
Chapter 710

Chapter 710
In the middle of the air, Yi Tian will tell all about the fight against the Flying Rakshasa on Dange Square, but downplay all the fights by himself.

And deliberately exaggerated the situation where Dugu Tianfenghaoji and even Xiahou Laogui shot, and with the help of Huiyuan and Yunmengyao, the six people finally gathered the strength of the flying Rakshasa. repressed.

Yi Tian also knew in his heart that Du Ziheng of Tiandaozong was the first to become a deserter, and he must turn black and white in front of Yu Xiang in order to clear up responsibility after returning.Fortunately, there are many witnesses this time, and the other party may not believe what I said, but there are monks from the four major sects of Prajna Temple, Cihang Jingzhai, Tianli Sect, and Hehuan Sect to testify. Zong's reputation is going to be bad.

Sure enough, Yu Xiang's face couldn't help twitching a few times after hearing this, because it's embarrassing to run away under the watchful eyes of everyone.However, Yi Tian deliberately omitted Du Ziheng's part, which in Yu Xiang's view, was a gesture of goodwill.

A little later, he sighed and said: "This time, thanks to the concerted efforts of many fellow Taoists, another catastrophe was averted. If the Flying Rakshasa is allowed to escape and enter the hinterland of Zhongzhou, it will not only bring bloody storms."

After what he said, Yi Tian's expression changed slightly, and then he sighed and said, "You Daoist Yu doesn't know that this matter is not over yet."

"Why didn't you cut the weeds and get rid of the roots?" Yu Xiang asked hastily after hearing this.

"Just a little bit," Yi Tian said with a resentful look on his face, "It's just that people's hearts are not enough, and the last act of Xiahou Cangqiong of Tianlijiao is indeed a deep-rooted disaster, I'm afraid his selfishness It will harm the entire Zhongzhou cultivation world."

After hearing this, Yu Xiang knew that there must be something wrong here, and looked at Yi Tian's face, and said in a deep voice: "You don't have to hesitate, fellow Daoist Yi, it's about the safety of the entire Zhongzhou cultivation world, you don't have to worry about Tianli Sect, if necessary, I will Together with several other big monks, they came to the door to ask for accountability."

After hearing this, Yi Tian secretly said in his heart, 'This time the Tianli Sect will not be safe. ’ Immediately, he straightened his expression and told the story of the six people encircling and suppressing Feitian Raksha, and finally the devil baby fled and was taken into the devil soul banner by Xiahou Cangqiong.

When Yu Xiang heard that the spirit body of the devil baby was taken away by Xiahou Cangqiong, his face suddenly showed some anger, and he kept muttering: "Old ghost Xiahou is really confused, he even tried to get it out of the devil baby's mouth." Some kind of secret, but it is where we put our safety in danger. None of these superpowers are fuel-efficient lamps, and they will always have a backup. I am afraid that this time he will steal the chicken and try to teach Tianli. It's all paid off."

Seeing Yu Xiang lose his composure, Yi Tian hurriedly asked: "Why did Fellow Daoist Yu say such a thing? Could this matter endanger our safety?"

Yu Xiang replied indignantly: "According to Pingdao's knowledge, most of the great powers descended from the upper world are its avatars. I think that if we break up with them, the main body must have a sense, and eventually new powers will descend. This will not be good for you, me, or even the entire cultivation world."

After hearing this, Yi Tian said thoughtfully: "No wonder they are all dealt with in the form of suppression or sealing, but I cut off half of the magic baby's spirit body, so it would take hundreds of dollars to recover. years of work."

But Yu Xiang said disdainfully: "Friend Yi Daoist, you don't know that the natural advantage of the power of the demon spirit world lies in its physical body and spirit being stronger than Taoism. I guess even Xiahou Cangqiong managed to collect his spirit into the demon soul streamer It may not be able to refine it, what's more," Yu Xiang's face changed when he said this, and he remembered something terrible.

Then he said to Yi Tian: "This matter is no small matter. I expect that the devil baby will borrow the living soul in the devil soul banner to re-condense the spirit body, and when the time is right, it will seize the Xiahou sky."

"So what should we do?" After hearing this, Yi Tian also became a little irritable.

At this time, Yu Xiang's face sank like water, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Now we can only follow the steps, I will go to the abbot of Wuyin of Banruo Temple and the old devil of Hehuan of Hehuan Sect, and we will visit the Tianli sect together. Xiahou Cangqiong handed over the devil baby," he said goodbye to Yi Tian and flew straight in the direction of Banruo Temple.

After Yu Xiang left, Yi Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief, but I haven't figured it out yet. I'm afraid that the Tianli Sect has offended the three late Nascent Soul cultivators this time.

After clearing up my mood, I have little to do with the matter at hand, but how Hu Yiyuan explained to Lu Jinyuan after returning to the alliance, so that I have something to look forward to.This time, after his identity was exposed in the ancestral land of Dange, he also confessed to Hu Yiyuan. According to Lu Jinyuan's mind, he would not be so stupid as to want to be tough with him.

Spread out his consciousness and search the situation within a hundred miles for the next four weeks. When he came out of the restriction just now, he found some spiritual pressure fluctuations, but when Yu Xiang appeared, he ran away directly.

Now Yi Tian paid a little attention and found that there was no Nascent Soul cultivator within a radius of [-] miles, so he took out the map jade slip from the corner of his mouth and searched for it. Falling Flame Mountain near Shiwanda Mountain.

This place is located near the junction of the human and monster races, and there are not many monks coming and going, so even if you make any noise there, it will not be too eye-catching.Furthermore, apart from repairing the acacia bell this time, we also need to find time to leave Wan Zongming's alchemy book for enlightenment.

I haven't slacked off in the path of Qi Dao in the past few years, but cultivators pay attention to everything, and as the new suzerain of Lihuo Sect, I can't make any deviations, so the practice of alchemy is imperative.

After choosing the direction, Yi Tian's spiritual power surged under his feet, and a ray of blue light enveloped himself and flew towards the direction of the Falling Flame Mountain.Flying high in the sky all the way to suppress his spiritual pressure, those low-level monks naturally couldn't detect it, and at the same time, the comrades in the Nascent Soul stage just passed their spiritual consciousness and hurriedly dodged to the side to avoid it.

In this way, it took nearly half a month to see the outline of Zhuiyan Mountain in front of my eyes. This place is considered a dormant volcano, so it can be used to attract the real fire in the center of the earth.

In fact, Yi Tian once thought about using his Nanming Lihuo to refine and repair the Hehuan Bell, but he and Hao Ji are just a cooperative relationship, so there is no need to go to war for her.

On the contrary, the Qi Ling in the Acacia bell seemed to recognize his patriarch, and even called him a name. This incident moved Yi Tian quite a bit, and he took this opportunity to find a way to frame some useful information.

After flying over the Falling Flame Mountain, Yi Tian scanned the [-]-mile radius with his spiritual sense, but he didn't find a spirit beast above level five, and there were no golden core stage monks playing autumn wind here.

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, he immediately took care of it, stretched out his left hand and patted the spirit beast pouch to summon Fat Dog, Qing Yu and Chi Yanju.Then he explained what he was going to do in seclusion, and asked Fat Dog to guard the mountain gate, while the other two were free-range, and told them as long as they didn't stay within the five hundred miles range of Falling Flame Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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