
Chapter 708 Pill Pavilion 5

Chapter 708

In the main hall of the Pill Pavilion, Yi Tian, ​​Hao Ji, and Dugu Tianfeng stood apart in a row at this time, and stretched out their spiritual senses to scan the pill furnace in front of them several times.

The jade slip that Dugu Tianfeng took out just now gave the answer Yi Tian wanted. It turns out that this bottle of alchemy furnace is called 'Chiyun' furnace, which was the spiritual weapon in the hands of Wan Zongming, the first person in the Dan Pavilion.

The fire in this pill furnace has been burning for thousands of years, and a batch of medieval 'Peiying Dan' is being conceived in it.You must know that the treasures of heaven, material and earth 3000 years ago were controlled by the Lihuo sect, so the materials must be first-class.

Even if the recipe of Peiying Pill is obtained now, it may not be able to gather the raw materials. What's more, the quality of the raw materials is still quite different from that of 3000 years ago.

Dugu Tianfeng was able to know this matter because his senior from Tianmomen was lucky enough to get one here thousands of years ago, and he also recorded the process of taking the pill in detail at that time.

At that time, the seniors of Tianmomen used the real fire of Tianmo to forcibly open the 'Red Cloud Furnace'. According to the jade slips, there were five pills left in the furnace after one was taken away thousands of years ago.

Now Yi Tian, ​​as the new suzerain of the Lihuo Sect, has cultivated Nanming Lihuo who has become the direct heir of the sect, logically speaking, he should be more confident in opening the furnace to get the pill.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "I'm going to open the furnace to take the pill, and if you find any abnormal situation, you two should take action in time."

"Sect Master Yi's direction, it's old-fashioned," Dugu Tianfeng replied with a serious face.

Hao Ji also suppressed the smile on her face and said solemnly: "Sister, I have been paying attention, you can quickly get the pill."

After listening to this, Yi Tian stopped pretending and walked forward slowly to the Chiyun Furnace at a distance of three feet, then stood still, glanced at the inscription on the furnace cover and found two fire holes.

After sighing lightly, he slowly stretched out his hands and put them together in front of his chest, then muttered words in his mouth and at the same time quickly formed his hands in mudra.After three breaths, two beams of flames, one red and one blue, appeared on the fingertips of the index fingers of the left and right hands at the same time. After the flames condensed and stabilized, Yi Tian's eyes instantly showed a stern look, but he shouted: "Go."

After hearing two 'swish', the red and blue flames sprang out and hovered over the Chiyun Furnace for a while, then aimed at the upper and lower fire eyes of the Chiyun Furnace and flew straight down, hitting the two fire eyes accurately.

Immediately, the entire Scarlet Cloud Furnace began to gradually change. The inscriptions on the outside of the quaint furnace wall seemed to be activated, and the flames on the furnace cover began to light up along the inscriptions.

At the same time, Yi Tian also manipulated the two beams of red and blue flames to quickly walk on the furnace wall. After activating all the outer inscriptions, he recited them again and again with both hands.In between, the left and right hands split and staggered to shoot two spiritual powers towards the fire holes on the two furnace covers.

After the Chiyun furnace was activated, the real fire in the furnace began to tumbling rapidly, and the whole furnace body emitted a little red and white light to illuminate the entire hall as if it were daytime.

The tumbling Huoyan seemed to want to lift the furnace cover and jump out, and the entire Scarlet Cloud Furnace also began to vibrate violently at this time.When Yi Tian saw it, he yelled 'open', and the furnace lid slowly rose more than five inches in response.

Immediately, the spiritual sense hurriedly stretched in through the gap of the furnace cover and saw that five pills were on the bottom of the furnace.When Yi Tiangang wanted to ask Haoji and Dugu Tianfeng to take the pill, he suddenly saw an unbelievable look on the faces of the two of them, and then they retreated more than ten feet and stood in the distance with a look of panic .

Facing the sudden change, Yi Tian was also puzzled by Zhang Er and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Hao Ji had a painful expression on her face, and it was too late to reply for a while.But Dugu Tianfeng replied panting heavily: "This pill furnace is weird, it can actually burn our spiritual consciousness."

Burning the consciousness, a gleam of light flashed in Yi Tian's mind after hearing this, it turned out that the two of them followed the Tao.The real fire left in the Chiyun Furnace actually has such an effect, it is exactly the 'Destroying God Shame Flame' recorded in the Lihuo Sect's secret technique.

I have only seen this supernatural power in the secret books of the sect before. It belongs to one of the secret methods cultivated by Nanming Lihuo when he was a master. The damage to the spiritual sense is not a trivial matter, and it can only be recovered by relying on the power of the pill, otherwise the missing part of the spiritual sense can only be made up after breaking through to the next level through cultivation.

I have nothing to do so should be because I have rested the direct inheritance of my sect so that I can be immune to the invasion of the 'destroyer flame', and then Yi Tian spoke up and comforted: "You two take a rest first, take the medicine of the pill Lend it to me."

After saying that, Hao Ji and Dugu Tianfeng quickly pushed back and found an empty seat near the entrance of the main hall, sat down and checked themselves.

Seeing that they are afraid to release their spiritual sense to investigate the situation in the red cloud furnace, Yi Tian's eyes flashed a white aura and then condensed two white sparks. After humming in his mouth, the white sparks were directly shot into the furnace.

Then he manipulated two balls of Nanming Lihuo to reach the bottom of the furnace, divided the five 'Peiying Pills' into two and three, wrapped them up and pulled them out.

After the two balls of real fire flew out of the furnace, Yi Tian pointed at the furnace cover with both hands and closed the Chiyun furnace.Then hurriedly wiped the flame inscription ring with his right hand and took out three jade bottles to take back the two Nanming Lihuo, took out three 'Peiying Pills' and put them into the jade bottles, and put the caps on them.

After finishing these things, Yi Tian gently gathered two jade bottles, manipulated them and slowly brought them in front of the two of them, saying: "Two friends, this sect has kept its promise, and I hope you can keep your promise."

Hao Ji stretched out her hand to take the jade bottle floating in the air, opened it directly and checked it with her spiritual sense, only to see a crystal-clear pill the size of a longan was placed at the bottom of the bottle, and there was a thin layer of medicine on top of it. Thin danyun and danwen, the whole elixir exudes a long and refreshing fragrance.Slowly parting her lips, she said, "I would like to thank Sect Master Yi for his generosity, so the agreement between us is valid. As long as you are here, I will definitely shut down the Lihuo Sect's revival. Secretly help out."

After hearing this, Yi Tian just twitched his mouth, thinking that he took the pill this time in exchange for a promise from Haoji, but for the time being, it can only go to this point, as long as the Acacia Sect does not come out, it will lose a late Nascent Soul cultivator threatened.

Dugu Tianfeng reached out to take the jade bottle and retrieved it, and then said with a little ecstasy on his face: "Sect Master Yi is indeed a trustworthy person, so the old man will be disrespectful. From now on, if you leave the Fire Sect As long as I, Tianmomen, can help me with any needs, I will be able to define it."

"The sect also wants to thank Fellow Daoist Dugu, you and I have been cited as foreign aid for everyone's benefit," Yi Tian replied.

After Shaoqing Dugu Tianfeng put away the jade bottle, he got up and left. This time, his goal was achieved and he didn't want to stay any longer.Haoji also bid farewell to Yi Tian when she heard the words, and she didn't forget to leave her contact information before leaving, and asked Yi Tian to try to contact her after she couldn't fix the acacia bell.

After sending the two away, Yi Tian turned around and looked at Chiyun Furnace in front of him, with a twitch of his mouth showing a little joy on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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