
Chapter 709

Chapter 709
It was only a few days before the restriction on the northern ancestral land of the Fire Sect was weakened, and the monks who entered during this period had to get out as soon as the restriction became stronger again.This time, Yi Tian has had many twists and turns in the ancestral land of Dange, but in general, he has obtained the inheritance of Wan Zongming, plus three 'Peiying Pills' and 'Chiyun Furnace', which can be regarded as a bumper harvest.

The fly in the ointment is that Xiahou Cangqiong of the Tianli Sect took away half the magic baby of the flying Rakshasa in troubled waters. Afterwards, Xiahou Cangqiong will never show up again after being seriously injured. I don’t know where he will hide in the forbidden area of ​​the Tianli Sect at this moment. back to normal.

As for Huiyuan and Yunmengyao, they obviously found something good in the Pill Pavilion. Even though Yi Tian is the new suzerain, he dare not take all the treasures of heaven and earth in the ancestral land to himself have.

Moreover, the two represent the future forces of the Buddhist sect. Yi Tian wants to make friends with them, and they can only let it go.

After putting away the Chiyun Furnace, Yi Tian found an open space alone in the main hall of the Pill Pavilion, and then sat down cross-legged, took out some pills, and silently practiced exercises to adjust his breath.

The true essence in the body has been running for a few weeks, and after dissolving the power of the pill stone, the whole person finds that his bottleneck seems to have loosened again.Thinking that he still has three Peiying Pills in his hand, Yi Tian felt a burst of fire in his heart.

Even refining one of them can more than double the size of one's own Nascent Soul, let alone three.However, Yi Tian still had some sense of propriety in his heart. These elixirs were used one less than one, and he had to study Wan Zongming's elixir carefully in another day.

It's fine for me, but the development of Li Huo Sect can't rely entirely on my own strength, trying to pass on the sect's secret art is the right way.

After planning the next plan after going out, Yi Tian found that there are really many things at hand.In addition to going to the center of the earth to help Hao Ji repair the acacia bell, I also need to take time to visit the Tianyun Gate.

This matter has been delayed since he entered Zhongzhou, but he could not find the whereabouts of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi for a while with only the clues in his hands.

It's just that Yi Tian knew in his heart that this divination technique must have a price, and this price is lifespan for a cultivator, so he has some scruples about it.

After resting in the main hall of Dan Pavilion for a long time, Yi Tian walked out of the palace gate and returned by the same way.When passing by the heart refining road, I found that the formation was not activated this time, and it was the same on the road of the puppet road.

If you pay a little attention, you can find that these are all one-way formations, as long as you come down the mountain from the alchemy pavilion, it will not touch any restrictions.

Not long after, when I came to the entrance of the restriction here, I found that it was the same here. Walking from the inside to the outside can easily open a passage on the halo of the restriction.

Later, he jumped out of the passage and came to the outside world. It was already midnight, but it didn't matter to the monk.Just as the halo of prohibition behind him closed, Yi Tian froze for no reason, and suddenly found that he was sensed by a powerful spiritual consciousness.In terms of strength, this should be a late Nascent Soul cultivator. To be honest, most of the late Nascent Soul cultivators in Zhongzhou mainland have met face to face. Except for Qian Lingyuan from Qianlingzong, everyone else has nothing to do with it.

But this divine consciousness on his body was obviously aggressive, and it directly locked on Yi Tian's position after passing by several times without any politeness.

As soon as his figure flew high above the sky, he felt it carefully. This sense of consciousness should not belong to Qian Lingyuan and Abbot Wu Yin.In addition, the only great monks in the late Yuanying period who raised their fingers in Zhongzhou are He Weiming, Old Man Tianji and Yu Xiang from Tiandaozong.

He Weiming had a private agreement with himself, and everyone tacitly understood it. As for the old man Tianji, he has been closed in the Tianyunmen and cannot go out all year round. Even the disciples in the Tianyunmen rarely see it.

After a little bit of exclusion, it is easy to determine that this divine sense should be Yu Xiang of the Heavenly Dao Sect. Three days ago, Du Ziheng fled from the Pill Pavilion. It must not be a good thing.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly a ray of light flashed in the distant night sky, and he saw that ray of light flying straight towards his direction.After a while, he got the light and stopped not far in front of him. After the halo faded, a middle-aged monk with the appearance of a scribe appeared.

It's not the first time I met Yu Xiang, so I recognized him immediately.But seeing each other at this time is not a good thing, a thought flashed in Yi Tian's mind, and at the same time, he secretly practiced the Buddha's martial arts, and a little golden Buddha's light faintly appeared around his body.

Yu Xiang stared at the person in front of him and frowned immediately. The hidden power of the Buddha Sect has undoubtedly shown his identity, but as a great monk in the late Yuanying period, although he didn't want to directly offend the Buddha Sect, he couldn't be weak. own name.

Later, he asked: "You don't look like a poor fellow Taoist, but judging from the fluctuation of your spiritual power, it seems that this is not the first time we have met."

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian looked at Yu Xianggao a little bit. He didn't expect that he would be missed by the other party after a hasty meeting in the battle against demons many years ago. These great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage are all human spirits. There must be a perfect cover-up.

After thinking about it, he replied unhurriedly: "You Daoist Yu of Tiandaozong face to face, I didn't expect to see him for the second time under such and such circumstances."

"Oh, what do you call your Excellency and Abbot Wuyin of Banruo Temple?" Yu Xiang softened his tone after hearing this, and asked, "I don't know when we first met?"

Yi Tian raised his head and laughed loudly before opening his mouth and said a little later: "You Daoyou forgot so quickly, you should not go to help in the battle against demons at the request of the abbot, and it is natural for me to witness Yu Daoyou's supernatural power by the abbot's side at that time." I admire it very much."

As soon as this remark came out, Yu Xiang came back to his senses and blurted out: "Are you that Kutoutuo Huitian from Prajna Temple?"

"Of course, but my real name is Yi Tian, ​​and Hui Tian's name is just the dharma name in Prajna Temple," Yi Tian said.

Yu Xiang must have some scruples about bringing up the name of Banruo Temple. Although he is not afraid of him, it is not a good thing to be remembered by a late Nascent Soul monk.The best way to do this is to take advantage of the situation, but judging by Yu Xiang's appearance, the next question can't be vague, if you want to get out smoothly, you have to play around a little bit.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Yu Xiang's seriousness obviously eased a lot, but there was still some doubt in his eyes and he said: "Du Ziheng, the junior disciple of the despicable sect, just sent a message to me a few days ago, and this Li Huo Zong Pill Pavilion is the deputy of Zheng Xingmeng. The leader Jing Xue actually resurrected an ancient corpse of a flying Rakshasa, and was killed by it in the end, is there such a thing?"

Knowing that this matter cannot be avoided, Du Ziheng is also one of the parties involved, so Yi Tian did not hide anything and directly told the full story of what happened at that time.It's just that Dugu Tianfeng and Haoji are said to be the main attacking faction because his own strength is concealed.

(End of this chapter)

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