
Chapter 693 Old News

Chapter 693 Old News
In the depths of Luojiu Mountain Peiyun Ridge Yi Tian just arrived, but the other party revealed the origin, and he was taken aback for a moment, and turned to glance at the man in the cloak.His spiritual sense couldn't find out the reality of the other party, but his tone sounded like a visitor from the Western Wilderness.

I remember that when I was in the Excalibur Sect, I didn't have much fame, how could I be missed by a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.After thinking for a while, he slowly raised his hand to bow to the man and said: "When I was young, I traveled to the Western Wilderness and refined a few decent spiritual weapons, but I didn't make such a big one as your Excellency said. fame."

The man slowly took off the burqa on his head to reveal a pale face, and then said with a slight smile on his face: "This old man is Dugu Tianfeng, that kid Duguao really lived like a dog at his age. He still thinks he is right The leader of the Western Wilderness, it took 400 years to break through the alchemy and become an infant to achieve the initial cultivation of the Yuanying, this situation is really far worse than that of Yi Daoyou."

Yi Tian finally came to his senses when he heard the other party's self-reported family, but he didn't expect that this person was the Supreme Elder of Tianmo Sect.When I was wandering around in the Western Wilderness, I only heard about it a little bit, but I didn't expect that nearly 200 years later, I would become a figure of the same level as Dugu Tianfeng.

After secretly comparing with the other party in his heart, Yi Tian relaxed his brows. Facing Dugu Tianfeng Neng, he had no sense of oppression. It seems that this old Nascent Soul cultivator is not as strong as imagined, or is I progressed so fast that I left all the monks behind.

Looking directly at the other party, Yi Tian couldn't help laughing, and then said: "I didn't expect Dugu Xiandi to also become a Nascent Soul. It's really gratifying. He will be the suzerain of the Demon Sect in the future."

"That's not what he's thinking about, he's just thinking about how to compete with that kid from the Divine Sword Sect. The two of them have been regarded as rivals since they were young, and they even took about the same time to break the pill and become a baby," Dugu Tian said. Feng said in a deep voice.

Of course Yi Tian knew the person he was referring to. Dugu Ao and Xing Yuan had crossed paths with him when he was in Xihuang back then, but he didn't expect that the two were still competing after so many years.

Turning his gaze to Dugu Tianfeng, this time he traveled thousands of miles to the border of Zhongzhou to catch the line of Hehuanzong Haoji, and he must have a plan for proposing to come to the Lihuozong site.

Thinking of this, he tentatively asked, "Fellow Dugu invited you to break into the Huozong site this time, and it seems that you have made enough preparations. I wonder how we should cooperate this time?"

Anyway, everyone here has the same purpose, so Yi Tian simply asked.After hearing this, Dugu Tianfeng just smiled slightly, then looked at Hao Ji beside him, and gestured.

After the latter understood, he smiled lightly and said, "Since Daoist Yi and Fellow Daoist Dugu know each other, the next cooperation will save a lot of trouble. This time we took advantage of the period when the ban was weakened to break in. The main purpose It is the Dan Pavilion of the Lihuo Sect, and Qie Shen and Daoyou Yi are responsible for clearing the obstacles along the way for Fellow Daoist Dugu, as for the completion of this task after arriving at the Dan Pavilion."

Dugu Tianfeng also said with a solemn face: "I have a map of the North Hall of the Lihuo Sect in my hand. Although it is incomplete, almost half of the area has been ascertained. The most important thing is the alchemy chamber of the alchemy pavilion. , The main purpose of this old man this time is to go to the Yundan room to see if there are any chances left in it."

Hearing this Yi Tianfeng understood Dugu Tianfeng's plan. From the breath, it is not difficult to see that although he is a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, he has been stuck in this bottleneck for at least several New Year's greetings.

There are not a few monks like him, and it will not help to stay closed in the sect like this. It is better to take advantage of the opportunity of the opening of the secret realm on Tianlan Continent to try your luck.

And he even mentioned that he has a map in his hand, which means that at least the seniors of Tianmomen have entered the restriction, which can save a lot of time to explore.

After straightening his expression, Yi Tian turned his head to Hao Ji and asked, "How to solve your deep-sea ice crystal issue?"

After hearing this, Hao Ji turned her gaze to Dugu Tianfeng for a while, and then replied with a smile: "This time, we just need to help fellow Taoist Dugu enter the Lihuo Pill Pavilion smoothly."

Dugu Tianfeng also nodded and said: "That's exactly the case, please help me along the way."

Speaking of which, Yi Tian also understood in his heart that it seems that this journey will definitely not be so easy, otherwise he would not just send Dugu Tianfeng to the gate of Dan Pavilion at the price of these seven-level materials.

It's useless to think too much. At that moment, Yi Tian directly nodded to the two of them, and then only heard Hao Ji say again: "This time, there are three difficulties that Daoist Yi needs to pay attention to."

"Appreciate further details."

"The first is the breaking of the ban. Although the strength of the ban has weakened after three days, the breaking of the ban is still a matter of human effort. If you can't pass this level, let alone go in," Hao Ji continued: "Next, we must be careful to deal with the departures along the way. The Huozong guards the puppets, and the most rare thing is to watch out for other monks who sneak into the forbidden area."

Yi Tian didn't take it seriously and said: "With the three of us working together, is there anyone who will get into trouble?"

"You Daoist Yi doesn't know something," Hao Ji said with a serious face, "The suppression of exercises in the North Hall of the Lihuo Sect is too strong, and those monks who have practiced the fire-type exercises or those who have passed down Lihuo can rely on The advantage of geographical advantage exerts more than [-]% of its power."

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian found that Hao Ji's eyes looking at him became a little eager and yearning. He was shocked, and secretly thought that he might be tricked by her this time.

I didn't expect that there was such a heavy consideration. Doesn't it mean that I can fully display the strength of a late Yuanying monk in this Lihuo ancestral land, and it is really easy for me to deal with Hao Ji.

But the other party is also an old goblin who has lived for hundreds of years. There is no reason not to consider this point. I'm afraid everyone has a back hand. After all, who knows what will happen after entering.

After explaining the matter, the three of them found an open space to sit cross-legged and rested.

In this way, he spent about three days quietly outside the prohibition, until at noon three days later, a violent roar came from a distance of a hundred miles away, waking up Yi Tian who was in meditation.

After opening his eyes and standing up, Yi Tian looked in the direction of the sound track and only heard that the source of the sound was on the edge of the forbidden side in the west.Afterwards, the sound of the bombardment of spells woke up all the people within a radius of [-] miles.

Hao Ji walked forward slowly, turned her head to look at it, and then said disdainfully: "A bunch of idiots again, if Li Huozong's restriction is really so weak, how could it last for 3000 years? The technical content is really low."

Then Dugu Tianfeng also came over and said to the two of them: "It's almost time, let's go." After saying nothing, he rushed towards the foot of Luojiu Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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