
Chapter 680 Dark Library 9 Hands-on

Chapter 680
The sudden appearance of Zhengyuandao before the dark library also shocked everyone present. This time Yi Tian saw Zhengyuandao at such a close distance and was able to determine the identity of the other party at the moment of his attack, which was almost the same as what he guessed in his heart.

The so-called Zhengxingmeng is just a hostile sect force created by the Lihuozong to conceal their identities, in order to create a situation where the Lihuozong and Zhengxingmeng in the south of Zhongzhou cannot get along.Needless to say, this trick really worked a little bit, successfully easing the relationship with the major sects in Zhongzhou.

And on the bright side, there is no reason to want to paralyze the two super sects in a corner away from the fire sect.As for acting in secret, it all depends on the many elders of the Zhengxing League, so many Nascent Soul Loose Cultivators have been recruited for their use.

However, Yi Tian was very suspicious of Zheng Yuandao's intention to kill Fei Qingjie on the spot. He reached out and took off the Lihuo Order and Fei Qingjie's storage ring.Later, he just put away the storage ring, threw the token directly into Yi Tian's mouth with a flick of his hand, but he said silently: "Junior Brother Yi, don't come here without any problems, you should take this piece of Li Huo first and open the dark ring for a while." Ku needs to ask my junior brother to take care of me."

Hearing this, Yi Tian also understood in his heart that after the fight before, he believed that the other party had recognized his true identity.But now I can also be sure that the Zhengyuan Dao in front of me should be Lu Jinyuan from the Lihuo Sect.

It's a pity that I didn't connect the two early in the morning, so I nodded helplessly, and then the muscles on my face trembled, and after a while, I returned to my original appearance.

This action cheered up the three people in front of them, and Xiahou Cangqiong asked in a surprised tone: "Are you Daoist Yi himself?"

"It's guaranteed to be fake," Yi Tian said with a wry smile, "I never showed my true colors to others because of unnecessary trouble."

At this time, Mao Budong, who was standing aside, asked, "Yi Daoyou, so you are also a member of Zhengxingmeng. Thankfully, Tianlijiao treats you well."

He only heard Zheng Yuandao cough lightly, and then opened his mouth and said: "You guys have misunderstood Yi Tian, ​​he is indeed not a member of the Zhengxing League, but my junior brother," he turned to Hua Renxiong and shouted sharply: "You The younger generation of rebels actually wanted to occupy the secret treasure of the sect for their own purposes. If the punishment of the sect is based on the punishment of the sect, you must abolish your cultivation base and enter reincarnation. But if you commit a crime for the first time, just hand in the fire order and I will let you go .”

Unexpectedly, Hua Renxiong said grimly after hearing this: "The Lihuo Sect has been fragmented for thousands of years, Lu Jinyuan, don't think that you can restore the Sect with your own strength, you must know that you are against all monks in the world. Today you have revealed the truth, will you still let us live?"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere on the scene was stirred up instantly. Xiahou Cangqiong and Mao Budong showed a trace of fear on their faces. Zhengyuandao, the leader of Zhengxing League in front of him, was Lu Jinyuan from Lihuozong. It does turn heads from the outside.

In addition, the news that Li Huozong and Zhengxingmeng are both in the same group is likely to directly stir up the current situation in the Zhongzhou cultivation world.

Xiahou Cangqiong took out the spiritual weapon and put his whole body on guard in front of Lu Jinyuan. He said in a deep voice, "You are only two people from Lihuo Remnant, can you guarantee that we will be eaten?"

Lu Jinyuan spat in his mouth and said disdainfully: "Junior Brother Yi, you should have no problem dealing with Mao Budong and Hua Renxiong. As for Xiahou Cangqiong, leave it to me." Flash sacrificed the True Flame Armor, and then flew to Xiahou Cangqiong's side with a teleportation, stretched out his ten fingers and grabbed it, and shot directly.

Yi Tian smiled wryly when he saw it, but his hands didn't stop. After a flash of fire in his right hand, he directly raised a spiral fire shield, which was instantly compressed and condensed into a fist-sized fireball, and then the red spiritual power burst out all over his body to perform the fire escape technique. Wrapped his figure and attacked where Hua Renxiong was standing.

For a moment, the five people fought in the stone room, and the five spiritual pressures in the surrounding space collided staggeredly for a moment.On the opposite side, Mao BuTong and Hua RenXiong both wanted to fight against the enemy together, but when they noticed Yi Tian's spiritual pressure fluctuations, their entire faces suddenly became extremely ugly.

At this time, Lu Jinyuan and Xiahou Cangqiong had already temporarily gained the upper hand after fighting against each other, and the advantage was constantly expanding. Even if the old man Xiahou used the spiritual weapon to sacrifice his trump card, he could not gain any advantage in front of Lu Jinyuan.

On the contrary, Lu Jinyuan took out a spirit sword and put a real fire on it, and then used this to instantly defuse Xiahou Cangqiong's offensive and counter it all at once, which shows the strength of Lihuozong's skills Toughness is enough to form an overwhelming advantage for monks of the same level.

As for Yi Tian's hand movements in front of him were even more weird, he took out a half-foot-sized golden wheel, loaded the spell of the spiral fire shield on it, and then slashed towards Hua Renxiong's face.

It's not easy to dodge in such a small space, so Hua Renxiong had no choice but to take out the spirit sword, raise it quickly, and hit the fire wheel head-on.

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian just twitched the corner of his mouth and abandoned Hua Renxiong. He took out the spirit sword in his hand and stabbed Mao Budong with a fiery sword.

What surprised a few people was that the roaring fire wheel actually broke the spirit sword in front of him with a single encounter. After the natal spirit sword was destroyed, Hua Renxiong's body suddenly stopped, and a sweet trace of blood slowly overflowed from the corner of his mouth .

At this time, Lu Jinyuan, who was on the side, saw it, but his pupils froze and he said in a low voice: "Lihuo Jueyu, junior brother is really powerful. So I have to show my hand." The fire sword cast a spell, and the flame on the shoulder suddenly exploded to a height of more than five inches, and the flame immediately distorted the space in front of him.

Hearing Hua Renxiong's scream, the fire wheel split his protective cover and split his body in two. As soon as a golden spirit body flew out of his forehead, it was covered by an invisible suction force.

Hua Renxiong's Nascent Soul turned his head and saw an absolute space formed around the fast-rotating fire wheel, sucking everything that approached it.And after his Nascent Soul escaped, he didn't escape the insulating range immediately. At this moment, his body was involuntarily pulled into the vortex of the steam wheel.

Although Yi Tian focused his attention on Mao BuTong, he also used a sense of consciousness to control the spiral fire wheel.After reaching the final decision, he pointed at the fire sword several times in a row, and then the rocket in his hand split into two, two into four and three breaths, and then turned into hundreds of spirit swords to surround Mao Dongtong.

The latter's face was startled, and he took out the spiritual weapon to cover himself around, and Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that it turned out to be the silkworm spider web.No wonder he refused to transfer it, it turned out that he sacrificed it into a defensive spirit weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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