
Chapter 690 Opportunity

Chapter 690 Opportunity
Outside the Wanliu Gate, Yi Tian was blocked by Hao Ji, so he had no choice but to stay and talk to her.Looking at the Acacia Bell in his hand, Yi Tian felt a little turmoil in his heart, he didn't expect this thing to be connected with his sect.

And that Qi Ling seems to be eyeing him. I'm afraid that this time it really fell into the crotch of the yellow mud.

After turning around to look at Hao Ji, Yi Tian asked, "Why was there no spirit in it when I saw this spirit weapon last time?"

"Qi Ling is not awake all the time. Even I can't wake it up when it falls into a dormant state, but I don't know why it suddenly awakened after seeing you this time," Hao Ji replied.

After playing with the acacia bell, Yi Tian said to himself: "Could it be that the old guy Wan Yang's skills awakened him, and then he relied on me again."

Hao Ji nodded thoughtfully and replied: "That's true. Wan Yang is not like you who always hold back your aura to prevent others from identifying you. When I entered the Wanliu Gate and saw Wan Yang as a weapon spirit, I was awakened. But the strange thing is that when it sees you, its reaction is more than ten times more active than that of Wan Yang, so I guess you and Wan Yang must be of the same origin. To be precise, he is just a branch. You should be the descendant of the direct line, I Are you talking about the successor of Li Huo Sect?"

"I'm practicing the Qiankun Yuhuo Sect's kung fu method, fellow Daoist Haoji, you must have missed your mark," Yi Tian said pretending to be calm.

"It's true that my concubine got away with it for you last time, but this time Qi Ling personally confirmed that she was definitely right," Hao Ji replied with a smug expression on her face.

In this way, Yi Tian didn't want to make any further distinctions on this issue, anyway, it was getting darker and darker.Shaoqing then changed the subject and said, "Last time I remember explaining to you about the precious materials needed to repair the aura."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Hao Ji's face at this point, and then she replied: "Back then you mentioned the three treasures of obsidian black iron, meteorite iron and deep sea ice crystal refining, and I have already collected almost all of them. .”

Seeing her hesitating so much, Yi Tian knew that there must be a follow-up, and then said with a smile: "It's almost the same. How much difference is it? Could it be that fellow Taoists haven't gathered all the treasures yet, you must know that I promised you to repair it, and I also provided The inscription liquid, but this repairing precious material is the job of fellow daoists."

Hao Ji took out a storage bracelet, put some precious materials in it, and threw it over. Yi Tian reached out to catch it and opened it. After a while, his face sank and he said: "This meteorite iron is enough, Obsidian Xuan The iron is still halfway, but the most critical deep-sea ice crystals have never been seen."

"Fellow Daoist said that I have already found the whereabouts of the black obsidian black iron. It is not difficult to get it at a small price. As for the deep sea ice crystals, it is more troublesome," Hao Ji said helplessly.

After hearing this, Yi Tian asked casually: "Fellow Daoist, do you have any unspeakable secrets?"

"Yes, although Zhongzhou mainland has an area of ​​10,000+ miles, it is surrounded by [-] mountains on all sides, and the outside is the land of four fields. Now there are only three places facing the sea, Dongao, Xihuang and Nanjiang. You can go deep from these places. Deep-sea ice crystals were found on the bottom of the sea," Haoji explained.

"So where is Taoist Haoji going to search in the sea?" Yi Tian asked.

"Actually, Nascent Soul monks often travel to the mainland of Zhongzhou in the land of four wilds. During the period, they often bring some rare treasures to exchange for special products in Zhongzhou." It's just that the conditions offered by the other party are too harsh, and the concubine will not be able to meet them in a while."

So Yi Tian understood Hao Ji's meaning after a little thought in his heart, and now he came to the door obviously because he wanted to help him.Moreover, the conditions offered by the other party must not be simple. It is estimated that she approached Wan Yang this time probably because of this matter.

But after thinking about it before and after, I felt a little unhappy in my heart. Originally, I had to work hard on my relationship, but now I even have to help find the materials together. There is no such good thing in the world.I still have a lot of things waiting to be resolved here in Zhongzhou, so I am being held up by Hao Ji, I really don't know when it will be over.

Seeing the solemn look on Yi Tian's face, Hao Ji also felt that this matter was a bit troublesome. Originally, she had to be principled when asking for help, but this time she broke the rules a little. The other party was convinced.After a while, he chuckled and said, "Did fellow Daoist Yi know that there has always been a group of Nascent Soul cultivators in Zhongzhou to explore the Lihuo Ancestral Land? I have negotiated with the seller to go to the Lihuo Ancestral Land to explore together. Ice crystals are the reward."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's face was calm, but there was a glint of haze in his eyes, and he thought in his heart, "It's not easy to come to Lihuozu Land, and there are not a few people who have this idea."It is estimated that Lu Jinyuan is powerless about this matter, otherwise, why would he watch these Nascent Soul monks go to his ancestral land to search for treasures. '

Since Li Huo Zongna was involved here, he couldn't just sit by and watch, and he originally wanted to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion behind Zixiao Hall.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian showed a little surprise on his face and said: "Fellow Daoist Haoji, explain the matter clearly first, I am considering whether to help."

"Fellow Daoist, please listen to my concubine's details, I think you will not miss this opportunity because of your background." Seeing that Yi Tian seemed to let go of what he said, Hao Ji's face became much better.

"Is it necessary to wait for the opportunity to investigate the ancestral land of the Lihuo Sect? Please ask fellow Taoists to clear up the confusion," Yi Tian said.

In this way, Hao Ji explained in detail the method of entering the Lihuo Ancestral Land without concealing it. It turns out that Zhongzhou has been explored and there are countless Lihuo Zong relics, but most of them are small mansions, and those inside The private caves opened by disciples of the sect are the main ones.

Immediately, Yi Tian thought in his mind that the relic courtyard and dark storehouse he surveyed before also belonged to this kind of situation.The largest remaining Lihuo relics in Zhongzhou are the three places I found on the map, but these relics of Lihuozong are protected by restrictions, so it takes a lot of effort to get in.

As for the prohibition outside these ruins, Yi Tian knew that it must be the part left by the Li Huo Sect's mountain protection array. In this way, he, the current lord of the Li Huo Sect, would have more opportunities after entering.

Hearing Hao Ji's words, Yi Tian had some thoughts in his heart. Originally, his idea of ​​sneaking into the ancestral land alone was completely unrealistic.

The prohibition of the Protectorate Grand Formation will weaken every 500 years, and these Nascent Soul cultivators in Zhongzhou took this opportunity to forcibly open a passage at the weak node of the prohibition.

Moreover, these three relics cannot be opened at the same time. Every 500 years, there will be a weakening of the prohibition that will allow people to take advantage of it.And this time, I don't know if it is the Zixiao Palace in the ancestral land of the Lihuo Sect. If it is not, then it will have to wait another 500 years.Yi Tian couldn't help feeling bitter about this, but he was helpless, and finally agreed to Hao Ji's proposal temporarily, but the details had to be discussed later.

(End of this chapter)

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