
Chapter 695 Pill Pavilion 2 Keeping the gate

Chapter 695
The entire puppet road is the only way to go up the mountain. If you want to quickly break through and reach the important place of Dan Pavilion, the puppet road and the road to refine your mind cannot be avoided.Fortunately, Dugu Tianfeng also made sufficient preparations, and took out an ancient treasure in the shape of a long halberd to sacrifice in his hand.

In front of him, any puppets that sprang out from the mouth of the stone wall mechanism are basically not the same enemy.It's just that the further they walked back, the slower the speed of the three of them moving forward. Most of the puppets that jumped out before were in the appearance of Jindan Stage, and as they continued to go deeper into the puppet road, the number of these puppets increased.

After walking straight for halfway, a beast-shaped puppet suddenly rushed out from the stone wall, but this time Dugu Tianfeng stopped and turned to Hao Ji and said, "Please also help fellow Taoists to quickly clear these roadblocks."

Yi Tian looked up and saw that the animal-shaped puppet was not big, but judging from the fluctuation of spiritual pressure around it, it seemed that it had reached the category of Nascent Soul Stage, and the puppets that appeared next were probably all puppets of this level.It's no problem to deal with them with Dugu Tianfeng's strength, but it's obvious that he also wants to retain his strength to face the next challenge.

If you want to maintain the current speed, at least two people need to cooperate with each other.Dugu Tianfeng must have kept it in mind when Yi Tian took action to help break the ban just now, so now these clear things don't mean to let Yi Tian take action.

After hearing this, Hao Ji just nodded slightly, and casually took out a soft sword from her waist and sacrificed it in her hand. Suddenly, a pink halo appeared from the sword body, and then converged the spiritual power to about three inches around the sword body.

Haoji replied later: "Fellow Daoist Dugu, let's open the way ahead, and strive to break through the puppet path as soon as possible."

After Dugu Tianfeng heard the words, he shook his right hand and saw a streak of black magic energy gathered on the halberd, which turned into a streak of lightning and condensed in front of him. Dao Jidian took advantage of the situation and slashed from the left to the opponent.

Hao Ji on the right did not show any weakness, and manipulated the soft sword in her hand, which turned into a pink aura and pinched to the right.

Yi Tian didn't care about the puppets blocking the way in front of him. Anyway, if Dugu Tianfeng and Hao Ji shot together, there was nothing that could stop the three of them from moving forward.

Although the spiritual consciousness was suppressed by the prohibition formation and could not extend beyond ten miles, the constant voices in the ears confirmed that more and more monks broke through the outer restrictions and sneaked into the interior.

The three of them were the second group of monks who entered, but now Yi Tian heard at least three sounds of spell explosions, which meant that after the three of them, two more groups of people came in.

For a while, I haven't seen them in a large area in these four weeks, but the probability of encountering them increases greatly as we move towards the direction of Dange.Maybe if you find something good in it, it will be discovered by others before you have time to be happy.

Although the two people in front kept their hands on, half of their spiritual consciousness was also allocated to pay attention to the surrounding situation.Those voices must have been heard by the two of them, and then Yi Tian saw that Dugu Tianfeng's face remained unchanged, but the strength of his technique was secretly increased by three points.

Hao Ji on the side also noticed the change, her brow raised and the flying sword in her hand gradually became sharper.

After the three of them walked forward for a while, they seemed to see the exit of the Puppet Road, but before they could be happy, a stone door suddenly popped out from the surrounding stone walls and opened a stone door.

A puppet in human form came out from the stone gate, dressed in the costume of an inner disciple of the Lihuo Sect, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body stretched out, and immediately stopped the three people in front of him.

Yi Tian looked at the puppet in front of him and saw that the outer shell of its energy core showed a faint blue light, and the exposed limbs were also black and red.

The entire puppet is about eight feet tall and is the same as ordinary people. There is no spiritual pressure coming out of its body, and it is no different from ordinary puppets when it is not moving.But the dignified look on the faces of the three people at this time is even more serious than before, and it is definitely not a simple thing that can be arranged to guard the gate at the bottom of the puppet road.

Dugu Tianfeng looked at it for a while and then said in a deep voice: "I'll try the strength of this puppet first. Fellow Daoist Haoji will sweep the battle for me, and fellow Daoist Yi, please also do it together. I guess it takes three people to get out of the way." We cannot work together."

Hao Ji responded and said: "Fellow Dugu, don't worry, I'm taking care of myself."

Yi Tian just nodded his head in response, and then focused his consciousness on the puppet, trying to find out the truth. At least at this moment, a sense of uneasiness arose in his heart. The puppet in front of him is definitely not Yi's generation.

Suddenly, with a movement of the halberd in Dugu Tianfeng's hand, several thumb-thick black lightning bolts condensed and struck towards the puppet's surroundings.In a blink of an eye, the other party also moved, and it was exactly the same as Dugu Tianfeng's movement, and a red spiritual power halberd actually condensed in his hand.

Immediately, Yi Tian, ​​who was not far away, was startled and secretly sighed, "I didn't expect Li Huozong's puppet technique to reach such a level. The humanoid puppet in front of me can actually imitate the opponent's attack methods. I don't see the puppet's technique." The trick is simply a replica of Dugu Tianfeng. '

What's even more surprising is that the red lightning bolts cast by the puppet's latecomers completely disintegrated Dugu Tianfeng's tricks.It's not more powerful, after three breaths, I saw the red lightning bolt defeating the invading enemy and then greeted Dugu Tianfeng.

Seeing the sudden change in the latter's face, the latter directly opened the protective cover, only to hear a 'crackling' sound. The red lightning hit the protective cover and knocked Dugu Tianfeng back three steps.

After one move, even the monks in the mid-stage Nascent Soul were at a disadvantage in front of this puppet, and immediately made the three people present look scared.

Before Yi Tian could make a move, Hao Ji who was on the side also made a move, raised her right hand and swung the spirit sword in her hand, wrapped in a pink halo, and struck at the puppet.

Sure enough, a red light flashed in the puppet's eyes, and after turning his hands over, he was also condensing a normal-sized spirit sword to perform the same trick mark.

The two spells slammed in mid-air and then made a 'ping-pong-pong' sound. Vigorous waves of spiritual pressure emerged from them and scattered in all directions, arousing bursts of spiritual pressure on the ground where the three of them were standing. Strong wind.

After ten breaths, it was obvious that the spell in Hao Ji's hand was difficult to maintain a high-intensity attacking posture, and the opponent temporarily gained the upper hand, and then her face changed slightly, and she hurriedly waved back her spirit sword.

After the two moves, the three of them all became jealous of the puppet in front of them. Obviously, in terms of strength, this puppet must be stronger than Hao Ji and Dugu Tianfeng, and it will also copy the moves performed by the other party.

If it goes on like this, it is estimated that it will take three people to work together to break through. At this time, Dugu Tianfeng has a serious expression on his face, and Haoji's face is not good-looking, and he turns his head and winks to signal Yi Tian to come up and try.

(End of this chapter)

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