
Chapter 681 The secret library is closed

Chapter 681
Facing Yi Tian and Lu Jinyuan's aggressive Tianli Sect, the two were not to be outdone, and attacked them with their special skills.

Just shot Hua Renxiong to death in a face-to-face meeting, and then he didn't even let his Nascent Soul go, a scorched black corpse that was split into two halves fell on the ground, and the Nascent Soul's spirit body had been directly destroyed by the absolute space around the spiral fire wheel. It was pulled in, and in the end, it was smashed into slag before it even had time to let out a scream.

As for Mao's different situation, Hua Renxiong didn't need to be stronger, the encirclement circle formed by the fire swords around him had already surrounded him.

On the other side, Xiahou Cangqiong was defeated by Lu Jinyuan after several moves in a row, and when he saw his junior brother trapped, he became fierce.He took out a small black flag from his hand and waved it again and again, suddenly three streaks of black mist turned into skulls and flew out of the small flag, biting Lu Jinyuan's spirit sword firmly.

Although Xuanyang's real fire is extremely sharp and is the nemesis of these dark things, Xiahou Cangqiong desperately waved the black banner in his hand to force the three ghost skeletons to resist the attack of the spirit sword.

Not long after, I saw that the black and gloomy energy gradually confronted Xuanyang's true fire to a stage of parity.

When Lu Jinyuan saw it, he snorted coldly, formed the Dao Jue with his hands again, and said along the cuffs: "Go", only to see the flames flying out from his fingers, turning into a cluster of tiny sparks and flying directly to the On the spirit sword.When the sparks flew into the sword, the Xuanyang True Fire flames suddenly exploded, not only pushing the black mist skeleton back, but also igniting its back all the way.Facing the black mist, the flames in the air counterattacked against the black streamer, and Xiahou Cangqiong was so frightened that he abandoned the spiritual weapon and dared not continue to control it.

With a sound of 'hoo', all the sick black flags were ignited, and the three black mist-formed skulls in front of them lost their power to continue and were surrounded by flames in front of them and burned for a while.

At this time, I only heard the three skulls speak out: "Xiahou Cangqiong, you old monster, you don't keep your promises. Not only did you not find us a body to replace the house, but you actually let this Xuanyang really burn!" Our spirit."

On the opposite side, Lu Jinyuan glanced at Xiahou Cangqiong with a look of disdain and said, "I didn't expect that the dignified Tianli Sect Yuanying mid-stage monks would be able to refine such a vicious technique of restraining spirits. There's nothing your nemesis can do."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the spirit sword. The real fire attached to the sword immediately exploded and instantly burned the three atomized skeletons to ashes.

Seeing that something was wrong, Xiahou Cangqiong hurriedly turned around and walked away, but he yelled fiercely: "Lu Jinyuan, I, Tianlijiao, have now entered into an alliance with you from the Fire Sect, and I will leave you after I go out!" The wolf ambitions of the Fire Sect have been announced to the world, and then all the factions will join hands to swear to eradicate your Li Huo lingering veins."

Since the skin was torn apart, there was absolutely no reason to let him go, Lu Jinyuan snorted, and under the flash of flames all over his body, he chased after him.Turning around, I still don't forget Tong Yitian's exhortation: "Junior brother, don't be soft-hearted, and leave them with endless troubles."

It's no surprise that Yi Tian appreciated Lu Jinyuan's decisive killing.After a little nodding, he continued to direct the spiral fire wheel to fly back and chop towards the silkworm's web.

Mao Budong, who was hiding in it, also knew the power of the steamer, so he had to rely on the defense of the spider web to fight it.But everyone knows the truth that if you stay for a long time, you will lose, and now the senior brother abandoned him and left, and his face showed a little anxiety.

Suddenly feeling that the pressure in a certain direction on the silkworm's web seems to be not as strong as the surrounding ones, he freed his right hand to take out a few walnut-sized projectiles from the storage ring with joy on his face.

In an instant, there was a "coaxing" sound, and the strong wind blew Yi Tian who was facing him back three steps, and then he saw a white halo appearing in the flames, and then it became more and more obvious. It got bigger and bigger until the fire net trapped around it broke a hole the size of a foot.

After a white light rushed out, Mao Budong jumped out of it, and then ran away in all directions in a panic, but before he ran far, his whole body suddenly stopped, and a big white flame hand protruded from his chest.

There was a tearing wailing sound from the mouth, and the seven-foot-long body was instantly ignited. After a golden light flashed on the forehead, Mao Budong's Nascent Soul was holding two storage rings in his hand and quickly fled towards the passage to one side.

But when he hadn't flown into the entrance of the passage, a flash of flame suddenly blocked the retreat, Mao Budong's Nascent Soul looked at the spiral steamer in front of him, and his face felt bitter.I couldn't catch this move with my whole body, let alone when I only had the spirit body of the Nascent Soul.

After being dazed for a while, a big hand appeared behind him and held it tightly. At this moment, Mao Budong hurriedly opened his mouth and shouted: "You Daoist Yi, be merciful, be merciful, I am willing to exchange the secret in my heart for a way out."

After hearing this, Yi Tian replied lightly: "Will I not be able to find all the secrets later with the soul-searching technique?"

Mao BuTong's Nascent Soul spirit body hastily argued: "I have practiced the art of fixing the soul, even if you search the soul, you can't find all the information."

"I hate being blackmailed by others the most. If I have something to say bluntly, my patience is not good." After speaking, the hand holding the Nascent Soul spirit body used another three points of dark energy to hold the different Nascent Soul firmly. bound.

Seeing that the coercion failed, Mao Butong cried out: "Friend Yi Daoist, I know a secret of the Lihuo Sect. As long as you swear by your heart demon to let me live again in the future, I can promise you to let go of your divine sense and let you search."

Yi Tian let out a cold snort, and at the same time used the Buddhist sect's technique of heavenly thunder and octave to stun Mao Dongtong.After ten breaths, a serious look gradually appeared on his face, and he sighed inwardly: "Sure enough, this Mao Budong has really practiced the art of fixing the soul, and his soul is so powerful that it is comparable to a monk in the late Yuanying period, but there is nothing he can do about it." . '

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian took out a jade bottle and put Mao Budong's Nascent Soul into it, and put another magic talisman on the mouth of the bottle and put it away directly.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian turned around and packed away the belongings of Mao Budong and Hua Renxiong. After taking the Lihuo Token, he looked at it carefully with his spiritual sense. The craftsmanship is exactly the same, and it can be seen that they were refined at the same time, and the spirit world pattern engraved on the back of the token is also different.

After tidying up the trophies in the room, Yi Tian found an open space and sat cross-legged. He will break the ban to get the treasure later, and now he has to seize the time to recover his spiritual power.

After a moment, he suddenly sensed a spiritual pressure that was not weaker than his own was approaching rapidly, cheered up and said in his heart: "This Lu Jinyuan is indeed a powerful character, so he can solve Xiahou Cangqiong with such kung fu. It seems Brother Lu himself is not easy to mess with. '

(End of this chapter)

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