
Chapter 685

Chapter 685
Yi Tian, ​​who was at the back of Wanliumen, followed a late Wanliumen Golden Core disciple who was not far ahead, and slowly approached the forbidden area of ​​his sect.

After a short time, he came to the entrance of the forbidden area, and saw a jade card in the man's hand to take a photo of the forbidden area. Suddenly, a white light beam shot straight from the jade card and shone on the barrier of the forbidden area, revealing a seven-foot-tall Then the person entered the forbidden area directly through the gap.

Yi Tian didn't dare to follow too closely for fear of revealing his flaws. After the man entered, he slowly walked forward, looked around for no one, and then sacrificed the Qingling Dharma Eye to search for the forbidden barrier Come.

After a while, I had a calculation in my heart. There are two ways to sneak into it. One is to forcibly open a gap with the seven-needle method of breaking the formation through my own understanding of the prohibition of formations. Nascent Soul cultivator found out.

The second way is to find a way to get a jade card for entering the forbidden area, so that he can enter in a grand manner like the previous Golden Core cultivator.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian was not in a hurry anymore, he just found an inconspicuous corner outside the forbidden area and sat on the ground.He cast concealment spells all over his body to escape into the void, then closed his eyes, slowly opened his consciousness, and waited quietly.

In this way, Yi Tian waited outside the forbidden area of ​​Wanliumen for ten days.During the period, people came to visit here twice, but it was just a good show. Their identities and cultivation bases were not as high as before, but they were forbidden to send a few summons jade slips in.

After receiving the reply, he hurriedly faded away, so Yi Tian was not in a hurry, anyway, he still had to wait for the person with the passing jade card to appear.

Hard work pays off, and it wasn't until nearly half a month later that there was no movement in the restriction. Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting not far away, immediately noticed something happened, and then opened his eyes and glanced at the corners of his mouth showing a little joy.

I saw that Jindan cultivator was holding a jade card on the inner side of the ban and was opening the ban. After he put away the barrier formed by the jade card, Yi Tiancai stood up and walked up slowly, and followed him out The forbidden area of ​​Wanliumen.

After a while, he came to the path of the back mountain, and Yi Tian's spiritual sense sensed that there were no other monks approaching in a three-mile radius.Then the corner of his mouth twitched and his whole body teleported to the back of the Golden Core cultivator.

Suddenly, the space around him twisted a few times strangely, and the movement of the Golden Core cultivator seemed to be frozen in the air, and he remained motionless in the air.

Then he saw the storage ring on his fingertips quietly opened, and a cyan spiritual power appeared out of thin air and stretched into the storage ring. After a while, he saw a white light flying out of it and then directly submerged into the void.

Less than ten breaths later, the Jindan cultivator's body returned to its original state, and then he stepped on the ground, his face showed a slight strange color, but he turned around and checked to see if he found anything. He took a step and walked quickly towards the front mountain.

After his figure gradually disappeared from the field of vision, there was a twist on the originally empty path, and the figure slightly appeared after three breaths.At this time, Yi Tian held the forbidden jade token in his hand and looked it up and down, then disappeared from the air again with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

A moment later, Yi Tian came to the front of the restriction again, and then slowly gathered the jade tablet with his left hand and injected a spiritual power into it with his right hand, then activated it.

After three breaths, a gap slowly opened in the white halo of the restriction, a gleam flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and the whole figure shook before disappearing outside the restriction.

After entering the forbidden area, Yi Tian looked around and found that the concentration of spiritual energy around this place was several times stronger than that of the outside world, but there was a small path in front of him.

Not long after walking, Yi Tian glanced over a damaged stone tablet, and immediately stood in awe, walked forward quickly and stretched out his hand to gently brush the weeds off the stone tablet, and then saw some strange words on it Come.

A closer look showed a little understanding on the face, and some words of spiritual world could be vaguely seen on these damaged stone tablets.Fortunately, I have long been familiar with the spiritual world text, and I can recognize all the text recorded on it at a glance.

After stopping for a while, Yi Tian took out a jade slip and began to expand these spiritual world texts.After reading it slowly, Yi Tian couldn't help but have a preliminary understanding of the process of building the Feisheng Platform.

According to the description on this stele, after the Lihuo Patriarch descended from the Upper Spirit Realm, he settled the beast tide on the Tianlan Continent and then built the Zixiao Temple, which is the original site of the Lihuo Sect. After that, he chose three spirits The Feisheng Terrace is built on the top of Longteng Mountain where the veins meet.

Yi Tian's heart skipped a beat. The Longteng Mountain referred to on the stele is probably the current Qiyao Mountain. The strong spiritual power around it must be caused by the introduction of the intersection of large spiritual veins.

Read on. The stele also records that the ancestor Lihuo once chose to go to the heart of building wood in southern Xinjiang, the seabed fine gold produced in the abyss of the East China Sea, the underground moist soil in the West Yellow Plain, and the guishui source spar in the North Plain, etc. Tiancaidibao was able to build it.

But all monks in this world who need to ascend to the spirit world can go directly to the corresponding spirit world through this ascension platform.

Yi Tian frowned after reading this, he already knew that there might be more than one place in the upper spirit world, but according to the record on this stone tablet, the Ascension Platform actually has such a function.He thought secretly in his heart: "So those monster races want to ascend to the demon world, and it's no problem for Buddhist sect disciples to go to the Buddha world."It's just that if the ascension platform can be connected with so many interface channels at the same time, then its construction structure must be unusually complicated.At least this one-to-many interface channel is definitely beyond what I understand. '

After reading further, the expression on Yi Tian's face became more and more dignified. After half the payment, he sighed and shook his head silently.After thousands of years of wind and rain, the information that can be read from this stele is not complete, and I can only vaguely record those clear records.

But about a quarter of the handwriting at the end of the inscription has become blurred, and no matter how much I explore, I can't decipher the original sentence, but there are a few words on it, and my face changes slightly after reading it. And thought about it a little bit.

After engraving this part on the jade slip, Yi Tian wrote down a few words at the end, "the wheel of the interface." This name appeared most frequently among the last messy inscriptions, and he had a reason I believe that the reason why the Ascension Platform can be one-to-many together with many spiritual worlds should have a great relationship with this "wheel of interface".

Recalling that there should also be a "wheel of interface" at the small flying platform where the King of Eagles is trapped, it seems that the most important thing is to investigate this thing clearly.

After recording, Yi Tian turned around and walked forward slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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