
Chapter 697 Pill Pavilion 4 Encounter

Chapter 697
Standing in front of the stairs of Refining Heart Road, Yi Tian looked at the stone stairs with about a hundred steps in front of him. This road is divided into three columns, but most of the monks who came this time can only pass through the Yuanying area.

Looking for the temper of those powerful members of the Li Fire Sect, if those who came to break through the barrier wanted to steal and play tricks, then the subsequent punishment measures would not be a little bit terrible.

The entire section of stone steps is roughly divided into three floors, and there are two platforms at the [-]th and [-]th steps, which seem to be places for people to rest and recover.After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian said slowly: "I'm afraid the two fellow Taoists will have to rely on their own strengths to cultivate their minds here, and I'm also powerless to help."

After speaking, Yi Tian ignored the reactions of the two of them and went straight to the step where the words "Yuanying" were written, and then he straightened his expression and his whole body's spiritual power began to circulate a little, and then he stepped on the road of refining his mind one step at a time.

At the same time, a white halo emerged from the stone steps and enveloped Yi Tian's body.And Yi Tian, ​​who was inside the halo, just walked up to the second stone staircase and suddenly felt a heavy pressure, and the burden on his back was instantly heavy.After stopping for a while, the spiritual power of the whole body was activated to offset these gravitational burdens, and then Yi Tian began to take the third step.

After such actions, Yi Tian wanted to turn around and say something to the two people behind him, but he opened his mouth and found that his words could not come out of the light film at all.

Dugu Tianfeng and Haoji, who were standing outside Lianxin Road, knew that this place was not easy after seeing Yi Tian's movements at this time, but seeing Yi Tian's mouth moved a few times but failed to hear the sound, Haoji's face showed He said anxiously: "Thinking about it, this road is definitely not as easy to pass as it seems. Yi Daoyou seems to have any information that he wants to convey, but he is blocked by this mind-training road."

Standing aside, Dugu Tianfeng had a dignified expression, and then said thoughtfully: "I know a little bit about lip-speaking skills, and the spoken words of Yi Daoyou seem to remind us that this road is not just as simple as refining the mind. , Gravity constraints will be imposed on the initial stage.”

After thinking about it for a quarter of an hour, Dugu Tianfeng saw that Yi Tian in front of him had reached the end of the first stage and was only a few steps away from stepping onto the first stage platform. The change in his face was because he had adjusted his own state and walked there. Right in front of the stone steps, he said, "You don't need to waste any more time, fellow Daoist Haoji. I have fellow Daoist Yi leading the way, so I'm going to practice my mind." After speaking, he raised his leg and stepped up the stone steps.

Immediately, a white light flashed out from the road of refining the heart and covered Dugu Tianfeng's figure, and then he slowly moved away and walked towards the top of the stone steps.

Seeing this, Hao Ji gritted her teeth and finally made up her mind. She walked up to the heart-refining road, opened her protective cover, and then entered it in a flash, followed Dugu Tianfeng and walked up.

Yi Tian, ​​who was walking in front, felt a heavy burden on his body at this time, and every step he took would consume a lot of spiritual power. Fortunately, he could reach the platform on the first floor in two more steps, and then he could take time to rest and recover Spiritual power.

Just as he was thinking, Dugu Tianfeng and Haoji caught sight of Dugu Tianfeng and Haoji from the corner of his eye. These two were about three quarters of an hour behind him, but the speed of the two of them was not flattering, and it took a long time to take a step.

Shaking his head helplessly, he slowly took another step with his right foot, and suddenly Yi Tian felt the pressure on his back increased by more than [-]% in an instant.After standing still on the last step of the stone ladder, the spiritual power in his body slowly began to flow. Without any hesitation on his face, he raised his left leg again and stepped onto the first step platform.

After walking up completely, the feeling of weight on the back of the whole person suddenly disappeared, and then Yi Tian hurriedly sat on the ground on the stone steps, took out a few pills, put them in his mouth, chewed them up, spit them into his stomach, swallowed them, and then worked silently All these spiritual powers have been refined.

Although Yi Tian can continue to go on, it is better to hide his clumsiness under the current situation.

If the two below find out that there is too much difference in cultivation base, it will inevitably lead to a situation of being too strong and forcing the two to join forces, which is also the last thing Yi Tian wants to see.So it is still necessary to put on a show, and at the same time, it can appease the emotions of the two of them.

After circulating and absorbing all these spiritual powers, he glanced over at the two people and realized that Dugu Tianfeng had already passed the twentieth step, while Hao Ji had only passed half the distance.

Just as he was about to speak a few words to them, he suddenly sensed in his consciousness that someone was approaching him at high speed.Standing up and looking back, I saw two figures appearing on the mountain road three or four miles away.Those two flew close to the ground for a while and arrived at the front of Refining Heart Road within a short while.

After the figure stood still, Yi Tian swept his eyes away, but felt contemptuous in his heart. The person who came was Jing Xue, the deputy leader of the Zhengxing League who had a relationship with him once.He was accompanied by a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, wearing a mask on his face to isolate his spiritual consciousness from the outside, and his true face could not be detected.

But when this person raised his hand, there was a strong fire spiritual power, which reminded Yi Tian of an old friend.But when the masked man saw Yi Tian standing on the stone steps and looking down at the two of them, his body trembled slightly. Although he couldn't see the other's face, Yi Tian could roughly guess the identity of this person in his mind. up.

It's just that he was secretly calculating how to deal with it. Jingxue could deal with it directly. As for the masked man, he was probably Hu Yiyuan from Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect in disguise, but he didn't know what kind of identity he would appear this time.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, it seems that they have not been obstructed before. With this, Yi Tian has a high opinion of Zhongzhou Lihuozong. If he wants to come, Hu Yiyuan must have done enough homework for the exploration here, and knows which way to go It’s easy to go there and you need to break through.

But now that both of them have arrived at the road of refining the heart, it means that this is the only way to go around. After seeing it, Yi Tian decided to ignore it for the time being, and slowly turned around and started to move towards the second stage.

After Jingxue and the masked man lowered their heads and whispered a few words, the expressions on their faces became strangely exciting. They saw that three monks were already walking on the heart-training road in front of them.

Then he summoned a Jindan corpse to control and walk towards the stone ladder marked Nascent Soul Realm. After the corpse stepped forward, the whole corpse shook violently, and only the blood of Jing Jing was seen. He hurriedly manipulated to take back the refining corpse, but the flashing white light on the refining road directly crushed it into a pool of blood, and the whole corpse was firmly nailed to the ground as if sinking into the ground.

After ten breaths, the masked man seemed to move his lips as if he was discussing something with Jing Xue. After the two had a sound transmission conversation for a while, Jing Xue's face darkened, and then he took out a few pills and chewed them in his mouth. At the same time, after a flash, the figure stepped directly onto the stone steps of Refining Heart Road.

At the same time, Dugu Tianfeng and Haoji in front also noticed the situation behind them. They just turned around and glanced slightly, then ignored them and continued to walk up.

(End of this chapter)

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