
Chapter 707 Pill Pavilion 4 Agreement

Chapter 707
Yi Tian and Hu Yiyuan explained to each other on Lihuo Zongdan Pavilion Square, and the two reached a private agreement.After Hu Yiyuan, Huiyuan and Yun Mengyao left later, Yi Tiancai slowly walked up to greet Dugu Tianfeng and Haoji.

At this time, the eyes of the two of them looking at Yi Tian changed again. Yi Tian knew it well and didn't point it out. He just asked Hao Ji: "I wonder if you got that deep-sea ice crystal?"

Hao Ji nodded, then took out a storage bracelet to put the three materials in together with the acacia bell, and then handed it over.After Yi Tian took the storage bracelet, he stretched his divine sense in and took a glance, only to see that there were three materials and the acacia bell neatly placed inside.

The material can be distinguished from the meteorite iron, the black Yaoxuan iron and the deep sea ice crystal by passing through the material with a little consciousness, and it seems that there is still a surplus in this amount.

After putting away the storage bracelet, Yi Tiancai said slowly: "The things are all in order. After I go out, I need to find a place to attract the real fire from the center of the earth to repair the spiritual weapon."

Hao Ji replied with a smile: "Sect Master Yi will definitely be able to capture it in person, but you kid is really hard to hide from my sister. If I knew your identity earlier, I would be at ease earlier."

"Does Fellow Daoist Haoji still have any troubles?" Yi Tian teased: "Well, I will find a way to get out the pill furnace in the main hall of the Pill Pavilion, and share any pills with you at that time. share."

Hearing this, Haoji's eyes lit up and a smile appeared on her face. After looking up and down Fan Yitian, she replied: "It seems that you are so flattering to my sister. If you recover from the fire sect, what actions will you do?" If it doesn't violate the interests of my Acacia faction, I can turn a blind eye."

Yi Tian was startled and secretly thought that Hao Ji was really powerful, although she was just looking to expose her identity, she had already thought of going so far away.Then he smiled knowingly on his face and said: "Friend Daoist Haoji, my Lihuo Sect and your Hehuan Sect can actually get along well in private. You and I have also met quite a lot and can be regarded as friends."

"Your revival of Lihuozong will definitely cause some big disturbances in Zhongzhou. I don't want to get involved in disputes between right and wrong because of the location of Hehuanzong," Hao Ji blurted out bluntly.

Unexpectedly, the other party would flatly reject it, which made Yi Tian a bit unexpected, but as long as the Acacia Sect is not involved, he will achieve his goal.At that moment, Yi Tian was about to ask questions with a clear face, when suddenly Hao Ji said: "Although Hehuanzong doesn't want to get involved too deeply, but sister, I can make an agreement with you personally, as long as you can afford the price, I can still A helping hand in secret."

Seeing Haoji's witty words, Yi Tian suddenly understood in his heart that she was not letting the rabbit see the eagle.There is also an Acacia old devil in the sect, so she dare not speak too much, and the relationship is clearly separated on the surface, but the relationship is broken in the dark.

But this is in line with my own vision. In the future, I still need to do it myself when I fight against those late Nascent Soul cultivators of the super sects.

At this time, Dugu Tianfeng, who was standing aside, snorted a few times to attract Yi Tian's attention, and he stood up slowly, turned around, glanced over, and moved his lips a few times.

The other party's voice came from Yi Tian's ear: "Sect Master Yi is face to face, and I, Dugu Tianfeng, are blind."

"Fellow Daoist Dugu, why did you say that? It's all up to you to stop Feitian Rakshasa this time. This kind of love is in your heart," Yi Tian also replied slowly through voice transmission.

After hearing this, Dugu Tianfeng showed a little relief on his face, and then he focused his eyes and transmitted the voice again: "I have two things that I would like to ask Sect Master Yi to help."

It will be Yi Tian's turn to change his face, don't say two things, even one thing is probably not something that can be easily done.It's just that this time it became the other party's kindness, and he couldn't refuse it in person.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian realized that the Dugu old ghost in front of him was really a human spirit, and he was afraid that he would be missed by the other party as soon as he showed his real body.And this time he also made the right bet, and he had no reservations when he made a move against Feitian Luosha.

After sighing, Yi Tian had no choice but to nod and transmit the sound transmission: "Fellow Daoist Dugu is serious, let's hear what fellow Daoist needs my help."

After hearing this, Dugu Tianfeng showed a satisfied expression, then stroked his beard and said slowly: "I know that Sect Master Yi and Dugu Ao of my Dugu family are old, the first thing I do is to hope that Sect Master Yi can support the inferior at the right time in the future." Sun inherits the suzerain position."

After hearing this, Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief, this matter is not difficult, and looking at Dugu Tianfeng's appearance, it seems that he is also leaving some hidden hands for Dugu's family, and it seems that the inside of Tianmomen is not what it seems on the surface. It's like an iron bucket.

He replied in a deep voice: "Compared to Dugu Ao, I will stand up for my old friend even if these things are not mentioned by my fellow Taoists." After speaking, he took out a jade talisman of communication and gently handed it to Dugu Tianfeng.

After putting away the communication talisman, Dugu Tianfeng looked at the main hall of the Pill Pavilion and said: "What about the second thing, please Daoist Yi try to open the alchemy furnace in the main hall of the Pill Pavilion, the old man just asks for a pill. "

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Dugu already knew what is refined in this alchemy furnace?" Yi Tian called back: "If so, please explain to me."

"I just need a Peiying Pill," Dugu Tianfeng said, staring at Yi Tian, ​​waiting for a reply.

Hao Ji on the side also showed a little surprise on his face after hearing this, and then a little expectation on his face.Yi Tian felt helpless in his eyes, since it has reached this point, I am afraid that he will not agree.

I just looked back and thought about why Dugu Tianfeng was sure that he could turn on the alchemy furnace. You must know that he had tried several times before entering the main hall, but in the end they all failed.

As for the Peiying Dan mentioned in his mouth, it has a lot of functions for himself. After a quick review in his mind, he found the corresponding description in Wan Zongming's Dan book, "Peiying Dan selects dragon marrow and mixes it with It is refined from three-flavored six-level auxiliary materials, which can be bred in the alchemy furnace for thousands of years without the aura not slackening.Its effect can be effective for monks below the transformation stage, the main function is to strengthen the Nascent Soul so that the Nascent Soul stage monks can break through the bottleneck more easily'.

From this point of view, there should still be some remains in the pill furnace in the main hall of the Dan Pavilion, but I don't know how Dugu Tianfeng found out about it, and how to open the pill furnace.

After thinking about it, Genius asked slowly: "Fellow Daoist Dugu, can you share what you know, but this sect doesn't know that you know everything about the pills left in this pill furnace. As for opening Please also tell me the method.”

As if he knew that Yi Tian had asked this question, Dugu Tianfeng took out a jade slip and threw it to Yi Tian, ​​saying: "You will understand after reading it."

After taking the jade slip, Yi Tian placed it on his forehead and read it quickly with his spiritual sense. After ten breaths, his face became a little cloudy and uncertain, and he turned back and said, "Is it possible?"

"You are the lord of the Lihuo Sect, so how can your own treasures confuse you?" Dugu Tianfeng said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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