
Chapter 684 Infiltrate

Chapter 684 Infiltrate
Several years have passed since the trip to the Fire Sect's dark vault, and during this period, there has been no direct conflict between the Tianli Sect and the Zhengxing League.Yi Tian knew that this was just superficial calm, and believed that Xiahou Cangqiong would not dare to make a mistake after suffering a big loss. At this time, he didn't know where to lick his wounds.

As the saying goes, a dog that can bark does not bite, and Yi Tian, ​​who suffered a loss like the Tianli Sect but kept quiet, felt that they would not let it go so easily.Maybe sometime in the future, Xiahou Cangqiong will jump out and raise his arms to gather other sects in Zhongzhou to fight against Li Huo Sect.

But what Yi Tian is most concerned about now is the news that Mao Budong revealed to him before.Speaking of this matter, Yi Tian thought it over and over again before making a decision to solve the matter first and then go to the Zixiao Temple ruins, the ancestor of the Lihuo Sect, to explore.

Before Mao Budong let go of his soul after making the oath of the heart demon, he let himself search for the soul. Afterwards, Yi Tian also kept his promise and directly sent him into the cycle of reincarnation.

He mentioned in his memory that he had visited Qi Yaoshan where the Wanliu Sect was located, and found that several unknown spiritual artifacts had been unearthed in the forbidden area of ​​his sect, and the patterns on the artifacts were definitely not from this world.

Yi Tian became a little interested in this, and after some searching, he did not find the jade slip recorded in his storage ring.Fortunately, his spirit mentioned that there is still his private cave in Songshan, and some important things are kept there.

So Yi Tian hurried to Songshan directly, and found the cave easily with the remaining clues.After sweeping away the contents inside, he left Songshan and flew south with satisfaction.

Afterwards, he took the time to find a medium-sized spiritual vein node and opened up a temporary cave, and he lived in this temporary cave for several years.During this period of time, the main energy was spent on identifying the atlases of those utensil patterns, and after that, the hard work paid off, and it didn't take long for the person who wanted to find what he wanted.

A large number of collected jade slips recorded the patterns of vessel patterns copied by Mao Budong in those years.If he doesn't say these things, they will be sealed in that cave forever.

When Yi Tian opened the jade slips and looked at them, he was stunned. The array patterns on them should be part of a large array.After a closer look, I felt a burst of fire in my heart, and found that these formation patterns were indeed spirit world patterns, and they were used on the components of super large formations.

May I ask where in the entire Tianlan Continent can such a large-scale formation equipped with spirit world patterns be used? In Yi Tian's memory, except for the Ascension Platform of the Lihuozong, I am afraid that there is no second one.

Then he took out the jade slips he had kept and compared them, the formation patterns inscribed on the small flying platform that was trapped by the King of Eagles were exactly the same as the ones recorded here by Mao Budong.

Needless to say, this just proved his speculation, so Yi Tian's heart was full of enthusiasm, and he really wished to go to the site where the spiritual weapon was unearthed sooner.

It’s just mentioned from Mao’s memory that this place has long been occupied by a sect of self-cultivation. I opened the map and found the location of Qi Yaoshan in the hinterland of Zhongzhou. There was clearly marked ‘Wanliumen’ there. typeface.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian finally decided to break into the Wanliumen, but after searching around, he found out that the Wanliumen is a sect that focuses on alchemy. The alchemy furnace was fortunate enough to find the opportunity to go in and take a look.

As for Yi Tian wanting to get in now, there are only two ways, one is to sneak in secretly, or find an opportunity to intervene as a craftsman.

But no matter which method you use, you will have some scruples. After sneaking in, you have to go to the forbidden area of ​​​​the sect.

I heard that there are also middle-stage Nascent Soul monks in this Wanliu sect, and they are friends with the Hehuan sect. If they get into trouble with that Haoji or the old devil of Hehuan, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to escape.

After much deliberation, Yi Tian decided to go and see the situation first, maybe things will turn around.

Wanliu Sect is located in an important area of ​​Zhongzhou, but there are many cultivation sects around here and more or less need the supply of pills, so the Wanliu Sect has a situation where both sides have their own resources.

In addition, the suzerain Wan Yang's cultivation base is not weak and he has good friends with a group of rich families in Zhongzhou, so within the sphere of influence of the sect with a radius of [-] miles, there is no one who will make public anger and go to the Wanliu family's territory to make trouble.

Coincidentally, Yi Tian was the first person to take such a drastic step, but he didn't dare to do anything too much, so he could only sneak in and play by ear. After all, his purpose was just to find clues about Feishengtai. There's no point in fighting a Nascent Soul cultivator he's never met.

After flying from a high altitude to the hinterland of Zhongzhou for several days, Yi Tian checked the map in his hand and found that he had reached the periphery of Wanliumen sect.Seen from the sky, there are several streaks of golden light shining from the mountain peaks hundreds of miles away. If you look closely, you can find that these are all made up of bits of spiritual light shining from the blessed land of Wanliumen sect.

As you continue to fly forward, you can see that there seems to be another layer of light film looming in the midair covering Qiyao Mountain where Wanliumen is located. Needless to say, this must be the outer warning formation of the Wanliumen's mountain protection formation. Generally, if you penetrate in from a high altitude, you are afraid that people will directly know that there is an enemy attacking at the first time.

For this reason, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, and then took advantage of the night to fall into the air, restraining the spiritual pressure fluctuations around him until the late stage of foundation establishment, and then slowly used the escape technique and flew towards Fangshi outside the Wanliu Gate.

After passing by Nafang City for a while, he cast a secret spell to escape his figure into the void and then walked towards the mountain gate of Wanliumen.On the way, he even followed a few Wanliumen's Foundation Establishment disciples and followed them all the way before arriving at the mountain gate.

The disciple who guarded the mountain just roughly checked the nameplates in the hands of the people in front of him and let them go, while Yi Tian turned into a gust of breeze and swaggered straight into the gate from the disciples who guarded the mountain.

After walking for a while, the few foundation cultivators in front of him stopped before they walked to a large hall. Yi Tian followed behind and raised his head and glanced to find several Golden Core cultivators standing here, who seemed to be preparing for the school disciple examination .

Without making a fuss, Yi Tian walked around them and walked into the main hall slowly by relying on invisibility. After a few breaths, he flowed out from the back door of the main hall without anyone noticing, walking towards the depths of Qiyao Mountain.

Yi Tian didn't dare to reveal the spiritual pressure fluctuations too much after going so deep into the Wanliumen sect. You must know that even if the master of Wanliumen, Wan Yang, is weaker than himself, the alchemist's spiritual sense is generally not weak. A little carelessness will be discovered by him.

While walking, suddenly a Golden Core cultivator flashed in front of him and shouted at him: "Where is the brother going?" A late Jindan cultivator in his 40s wearing alchemy robes is striding forward.

After the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, they saw that the Jindan late-stage cultivator resigned from his junior brother and walked towards the back mountain. Yi Tian was overjoyed. He was afraid that no one would lead the way, but there was an excellent candidate in front of him, so he was in a hurry I hurriedly followed up.

(End of this chapter)

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