
Chapter 714 Beast Chaos 2 Extermination

Chapter 714
Faced with Ban Lanhou's aggressiveness, Yi Tian also frowned deeply. To be honest, he didn't want to make things so high.If he made a move, it would be difficult to explain in front of Golden Retriever Roar in the future, but now that Ban Lanhou is the first to make a move, then he can't just let it go.

The corner of his mouth twitched the Taiyuan sword on his right hand, and suddenly a cyan sword thread was thrown out again and then charged towards Banlanhou.The two magic spells, one green and one yellow, collided in the air and exploded violently, making a deafening sound.

But after three breaths, the blue sword thread broke through Banlanhou's spell and continued to roll towards him.After the two fights just now, Ban Lanhou knew how powerful Yi Tian was, so he didn't dare to take out a fang and hold it in his hand, and then muttered words in the air to pour spiritual power into it to activate it.

Immediately, the spiritual power around him formed a vortex and quickly pulled the surrounding spiritual energy, and his cultivation seemed to have soared to the level of a seventh-level monster.

Standing in the distance, Yi Tian cast the Spiritual Clearing Technique and looked at his face with a heavy look. This spiritual pressure fluctuation definitely did not come from Banlanhou, but was driven by the fang in his hand.

It was obvious that the owner of this fang should be Jin Maohou, but he didn't expect him to leave it to Ban Lanhou. No wonder the other party dared to be so presumptuous, it turned out that he had nothing to fear.

At the moment, Yi Tian didn't have time to think too much, just stretched out his hand and summoned both Fat Dog and Qingyu back into the spirit beast bag, then put away the Taiyuan Sword, and quickly formed seals with his hands on his chest.Immediately, the spiritual power of the whole body was also mobilized rapidly, and suddenly a white fire appeared from between the hands, and in the fire, there was a purple aura flashing, which was the purple Xiaozhan, the spiritual weapon of his own life.

He muttered a word in his mouth: "Come", and saw the white fire light quickly gathered at the wick of the Zixiao lamp, and a solid white flame appeared.

Banlanhou, who was hundreds of feet away, had fully activated the fangs in his hand at this time, and then looked at Yi Tian with a look of contempt.Then he uttered a series of long spells and controlled the fangs in his hand to turn into a white light and shoot towards Yi Tian.

When the white light flew to half the distance, Yi Tian also moved. After his consciousness passed by, he gently gathered the Zixiao lamp and placed it at the corner of his mouth. After taking a deep breath, he gently blew towards the flame in the center.

I saw a trace of real fire separated from the flame at the wick, and after flying out of the Zixiao lamp, it quickly grew in size and became a fist-sized white fireball three feet away, shooting towards the fangs. direction to fly.

The sound of 'Zilla' did not have the same aura as the swordsmanship just now, and the white flames collided with the white light that turned into fangs.What surprised Yi Tian was that his Zixiao Yaoli looked ordinary but the result was unexpected.

The group of white flames swallowed the halo of the fangs in an instant, and then just paused in the air for a while before continuing to fly towards the opponent.

Ban Lanhou was also surprised, he didn't expect the trump card given by the Golden Retriever King to be so vulnerable to Yi Tian's spells, and he immediately thought of whether this fang was a Xibei product, and his adoptive father made a point of it.

But this ridiculous thought flashed by. Banlanhou did personally see the golden-haired demon king take off a fang from his mouth as a token of recognition, and he also repeatedly asked not to use this thing unless it was absolutely necessary. It's no less effective than a full blow from the golden retriever king.

But just like this, Yi Tian sacrificed the unremarkable oil lamp in his hand, and he could break this blow with just a light blow. to notice.

It's a pity that Banlanhou didn't have time to dodge at this time, the white flame was already close at hand, so he gathered his spiritual energy with both hands and opened the protective cover to the maximum in an attempt to make a last desperate resistance.

A white light streaked across the air and hit Banhou accurately, simultaneously setting his body on fire instantly.He was swallowed by Nanming Lihuo before he could even make a scream.

Seeing it in the distance, Yi Tian hurriedly used a few spells to urge Zixiaozhan to take back Yaoli Zhenyan, only to see that the flame attached to Banlanhou's body was peeled off instantly as if summoned by Zixiaozhan Come, leaving only a body that was burnt into a pitch-black residue and fell weakly.

Yi Tian flashed Zixiaozhan in his left hand, and then came to the vicinity of Banlanhou's corpse. He stretched out his right hand to catch it, and then directly opened the scorched flesh and dug out his inner alchemy.

At this moment, not a single part of Banlanhou's body was intact, even the storage bracelet on his wrist was burnt and deformed.The whole body could no longer see its original appearance, and gradually Ban Lanhou's body showed its original shape, and it was only after Yi Tiancai discovered that it was a tiger that had become a spirit.

And the fangs of the golden-haired demon king were also burnt into a ball of slime. Yi Tian saw it, but it had an intuitive impact on the first move of the three transformations of Lihuo that he had just practiced.Although it consumes a lot of spiritual power, the effect is very gratifying. I'm afraid that if I really meet the four demon kings, I will have the power to fight.

After putting away the Zixiao lamp, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan Sword and disassembled Banlanhou's body. First, he collected a bottle of tiger blood, and after cutting off the charred meat, only a pair of tiger bones, tiger penis and The tiger tail is still intact.

After putting these things away, he turned around and flew towards the depths of the Zhuiyan Mountain crater.It was detected that Chi Yanju was nesting at the bottom of the magma earlier, and it seemed that he was seriously injured this time. It is no wonder that he was able to escape from the hands of the big monster.

Over the years, I have only been focusing on cultivation, making friends and dealing with sect affairs, completely forgetting about cultivating spiritual pets. Taking this opportunity, I want to think about how to make Chi Yanju advance.

Not long after, he came to the sky above the magma. After finding the position of the red flame horse, Yi Tian stretched out his finger and split the magma below, and then pinched a formula in his hand to bring the red flame horse out of the crater.

After Chi Yanju came back not far from him, he glanced at him and saw that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body at this time were obviously much weaker than usual, which seemed to be due to the loss of too much energy and blood.

There are also two marks of tiger claws on the originally smooth fur on both sides of the body. Although the wound is no longer bleeding, it is deep enough to see the bones faintly revealing some white.

Seeing this, Yi Tianji put his heart into it and directly stretched out his hand and typed out a formula to stabilize Chi Yanju's figure, and then shouted in a low voice: "Open your mouth," and poured all the collected bottle of tiger blood into Chi Yanju's mouth.

Seeing that this was not enough, he then took out Banlanhou's inner alchemy and stuffed it directly into Chi Yanju's mouth.After he swallowed all the tiger blood and inner alchemy, a strong spiritual pressure erupted from around the horse's back.

There were bursts of red spiritual power fluctuations around the red flame horse, and then a red light covered it, forming a red ball floating in midair.

Before Yi Tian had time to be happy, he suddenly felt that the sky around him suddenly became like night. He looked up and cursed in his mouth: "Damn it, it's really not the right time."

(End of this chapter)

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