
Chapter 689 entanglement

Chapter 689 entanglement
Three days later, after leaving Wanliumen, Yi Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief. This area is indeed guarded by Lihuo Yumai, and the ancestors of Wanliumen are also descendants of Lihuo Zongdan Pavilion, but 3000 years have passed Afterwards, the other party's attitude will change more or less, and they will no longer treat the heirs of the suzerain's direct line as they did back then.

For this point, Yi Tian interpreted Wan Yang's attitude one by one and came to a conclusion in his heart. If he can take advantage of the trend, he will definitely invest in Wan Liumen. Of course, there will be a lot of costs involved, but It's up to man to see how he will deal with these intricate relationships in the future.

But Wan Yang's last sentence reminded himself that Yi Tian thought over and over again and thought that the trip to the ancestral land of Zhongzhou was absolutely unavoidable.But 3000 years have passed, but I don't know how many things can be found in that ancestral land.

Flying slowly into the mid-air, Yi Tian took out the jade slip of the map and put it in his hand. His face twitched after he glanced at it. He hadn't deliberately looked for the Lihuozong site before, but now he took it out and found that there were three places in the Zhongzhou mainland that were destroyed. A red circle is obviously drawn, and the words Lihuo Ruins are marked on the side.

However, it is not known where among the three places are the former sites of the Ancestral Hall and the Cangjing Pavilion, so I can only go to explore in turn.

These three places are located tens of thousands of miles away in the three directions of Qiyao Mountain, Northwest and Northwest respectively.It would take at least a long time if I just walked around like this non-stop. Yi Tian also showed a bitter expression when he thought of this, and finally shook his head helplessly, so he should choose Zhengdongfang first.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly realized in his consciousness that someone was rapidly approaching his position, and he didn't need to guess to know that it must be Hao Ji from the Acacia Sect.

Wan Yang found out the money that was entrusted to her before, and Yi Tian was also very upset.But this woman is obviously powerful and has many secret techniques to see through her concealment techniques, and she even revealed the joint relationship between herself and Wan Yang in one word, so she can't afford to offend.

After waiting in the air for a while, Yi Tian saw a pink light flying towards him from not far away, and after ten breaths, it stopped in mid-air twenty feet away in front of him.

After the halo dissipated, Hao Ji's real body was revealed, and she only heard her laughing for a while, but her divine thoughts passed over her body several times before she said: "You Daoist Yi is indeed Lihuo authentic, compared to that Lu Jinyuan, it's really good!" It is more than one or two points stronger, to be honest, even if I want to marry a concubine and pay for the Hehuan sect, I am willing."

Yi Tian twitched when he heard this, but he didn't dare to offend her, so he replied with a helpless smile: "Fellow Daoist Haoji was joking, I already have two Taoist companions, I'm afraid it's a blessing to bear it."

"Oh, that's right, I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Yi to be a romantic seed," Hao Ji said disapprovingly, "Then one more is not too many and one is not too many, so the concubine can recommend herself to be a third wife."

To be honest, Yi Tian has never seen such a thick-skinned person. Fortunately, he is still working hard to nourish his energy, no matter how Hao Ji teases him that he accepts everything according to the order, but he still looks like he doesn't eat oil and salt.

After some conversation, Yi Tian also learned that last time he agreed to help repair the acacia bell, but he released others afterwards. This time, Hao Ji was determined to block people here.

However, Yi Tian wondered why Haoji and other people chose him instead of choosing him. With this question in mind, he asked straightforwardly: "As far as I know, Daoist Haoji has a lot of capable weapon refiners on the Zhongzhou mainland. Why do you only choose?" Are you staring down?"

Hao Ji stretched out her right hand lightly, only to see a three-inch golden bell in her hand.Shake it lightly, and then there will be a crisp and pleasant sound, and then he said: "Yi Daoyou, do you really think that this thing can be repaired by just finding a high-level craftsman?"

Yi Tian shook his head and asked puzzledly: "Is there any secret that is not good enough for outsiders?"

Only then did Hao Ji straighten her expression and said: "The acacia bell of our school is a treasure handed down by the founder of the mountain. It has been thousands of years, and the spirit of the weapon has already been bred in it. It's just that every time I find the refiner, the spirit of the weapon will appear. You showed a disdainful look, but when you appeared, Qi Ling acted uncharacteristically, as if he had recognized it, and this repair job must be done by you."

It turned out that this is the case, Yi Tian immediately looked thoughtfully at the acacia bell in Hao Ji's hand, and after passing by his consciousness, he was surprised to find that the traces of the inscription on the object looked very familiar.When I took a closer look, my heart was agitated. I had seen the inscription on it before, and after careful analysis, I found that the method of depicting it did not look like it was branded on it with an inscription pen.

The lines of the inscription are uniform in thickness and powerful, and they are also engraved together when refining and molding.The answer is obvious, this thing is obviously made by Li Huo Sect, and the refiner used the sect's secret method 'Concentration and Concentration', that's why the technique inscribed on it looks so familiar.

But the thing that has been bred in 3000 years has been born. I have read so many artifact refining classics and I have never heard of such absurd things. Looking at Hao Ji's appearance, it doesn't look like she is cheating, there must be something strange in it.

After thinking about it, he said straightforwardly: "Fellow Taoist, can you hand over the Acacia Bell to me for inspection."

"You are welcome," Hao Ji gently raised the acacia bell in her hand, and it turned into a white light and flew towards Yi Tian.Yi Tian stretched out his hand to lightly catch the move after flying in front of him three moves away, and then slowly controlled it and placed it in front of him.

As soon as the outgoing divine sense touched the acacia bell, the spiritual weapon slowly shook, and then a childish sound sounded from it, and was transmitted directly to Yi Tian's mind through the divine sense.

I only heard that playful voice saying: "Why is it you, that old ghost Li Huo?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian was startled suddenly, with an unbelievable look on his face.Naturally, she couldn't hide it from Hao Ji who lived beside her in such a shock, but this woman is also an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years. Her ability to observe words and expressions is unmatched, so she didn't make a sound to disturb her at the moment, and let Yi Tian do whatever she wanted for.

Surprised, Yi Tian knew that he had lost his composure, and it seemed that he couldn't evade it this time, so he decided to directly communicate with the weapon spirit through his spiritual consciousness.After some exchanges, I realized that this thing is a spiritual weapon brought from the lower realm by the ancestor Lihuo. It is no worse than the Haotian mirror in his hand in terms of grade, but it was handed over to the ancestor of the Acacia Sect as his natal spiritual treasure.

Seeing that there seemed to be a corner missing around the acacia bell, so that the incomplete spirit pattern made it difficult to exert its full strength, Yi Tian made up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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