
Chapter 686

Chapter 686
In the forbidden area of ​​Wanliu Gate, Yi Tian cast a secret spell and walked slowly towards the depths. After going down the path, he didn't find any remaining buildings of the Ascension Platform.

It wasn't until I got close to the top of the mountain that I found some gravel debris on the side of the road. I went forward and scanned it with my spiritual sense, and my face showed a bit of disappointment.The spiritual world texts left on these wreckages are already incomplete, no matter how Yi Tian scanned them with his divine sense, he couldn't find any clues.

Later, I walked along the path all the way to the front of a mountain depression, and then I found a stone platform with a radius of ten feet in the middle of the mountain depression, and a thatched hut was built on the stone platform.

Although Wan Yang, the suzerain of Wanliumen, must live in that thatched hut, Yi Tian still walked slowly towards the platform after performing the secret of invisibility with his cultivation base.

After walking close to the platform, Yi Tian stopped at the outer edge of the platform and glanced over the stone platform, and could vaguely see a faint pattern, but after so many years, many places have been missing.

At this time, there was some fragrant medicinal smell from the thatched hut, so it goes without saying that Wan Yang was making alchemy.Yi Tian didn't want to reveal his whereabouts, so he walked around the platform, but kept his eyes on the patterns left on the stone platform, and remembered these patterns one by one in his heart.

After taking a look around, Yi Tian thought that he had memorized all these patterns in his heart, and then he turned around and prepared to visit other places.

Suddenly the door of the thatched hut was opened, and a thin old man walked out of it, looking around and showing a thoughtful look on his face.

After coming here for a while, the frowning brows were slowly relaxed, and then the spiritual power in his body revealed that the whole figure suddenly blurred for three breaths and disappeared in front of the hut.

Not long after Wan Yang left, a few ripples suddenly appeared in the space in a corner not far behind the hut, and then a translucent figure appeared.

After a 'swish', he rushed towards the door of the hut, and after less than ten breaths, he rushed out of the house like a gust of wind.

Originally, Yi Tian was only here to find clues to the Ascension Platform, but this room happened to be built in the middle of the Formation Platform.I don't know that Wan Yang did it on purpose. When Yi Tian walked into the house, he found that the aura here was more intense than anywhere else in the outside world.

After scanning with his spiritual sense, he discovered that there is a pill furnace in the house, and the bottom of the pill furnace is the place where the spiritual power gathers.It's just that there still seemed to be some pills being refined in the pill furnace, so I didn't dare to get too close, lest I disturb the stable state of spiritual power and make some noise.

After seeing it, they hurried out of the hut. For these alchemists, the longer they stayed, the greater the possibility of their whereabouts being exposed.

Not long after he got out of the hut, Yi Tian suddenly found that two spiritual pressure fluctuations were flying towards his direction, and the people who came were all Nascent Soul mid-stage monks.

Shocked, he hurriedly turned around and fled to the bushes on one side, not daring to mobilize his spiritual power easily here, even a slight strangeness would arouse the other party's suspicion.

After ten breaths, only two rays of light fell in the sky, and after the halo dissipated, two figures appeared.After Yi Tian glanced over, his face froze, and the person who came was actually Hao Ji from the Hehuan Sect.

To be honest, since I came to Zhongzhou, the last thing I want to meet is her. Coincidentally, after being exposed by her last time, I secretly pay more attention to this.

Moreover, she had promised her that she would help her repair the acacia bell, but there was no chance to meet her again after this incident, so she just chose to forget about it.

This time, I didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse to meet him under such circumstances, and then Yi Tian restrained his breath to minimize the fluctuation of his spiritual pressure, and then stopped in place.

I saw that Hao Ji talked with Wan Yang for a few words, and the latter went straight back to the hut as if to check the condition of the alchemy furnace in the house.As for Hao Ji, she stood at the door of the hut and did not enter. After looking around for the next four weeks, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in her eyes.

Shaoqing could only smell a scent of pills wafting out from the thatched hut, probably Wan Yang was releasing his pills.With a roar, Wan Yang rushed out of the hut and looked around, with a look of anger in his eyes.

But in his mouth he shouted: "Where is the thief who dares to enter the old man's place of Qingxiu, and doesn't show up quickly."

Yi Tian suddenly showed a little puzzled look on his face, but he didn't make any reaction, he just hid his figure in an inconspicuous corner.In my opinion, Wan Yang might have noticed something suspicious but couldn't find his whereabouts.

With a glaring expression on his face, he stretched out his divine sense and skimmed over every plant and tree in the valley, and he didn't notice anything strange for a long time.Suddenly Wan Yang turned his head and said to Hao Ji: "I implore fellow Taoists to help the poor find this unexpected guest."

Yi Tian saw that Hao Ji had obviously found him, but he didn't want to offend Wan Yang, so he thought about it before asking, "How did you know that someone penetrated?"

Wan Yang said resolutely: "Daoist friend, I don't know that this old man has a characteristic in alchemy. The spiritual pressure around the alchemy furnace must be stable to be able to hold it. When the alchemy was released just now, it was obvious that a little bit of spiritual power was mixed in. It goes without saying. Someone sneaked in, although this person was very careful to control the fluctuation of spiritual power to a minimum, but based on my 500-year immersion in alchemy, the feeling when I came out of the alchemy is not wrong."

So Hao Ji also showed surprise on her face, and Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding aside, even showed a little surprised look on her face. I didn't expect that there are many capable people in this Zhongzhou boundary, and I was so careful that I still showed some flaws in the end. Come.

But it was obvious that Hao Ji seemed to be covering herself up, and she didn't directly agree to Wan Yang's appeal.Suddenly, Wan Yang's face changed and he said in a solemn voice: "Fellow Daoist is evading this, is it because he has an old relationship with the person who sneaked in, or is he trying to stay out of it? Some attitude."

After hearing this, Hao Ji's face remained calm, but she was obviously hesitant. It seems that Wan Yang also took advantage of her weakness this time.Later, I saw her nodding helplessly, then turned around and shouted at a blank space: "Fellow Yi Tian, ​​please show up."

After a sigh came out of thin air, a ripple suddenly appeared in the air where Hao Ji and Wan Yang looked, and then the outline of a figure slowly appeared, and after ten breaths, Yi Tian's original appearance was revealed.

Yi Tian said slowly: "Fellow Daoist Haoji hasn't seen you for many years, are you okay?" Then he said to Wan Yang: "I came here uninvited, Fellow Daoist Wan, forgive me."

After listening to the latter, he sized it up with his divine sense, then showed a bit of fear on his face, and looked at Hao Ji beside him before he said helplessly: "Fellow Daoist, I'm afraid it's not a gentleman's job to come here without invitation. "

(End of this chapter)

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