
Chapter 683 The Secret Library 2

Chapter 683
In the dark vault, Yi Tian proposed to let the Flying Mouse go in and take out the three jade boxes together, but Lu Jinyuan who was on the side didn't stop him.

On the contrary, Flying Mouse himself was obsequious about this, and anyone could see that he was driven out of the market.Under Yi Tian's urging, Flying Mouse didn't dare to be careless and shook his spirits, then walked towards the stone room of the dark cabinet cabinet.

After a while, under the supervision of the two, he took out the three jade boxes, and after taking them out, he gently pushed one of them towards Yi Tian.Seeing the jade box flying over slowly, Yi Tian reached out to catch it politely and put it away without looking at it.

After seeing this, Fei Tianshu took a deep breath and turned around, throwing the other two jade boxes to Lu Jinyuan, who just reached out and took the jade box into the palm of his hand.

Unlike Yi Tian, ​​Lu Jinyuan directly opened the talisman and then opened the jade box to check it. After ten breaths, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Then he turned around and transmitted a voice transmission: "Then Xiahou Cangqiong fled here desperately after being injured by me. I think that Tianli Sect will end up in an endless situation with us in the future."

Yi Tian was stunned, and secretly blamed Lu Jinyuan for not telling the matter earlier, so that when Xiahou Cangqiong returned to Jundu City, he would not be able to go back.

Thinking that there are still some baby celestial silkworms in the cave, these things cannot be retrieved for the time being, Yi Tian feels annoyed for a while.

But on the surface, he pretended to be nothing and replied via voice transmission: "Then senior brother has to take care of this a lot. Junior brother, I have nothing to spare for the time being. I am afraid that I will not be able to help for a while. Senior brother Hu, who sent the jade talisman I have already given it to me, as for the future, if you have anything to do, you can contact me directly."

After hearing this, Lu Jinyuan frowned, but he didn't expect to be rejected before he even spoke. His eyes flicked over Yi Tian's body a few times, and the corner of his mouth twitched, then he laughed dumbly and said: "In this way, I won't bother Junior Brother anymore. Let's leave now, and later If there is a chance, I would like to invite my junior brother to come to Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect for a sit-down, so that my senior brother and I can do my best as a landlord."

Yi Tian bowed his hands and replied: "That's that, after I finish my tour of Zhongzhou, I will definitely go to visit my brother in person."

After Lu Jinyuan heard this, his figure flickered and he chose a way to leave in a hurry. Yi Tian saw it in his eyes and smiled at the corner of his mouth, thinking that he had finally dealt with him.

After conveniently putting away the two Lihuo tokens on the stone gate, Yi Tian turned to look at the flying mouse beside him, stretched out his hand and took him to the other side.

Along the way, he didn't need to restrain his cultivation, and he could use it to his heart's content. Within an hour, he found a light door at one end of the dark vault, and then he took the flying mouse and got out of it.

Half a day later, Yi Tian found an open space in the barren hills [-] miles east of the ruins and put the Flying Mouse down.He didn't dare to look directly at both eyes, Yi Tian knew that his life and death were all in his own mind now, so he was not afraid of him playing some tricks.

After taking a breath, the Flying Mouse boldly asked in a low voice: "Senior Yi, can you let me go now that something has happened?"

There was a flash of blue light in Yi Tian's eyes, staring at the treasure-hunting mouse spirit pet for a long time, but he didn't see why. After hearing the question from the flying mouse, he put away his supernatural powers, coughed lightly and said: " As long as you answer a few questions from me, not only will you be set free, but you will also be given a chance."

A golden light flashed in Flying Mouse's eyes, and then he showed a little timidity: "Senior Yi doesn't need chance, as long as he can let me go."

"Okay," Yi Tian shook his head boringly and asked, "Do you know what's inside those three jade boxes?"

After hearing this, Flying Mouse shook his head repeatedly and said, "This junior failed to open the box, so naturally I don't know whether the treasure inside is valuable or not."

"Then you chose a jade box for me, didn't you?" Yi Tian said displeased.

Now the Flying Mouse hastily argued: "Senior Yi, don't worry, although I don't know what is in the jade box, but one thing is certain that the item in your hand is definitely much more valuable than the other two items."

"Oh, how did you see that?"

"The younger generation's spiritual pet became very excited after sniffing that jade box, but the other two jade boxes reacted normally," Flying Mouse replied.

After hearing this, Yi Tian nodded slowly, and then said: "Take out your spiritual pet and show me."

The faces of these flying squirrels froze for a while, and then they showed embarrassment, and their movements began to look a little uncooperative.When Yi Tian saw it, he just smiled and said: "Are you still afraid that I will steal your spiritual pet away? Don't worry, if I have ideas, you can still live till now."

Flying Mouse gritted his teeth like resigning himself to his fate, stretched out his right hand, and muttered in his mouth: "Come."

A white aura shot out from his body and stayed on his palm. When the halo faded away, only a five-inch long white-haired mouse was left. The ears and the tip of the tail were still pink.With a breath on his face, he opened a pair of small eyes and glanced around.

Yi Tian saw that the treasure-hunting mouse curled up and shrank its head in after seeing him, trembling all over as if it was afraid of something.

After waving his hand to signal for taking back his spiritual pet, the Flying Mouse quickly thanked Yi Tian as if he had received an amnesty, and then summoned the Treasure Hunting Mouse into the spirit beast's pouch.

Then Yi Tian asked: "Have you been to Beiyuan, did you bring this treasure hunting mouse back from there?"

Flying Mouse has no expression on his face but his twinkling eyes betrayed him. When he was about to reply, he saw Yi Tian and said again: "You needn't say it, I probably guessed the origin of this treasure hunting mouse. It's not a small courage to go to the territory of the Soul Eater Mouse King and abduct his descendants. You must know that none of the four demon kings is easy to mess with. In this life, you should not set foot in Beiyuan before you reach the Nascent Soul Stage .”

A chill appeared on Flying Mouse's face, and he hurriedly nodded in agreement: "Thank you, Senior Yi, for your reminder, I will definitely keep it in mind."

"I rented a temporary cave in Jundu City, and there are some raised silkworm larvae in it." Yi Tian took out an access token and threw it to the flying mouse and said, "I won't be able to go back for a while, the things in the cave are I will give it to you, I believe that it will be handled properly with your connection."

The Flying Mouse showed a joyful expression on the token, and played with the access token in his hand from time to time. This is not a big or small chance.Finally, this time I came to explore the ruins and got something to gain, so I hurriedly replied respectfully: "Senior Yi, the things in the cave are not disrespectful to the younger generation. If there is any errand in the future, please help the senior."

Yi Tian snorted, and then waved his hand directly to signal him to leave as soon as possible. This time he has gained a lot, and he has to find a place to add up.Before that, Mao Budong also mentioned that there was a secret about the Lihuo Sect that could be exchanged, which made me quite interested.

(End of this chapter)

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