
Chapter 694 Pill Pavilion 1 Breaking the ban

Chapter 694 Dan Pavilion breaks the ban
Following Dugu Tianfeng, Yi Tian and Hao Ji quickly followed down Peiyun Ridge, and then the three of them quickly shuttled through the woods.Along the way, Dugu Tianfeng led the way and rushed towards the edge of the restriction.

Yi Tian also quietly let go of his spiritual consciousness while shuttling, and it is not difficult to notice that there are more than a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators running in the same direction in the surrounding area.It's just that everyone kept a distance from each other as if it was tacit understanding. Anyway, the border of this restriction is thousands of miles long, even if there are twice as many monks, it will not appear crowded.

The [-]-[-]-mile journey took less than a quarter of an hour even if it was not by flying. During the period, Dugu Tianfeng directly forcibly cleared the way along the way, but any monsters with short-sighted eyes blocking the way were not all enemies.

By the time the three reached the edge of the restriction, other monks had already begun to break the restriction elsewhere.It's just that Yi Tian used his spiritual sense to realize that basically these monks have selected a weak point of a forbidden node and then started to break the forbidden with brute force.

At this time, Dugu Tianfeng showed a dignified expression, he stretched out his hand and took out four black steel awls, then muttered something in his mouth, raised them with both hands, and tapped a few times towards the forbidden place.

Hearing a few sounds of '嗖嗖', the spirit cones in his hand flew up and pierced towards the forbidden light film, and the next moment Yi Tian could see the four spirit cones arranged in four corners and hit the light film prohibition After that, practice a one-foot-sized arc.Immediately, white lights flashed frequently, and the white restraints in the area surrounded by the four spirit cones vibrated violently.

Seeing this, Dugu Tianfeng showed ecstasy on his face and said: "Just work harder, I guess we may still be the first group of people to enter the restriction," after saying that, he stretched out his hands and struck out several spells towards the spirit awl .

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, saw it in his eyes and couldn't help but look at the spirit awl a few more times in his heart. After sweeping it with his divine sense, he frowned slightly, and thought in his heart, "The inscription on this spirit awl is very similar to his own formation-breaking awl, exactly the same." . '

Just thinking about it, Yi Tian suddenly found that there seemed to be a strong fluctuation of spiritual power three hundred miles away, and the restriction in front of him suddenly shook violently.

Although he didn't know what happened, but Dugu Tianfeng in front of him showed a look of contempt on his face, and said through gritted teeth: "I was preempted by others. This restriction has a self-healing function. It will strengthen the prohibition power and make it more difficult for others to break the formation."

Unexpectedly, this prohibition would have such an effect. Yi Tian saw that the gap opened by the four formation-shattering cones immediately suffered greater pressure, and the gap that was opened before was squeezed to a size of five inches.

Seeing this, Dugu Tianfeng showed some helplessness on his face, and then a stern look flashed in his eyes, he continued to increase the output of spiritual power in his hands, and then slowly opened the restriction gap a little.

Hao Ji on the side also showed a little anxious look on her face. Since someone has already opened the forbidden entrance, her side has lost the opportunity.The so-called step by step, step by step, is it true that this time the opportunity will follow behind others or pick up the leftovers, but it can be seen that Dugu Tianfeng is indeed trying his best to break the ban, and now he can only wait.

After turning around and taking a look, Haoji's eyes suddenly showed a strange look, and saw that Yi Tian took out a formation plate from his left hand and put it in his palm, and also held four pitch-black spirit cones in his right hand to slow down. Slow down.

After a flash of blue light, Yi Tian murmured: "Go," and saw that the disk turned into a ray of light and flew directly to the center of the opening made by Dugu Tianfeng, and the four surrounding spirit cones seemed to be the same as the disk The same root and the same origin generally produced the induction, and the aura on the cone body flourished.

At this time, Yi Tian yelled: "Friend Dugu, stop, wait for me to try," and then manipulated the spirit awl in his hand to stab towards the gap in the gap.

After Dugu Tianfeng stopped the technique in his hand, Yi Tian took full control.A total of eight spiritual cones propped up the gap to the size of two feet, and the forbidden light film in the middle was also removed.

I only heard Yi Tiantian shout: "It's better to wait for a while now." After hearing this, Dugu Tianfeng and Haoji didn't say a word, and their figures turned into a ray of light, and instantly passed through the opened gap and rushed in.

After the two of them entered, Yi Tian sensed in his consciousness that someone was rushing towards his direction at high speed.It was obvious that these people just wanted to grab the entrance, and I and them had no reason to make wedding dresses for others. After thinking about it, the corner of my mouth twitched, and a psychic power appeared on my feet, and I turned into a green glow and slipped in through the gap.

After Yi Tian flashed in, the opened gap quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and when the surrounding people arrived, the restriction was restored to its original state, and there were no traces of it being broken anymore. It has been strengthened, and it is obvious that the change will only occur after someone enters.

After entering, Dugu Tianfeng and Haoji were already waiting by the side. After the three nodded to each other, Dugu Tianfeng took the lead to lead the way and rushed towards the center not far away.

Within the restriction, Yi Tian found that his spiritual consciousness had obviously been greatly oppressed, and it could only extend to ten miles away at most.The fire energy in the surrounding air is extremely active, and practicing the Lihuo sect's secret method here will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

The three of them who followed Dugu Tianfeng didn't dare to jump up and fly high in the sky, at most they just volleyed in the low air.After flying for a while, Dugu Tianfeng in front of him stopped and signaled the two of them to be safe, and then copied two map jade slips and threw them over.

After Yi Tian took the jade slip, he put it on his forehead and passed it quickly with his spiritual sense, and saw that the three of them seemed to have come to an area called Puppet Road.

At this time, there was a roar of spells from an unknown direction in the distance, and Dugu Tianfeng said with a sarcasm on his face: "Although we were one step behind when we came in, the path we took is the shortest, as long as we break through the road ahead The puppet path and the heart-refining path can go all the way to the main entrance of the Pill Pavilion without worry," Yan Ba ​​led the two of them into a passage that was more than ten feet wide.

Yi Tian's spiritual sense moved forward, but he showed some doubts on his face, and said: "Fellow Daoist Dugu, I don't know what has changed in this puppet way. According to my investigation, I haven't seen half a puppet appear."

Dugu Tianfeng immediately took another big step forward, and saw a blurry image slowly appearing on the side of the cliff, and within ten breaths, he realized his real body from the blur.Yi Tian took a closer look and it turned out to be a spirit beast puppet whose strength was in the late stage of Jindan.

I saw Dugu Tianfeng glanced lightly, then stretched out his right hand and flicked the ten fingers of his right hand, and the spirit beast puppet was shaken to pieces in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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