
Chapter 691

Chapter 691
The originally sunny scene around a nameless and inaccessible barren mountain in the depths of Zhongzhou was covered by an inexplicable mist.

The range derived from the mist was not large, but it covered a radius of fifty miles around, and then the spirit beasts in the area scattered and fled until they escaped from the area covered by the mist.

A gleam of golden light appeared on the top of the mountain in the center, and soon disappeared directly in the vast white mist. If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that it is a formation disk embedded on the top of the mountain.And halfway up the mountain, a phantom concealed a small cave.

The person who opened up the cave was Yi Tian, ​​and after making several agreements with Qi Yaoshan, both parties left behind the Jade Talisman of Communication.There are still 20 years before the weakening of the Huozu land restriction, Hao Ji needs to take advantage of this spare time to make up the full share of obsidian black iron, so she bids farewell first.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he wanted to take advantage of this time to prepare well. After entering the ancestral land, who knows what he will encounter, making full preparations is the best choice.

Sitting cross-legged in the newly opened cave, Yi Tian showed the three-headed and six-armed body of Asura, then took out the Zixiao lamp and put it in front of him, gently stretched out his hands, put a trace of white flame on it and began to sacrifice.

The other two sides were not idle, took out the Prajna Kuchan and put it in front of the quiet head and began to study it. The spiritual power in the body was also slowly running, and it was bound to make full use of the time.

Moreover, since Yi Tian started to practice distractedly, he found that the potential of his Asura real body seems to have not been fully tapped.The most obvious thing is that when the head on the left recites Prajna Kuchan, the efficiency of practicing is [-]% higher than that of the other two sides.

And whenever there is any topic that needs to be studied or the spirit weapon forged, it is more appropriate to use the wise head on the right to deal with it. At that time, the thinking will become clearer, and the spirit weapon refined in the hand will be smoother.

And the peaceful side in the middle is used for majoring in exercises, and it is not easy to arouse distracting thoughts in the heart or draw out demons when encountering bottlenecks and setbacks.

Qin Mingyue had mentioned before the military solution back then that the Asura form he cultivated was mainly for killing and attacking, and often the power of the spells would be [-]% higher than normal, which would be very beneficial in battles.

And the dharma body that I have cultivated seems to be focused on cultivation and assistance, and when fighting with others, there will not be too much effect of strengthening the skills on my body.

The greatest effect of Asura's physical appearance was originally reflected in the battle, but when it came to me, it turned into a different look. Although this may be a disadvantage, it might be an advantage if you look at it from another angle. At least you can practice the secret arts and supernatural powers yourself. Or refining spirit weapons to achieve wonderful results.

The biggest harvest in recent years is the jade box that was collected from the previous dark vault. At that time, in order to avoid suspicion, he specially asked Flying Mouse to help him choose. Flying squirrel's vote.

Unexpectedly, this kid was also clever. After talking with him afterwards, Yi Tian also noticed that the spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body and heart rate were very stable, and there was no abnormality that would occur when lying.

He took out the jade box and put it in front of the head on the right side, then stretched out his hand and slowly uncovered the seal talisman on it. When the jade box was opened, the divine sense quietly stretched in to check it, and his face suddenly showed some ecstasy.There is actually a dark ore in it.It's just that there are dots of shining starlight on it, which is very close to the appearance of the star crystal described in the ancient books.

Slowly took out this piece of ore and weighed it in his hand, and the smile on Yi Tian's face became stronger, but he described the star crystal essence in his mind. , starting with ice and cold is a non-attribute material, which can be integrated into spiritual weapons of any attribute.

To be honest, since the Taiyuan Sword was shattered, I don't have any weapons at hand. Although I still have the Haotian Mirror, Zixiaozhan, Sun and Moon Two Wheels and Five Vulcan Fans in my hand, these things are too big. Take it out and it will be recognized by people.

On the contrary, Taiyuan Sword is easier to use, and I can also use the Lihuozong Kungfu to activate the Yaojian Technique, so it must be even more powerful.In addition, since entering Zhongzhou, he has been carrying the banner of Qianlingzong, so it is really a pity for Qianlingyuan to have such a name.

And sooner or later, they will face him. At this time, it is better to take the opportunity to discredit Qianlingzong and put eye drops on them to make them bad.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian took out the rest of the auxiliary materials in the storage ring. Although the 'forged keel' was missing, the broken bones of the seventh-level demon dragon in his hand could also be used as substitutes.

Spit out a trace of white flames from the mouth to sacrifice in the palm of the hand, and then throw the saved bones of the demon dragon into the sacrifice one by one.

As expected, everything in Nanming Lihuo is not inflammable, but the grade of the keel is not low. Although it was put in the fire and refined, its softening speed was unusually slow.

For this reason, Yi Tian had to be patient and maintain the output of spiritual power to ensure the strength of Nanming Lihuo. It took about three days to burn and dissolve it into a pool of white bone fluid.

Then he took out the Taiyuan sword with his left hand, and slowly poured the keel fluid on it with his right hand. The off-white bone fluid slowly seeped in along the cracks on the Taiyuan sword and was completely absorbed after a while.Suddenly, a dragon's power burst out from the body of Taiyuan Sword, and Yi Tian forcibly took him back later.

After doing this, he turned his gaze to the star crystal essence. This palm-sized piece of mineral needs to be forged into the body of the Taiyuan Sword as much as possible.

After urging Nanming Lihuo in his hand again, Yi Tian stretched out his left hand and pointed at the piece of star crystal essence, only to hear a 'swish', the whole dark ore jumped out of the jade box and flew to the stone on his right hand Among the white flames.

However, the progress of refining the star crystal essence this time was extremely slow, many times longer than the time I expected. It took a whole ninety-nine and eighty-one days to initially burn the ore into a slime-like appearance. He drank a few pots of spiritual wine non-stop for a few days before he could maintain Nanming Lihuo's intensity.

His eyes swept across the slimy star crystal essence, and Yi Tian's face showed a little bit of bitterness. He had never encountered such a perverted material before, and he didn't know how much it would take to completely burn it, refine it, and compress it into a liquid state. How much spiritual power.

But on the other hand, if such seventh-level materials can be integrated into the body of the Taiyuan Sword to help strengthen it, the power after refining must be extraordinary.Thinking of this, Yi Tian showed a bit of determination on his face, and went through the description of the characteristics of Star Jingjing again in his mind.Then he picked up the jug with his left hand and took another sip of the spirit wine, and the real fire flashed again on his right hand, immediately increasing the power by three points.

(End of this chapter)

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