
Chapter 682 Dark Library 1 Open

Chapter 682

In the stone room, Yi Tian sat cross-legged on the ground and waited for a while, and then realized in his consciousness that Lu Jinyuan was flying towards his direction at high speed.After standing up slowly, he saw his figure flash past and stop not far from the gate of the dark storehouse.

At this time, Lu Jinyuan stretched out his right hand and took off the mask on his face, revealing a deep face.After Yi Tian glanced over, he found that there was no joy on his face, but a glimmer of gloom flashed across his eyes.

Later, I heard Lu Jinyuan ask: "Junior Brother Yi, how are you doing?"

"Hua Renxiong and Mao Budong have already been put to death, and the sect tokens have been taken back," he said, holding the two tokens in his hand and showing them to the other party.

After glancing at it, Lu Jinyuan didn't ask for it, just sighed and said, "It's still my brother's cultivation is superb, so let's start to open the secret storehouse."

Yi Tian originally wanted to ask about Xiahou Cangqiong, but seeing Lu Jinyuan seemed unwilling to mention it, he stopped asking.

Walking forward slowly, he stared at the door of the dark storehouse for a few moments, and then carefully scanned the patterns on it with his spiritual sense.It is not difficult to see that two Lihuo Tokens are required to open the dark vault. There is a groove on the left and right sides of the dark vault door, and its size and shape are very consistent with the tokens in his hand.

Walking forward slowly until it was three feet away from the stone gate of the dark storehouse, suddenly a red spiritual power flashed from the bottom of the stone gate, and then activated from bottom to top along the pattern on the stone gate.

After ten breaths, a fiery red mask appeared on the entire door to completely protect it.After seeing it, Yi Tian knew that it would be extremely difficult to open the dark vault without breaking the pattern restriction.

After thinking for a while, he stretched out his right hand and sacrificed a spell towards the restriction, only to hear a 'pop', the fireball was swallowed whole after touching the restriction.Later, the strength of the prohibition seemed to be slightly enhanced, and Yi Tian also showed a little surprise on his face.

The restrictions imposed by the ancestors of the Lihuo Sect are indeed different, and they even have the effect of devouring spells to strengthen themselves.Lu Jinyuan who was on the side frowned slightly and asked, "Junior Brother Yi, can this restriction be broken?"

Yi Tian nodded and replied: "This restriction cannot be forcibly broken, but as long as I find the weak point in the formation node, I can resolve it with ingenuity."

After speaking, the blue light in his eyes flashed the 'Qing Ling Dharma Eye' and he searched for the pattern on the door control, and after ten breaths, he sighed slowly and said: "Brother, rest for a while, let's see how the younger brother breaks the restriction. "

After speaking, he stretched out his left hand lightly, seven silver needles more than one foot long appeared in his hand instantly, and then walked towards the restriction with seven-star steps.After walking three feet away from the stone gate, he stood still, then took out a silver needle with his right hand, sacrificed a trace of real fire, and poured it into it.

Lu Jinyuan, who was on the side, didn't care at first, but when he saw the red light on the silver needle, his complexion suddenly changed and he began to look at these spiritual weapons carefully.

Later, I saw Yi Tian loosen his hand, and the silver needle flew towards a pattern node on the stone gate like an arrow from the string.The restriction in front of him suddenly glowed brightly, as if it wanted to block the silver needle, but after touching it, you can see that the silver needle seems to be stuck in the brown sugar, no matter how strong the restriction is, it can't stop the silver needle puncture.

At the same time, Yi Tian's right hand continued to print several spells towards the silver needle, and said in his mouth: "Heaven and earth are boundless, and the universe borrows the law, go." The silver needle turned into a red blood line in response to the sound and directly pierced the prohibition After being transparent, it was accurately nailed to the node in the lower right corner of the Shimen pattern.

Immediately, the entire restraint suddenly erupted with a strong spiritual pressure fluctuation, and after three breaths, it can be seen that the red light of the restraint at this time seems to be three points weaker than before.

Seeing this, Lu Jinyuan stretched his brows, and smiled at Yi Tian: "Brother is a good trick, it seems that if you work harder, you can completely break it."

Yi Tian just replied with a smile, but in his heart he disdainfully despised the character of Xia Lu Jinyuan, who did not contribute much and wanted to take advantage of it.But now is not the time to pursue this matter, Yi Tian turned around and took out three silver needles with his right hand at the same time, drew a gourd as before, poured it with spiritual power, and then stabbed towards the node of the stone gate pattern.

This time, the three-pronged approach and the strength of the restraint have been weakened. It didn't take long for the three one-foot-long silver needles to break through the restraint defense and nail them directly to the stone gate.

After the four silver needles were in place, Yi Tian put away the rest of the spiritual weapon with his left hand, and quickly formed a seal with his hands on his chest. After three breaths, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the positions of the four silver needles. After a few times, he muttered in a deep voice: "If you don't open now, when will you wait?"

With a sound of 'click', the red prohibition in front of him was broken, revealing a bare stone door. Yi Tian raised his right hand and accurately flicked two Lihuo Tokens into the grooves on the door.Then, with the index fingers of both hands, two strokes of spiritual power were thrown out and hit the two Lihuo tokens.

Shaoqing saw two streaks of red aura emanating from the groove on the door, flowing along the lines on the door, and activated the pattern on the stone door again after a short while.

After a few sounds of "Kakaka", the rune lock in the middle of the stone door was activated, and then a crack was split from it, and then it automatically faded towards the two sides, presenting the inner vault inside in front of the two of them.

Yi Tian glanced at the underwear with his spiritual sense, which looked like three square circles, and there was only one stone platform inside.There are three jade boxes on the stage, the fronts are sealed with talismans, and the spiritual sense has not been able to explore what is inside.

But Yi Tian knew in his heart that these things were the relics left by the ancestors of the Li Huo Sect, and they would definitely be of great use to him.It's just that Lu Jinyuan is at the side, I don't know how he will feel about this matter.

Turning around slowly, Yi Tian found that Lu Jinyuan's eyes met his own, and then he smiled and said: "Junior Brother Yi is really good at tricks, brother Wei really admires him for his formation skills."

"Senior brother is too famous," Yi Tian said with a haha ​​on his face, but he was concerned about how Lu Jinyuan planned to divide these jade boxes.

As expected, he only heard him open his mouth and say: "The younger brother's skill in breaking the formation is really great, why don't the younger brother choose one first, how about I bring the rest back to the sect?"

There was a burst of laughter in his heart, and Yi Tian secretly said shamelessly, but his face was calm and he said: "These secret treasures should belong to the sect. Since the senior brother is generous, I will not know how to flatter my senior brother if I refuse."

After finishing speaking, he didn't go directly into the inner library to choose, but ran to the side to release the restraint on the Flying Mouse, and then said to him: "Go in and help me get a jade box out, I will give it to you once this matter is over Your spirit stone will free you from the tracking of Tianli Sect."

The flying squirrel was restrained before but was very clear-headed. Knowing that the two people in front of him were people with a lot of history, he couldn't stop nodding and replied: "Senior Yi, you keep your word, as long as you spare me, I will do it for you." A cow can be a horse."

Yi Tian's face changed and he said: "Stop talking nonsense, go in and take out all three jade boxes, and then give me one."

(End of this chapter)

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