fei Qingjie showed a bit of displeasure on his face, but he didn't expect Hua Renxiong to look like he had nothing to do with him in the end.Then he opened his mouth fiercely and said: "Could you be able to use this kind of calculation to create a hidden compartment? You must know that the Lihuo Token is in my hands, and if you want to open it, you need to ask Fellow Daoist Yi to break the restriction first, the three of you It's really unfair for a person to enjoy two treasures with no effort."

After finishing speaking, Fei Qingjie moved his foot, his figure trembled and flashed directly to Yi Tian's side, stretched out a hand to hold the Li Huo Ling tightly, and looked at the three of them playfully.

In this way, Hua Renxiong's face also became exciting. To be honest, he was just providing information. If he wanted to break the ban and get the treasure, he had to rely on the two people in front of him.It's just that the relics of the ancestors in the dark vault are too important to him, and it would be a bit unwilling to give up.

I saw that Xiahou Cangqiong opened his lips lightly, as if he had a private voice transmission with Hua Renxiong. After hearing this, the latter showed a bit of hesitation on his face, but after a lot of struggle, he finally gritted his teeth and walked slowly. One side of Xiahou's sky.

Seeing this, Fei Qingjie's face changed drastically and he said to Hua Renxiong: "Friend Hua, why are you bothering? We may not lose in three vs. two, not to mention you can guarantee that the Tianli Church will leave you the relics of Lingzu after the dark vault is opened. Is it?"

Without waiting for Hua Renxiong to open his mouth, Xiahou Cangqiong directly took out three storage bracelets and threw them to Hua Renxiong, saying, "Fellow Daoist Hua, here is a deposit. As for the matter, you can get back the belongings of your ancestors."

Hua Renxiong took the three storage bracelets and inspected them with his spiritual sense, his face suddenly showed a little joy, and then said in a deep voice: "Since fellow Daoist Xiahou is so generous, it is disrespectful. As for the key to open the dark vault I need two keys, and I happen to have one in my hands." After that, he reached out and took out the same Lihuo Token, but the shape of this token was slightly different from the one in Fei Qingjie's hand.

Yi Tian swept Li Huo Ling from the hands of Fei Qingjie and Hua Renxiong with his spiritual sense, and a playful sneer appeared on his face.The matter of feelings is not that simple, so it seems that how things will develop is unknown.

After a little deliberation, he said directly: "Since you have all been allocated, then don't bother me anymore. Let's call it quits, Fellow Daoist Fei, for this trip to the dark vault." go.

"Fellow Daoist, stay here," Fei Qingjie said with an anxious expression on his face, "Fellow Daoist Yi, do you really think that you can retreat completely? If the situation is right now, there is a glimmer of life, and if the situation is divided, please return." Fellow Daoist, think twice."

"Oh, is that so?" Yi Tian stopped and talked eloquently: "I think if nothing unexpected happens this time, Fellow Daoist Fei is also going to take out the things in the dark vault and go away. After all, the fact that you betrayed the Zhengxing League cannot be covered by paper."

After hearing this, Fei Qingjie's face turned pale with shock and his mouth trembled, "How do you know that I am going to betray the Zhengxingmeng? Are you also from the Zhengxingmeng Xingtang?"

"The Zhengxing League actually has such a component. The name sounds like the Zongmen's law enforcement team." Yi Tian continued with a twitch of his mouth: "Unfortunately, I am not a member of the Zhengxing League. As for why I know your situation ,"

Before he could finish speaking, a burst of flames shot directly into the cave, and appeared behind Fei Qingjie in an instant.Then I saw a big flaming hand reaching out to grab his back and lift the whole person up.

A scorching flame shot out from the palm and directly engulfed Fei Qingjie's figure in front of him.The whole process was done in one go, the latter couldn't even make a cry for help from his throat, and after ten breaths, he was directly burned alive into a pile of ashes.

After the flame passed by, the Lihuo Token that was originally on his body was also taken away, and after a while, the flame slowly retracted, revealing a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator wearing a mask.

The whole scene suddenly became one-sided. Xiahou Cangqiong stared at the man with fear in his eyes and said, "It turns out that the leader of the alliance has arrived in person. The old man Xiahou Cangqiong is very polite."

Unexpectedly, Zhengyuan Dao didn't answer, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Hua Renxiong, and said, "You, a descendant of abandoned disciples, still dare to think about the sect's secret collection. You really don't know how to live or die. For the sake of your ancestors, as long as you hand over Li Huo Let me let you live."

(End of this chapter)

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