
Chapter 698 Pill Pavilion 5 Lively

Chapter 698
Yi Tian stood on the high platform on the first floor on the road of refining his heart and looked down at the two Jingxue people from the Zhengxingmeng who came later.

It is the same as before. After walking up the stone steps, a halo covers himself and protects the whole body, but this time he walks up, but there is no sense of weight. On the contrary, Yi Tian only feels that the stone steps in front of him seem to gradually become blurred. In an instant, he was in a white empty area.

Shaoqing was startled and felt as if someone was calling him, so he stopped and took a closer look, unexpectedly Shi Qianwei was standing in front of him.I only heard her yelling in a reproachful tone: "When will you come back to pick up our mother and son? Seeing that you have done good deeds and ignored us for hundreds of years, leaving my mother and son alone in Qianlingzong. of."

Knowing that this was an illusion that occurred on the road to refining his mind, Yi Tian still admired the great power of the seniors of the Li Huo Sect for being able to deploy such a large formation to disturb people's minds.

Fortunately, I had already expelled the inner demons in the secret compartment before, and muttered with a sneer on my face: "This kind of illusion wants to mess with my mind, it really doesn't take me seriously," randomly She raised her hand to dispel the influence of Shi Qianwei in front of her, and then took two steps up without stopping.

At this time, Yi Tian has already passed half of the second stage. Looking back, it seems that Dugu Tianfeng is about to take over the first stage, and Haoji is still a third of the way away.As for Jingxue, he walked so slowly that he didn't even finish the first ten steps. On the contrary, Hu Yiyuan, who was wearing a mask, had a flash of fire on his body, relying on the blessing of the True Flame Armor to bear the weight and walked half of the distance.

Regarding this, Yi Tian couldn't help thinking that if he was also using Li Huozong's spells, he would definitely move faster, but this would be equivalent to exposing his identity, and he wondered what Dugu Tianfeng and Jing Xue would think.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw two golden lights rushing towards the mountain road in the distance, and when the two men walked to the road of Lianxin and appeared, Yi Tian suddenly showed a gleam of light on his face, and it turned out that the person who came was Buddha Monk Huiyuan of Zongzong and Yun Mengyao of Cihang Jingzhai.

I never expected to meet these two people here, but I couldn't send them a message to inform them for a while.

Huiyuan raised his head and saw that Yi Tian who was walking in front suddenly showed a little joy on his face, but he looked awe-inspiring when he saw the appearance of several monks on the road to Lianxin.

Among these people, Haoji from Hehuanzong and Jingxue from Zhengxingmeng even recognized them, but even people with their level of cultivation couldn't break out so quickly on this road of refining their hearts.

After discussing for a while, the two chose the Nascent Soul Stage passage and walked forward.A golden light flashed all over Huiyuan's body, revealing the Buddha's golden yang body method. Suddenly, the skin color of the whole body shone with golden light, and the treasure was so solemn that people dare not look directly at it.

Yun Mengyao, on the other hand, smiled sweetly and covered herself with a layer of baby's Buddha's light, and then the two of them stepped into the road of refining their hearts.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was walking in front, noticed this situation and suddenly his mouth twitched. He didn't expect that there were so many monks who came to Lihuo Zong Dan Pavilion to fight the autumn wind, and many of them had their own friends. What will happen to the court.

Leaving aside the people behind, Yi Tian settled down and started to take another step towards the stone steps in front. After stepping up this time, the mood around him changed again, but the illusions were nothing but the people around him. His parents and grandparents when he was young, his acquaintances in the Chiyang Sect, and even his first wife Liu Piaopiao were not spared.

But all this in front of him seems to have no effect on Yi Tian, ​​since the last time he cut off the inner demon in the dark space, his Dao heart has been strengthened once.So in the second stage of the Heart Training Road, Yi Tian walked smoothly, and it took almost no time to reach the second platform.

Looking back at this time, I found that none of the people behind had reached the first platform. Dugu Tianfeng, who was walking in the front, was still a third step behind, and Hao Ji was always five steps behind him. distance.

However, Huiyuan and Yunmengyao, who arrived later, had surpassed Jingxue and Hu Yiyuan by about twenty steps, and followed behind Haoji.

After some scrutiny, he found that Jingxue had already landed in the last position. After thinking about it in Yi Tian's mind, he realized that the first level of the mind-training road was to test the physical body, and the second level was the Dao Heart. As for the third level in front of him, it I don't know what it is.

But there is only one way in front of me, and it is not my style to stop here.Turning around and looking at the last third of the distance in front of him, Yi Tian stepped up the third step without resting and adjusting.

As soon as I stepped on it, I found that the surrounding scenery had changed, and I seemed to have come to an environment I had never seen before.

Surrounded by a deserted boulevard, Yi Tian walked on this road alone.Not long after, it seemed that some voices in front of him were calling him, but no matter how he ran forward, he still couldn't close the distance.

After walking for a while, Yi Tian felt a little tired, so he stopped on the road, took a breath and looked around again.

Suddenly, he found a figure not far in front of him slowly walking towards him. After opening his mouth and shouting a few times, the figure gradually accelerated, and after a while, he walked not far in front of him and then stopped.

Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that the person in front of him was a seven or eight-year-old child who looked exactly the same as himself when he was young, and was wearing the same clothes as when he was in Hewan Village.

At this time, the child opened his mouth and said: "Why are you still hanging around here, have you forgotten your innate destiny?"

"What destiny? Who are you?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"I am you, and you are me," the child opened his mouth and replied in a childish voice: "Have you forgotten your destiny to enter the world, hasn't the 'Flying Immortal Yin' on your body mentioned you?"

"What is 'Feixianyin'?" Yi Tian just opened his mouth, the appearance of the wooden seal flashed in his mind, and immediately his face darkened: "How do you know that seal is called 'Feixianyin'? Why is this thing Do you want to stay in your body like tarsus maggots to absorb my spiritual nourishment?"

A little smile appeared on the child's face and said: "Have you forgotten all your own things? It's fine if you can't remember, but you have to remember that 'Feixianyin' will always guard you."

After speaking, the influence of the child gradually became blurred, and Shaoqing disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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