
Chapter 715 Beast Chaos 3 Crossing the Tribulation

Chapter 715
After all, Yi Tian's level of cultivating spiritual pets is at most an entry-level level. This time, Banyan Roar injured the Chi Yanju, so he had to make a move.After cleaning up the opponent, he stuffed the demon pill and tiger blood directly into the Chi Yanju, but after taking it, he didn't know that the spirit pet's ability to digest and absorb it was so strong. Here comes the sixth-level catastrophe.

It seems that the robbery cloud in the sky condensed very quickly, covering a radius of hundreds of miles.Yi Tian visually measured the range of Jieyun in the sky, but he was relieved. It seemed that the power was almost the same as that of Yuanying Jie.

Looking back at the Red Flame Horse in the red light, I believe that with his current strength, he should be able to easily survive such a catastrophe.

After that, Yi Tian just quickly explained to Chi Yanju the things that need to be paid attention to when going down to cross the catastrophe, and then flew to Sankai and waited quietly.To be honest, there is no need for me to intervene in such a catastrophe. At the same time, I also want to see how much spiritual power the Red Flame Horse can absorb from the Colorful Roaring Demon Pill.

About a quarter of an hour later, a gap opened in the center of the thundercloud in the sky, and red lightning condensed in the void, as if looking for a target below.

Suddenly, the corner of Yi Tian's eyes swept across the red light that was originally wrapped around the Red Flame Horse and slowly faded away, revealing a group of strong tall horses. Obviously, the benefits of the colorful and roaring demon pills and blood brought him more than this, and what the Red Flame Horse said It also grew four long fangs.

The fur on his body became ruddy like blood, and there was even a trace of light shining through it. Under the violent fluctuations of the aura from his body, a red mask formed around his body.Yi Tian took a closer look at Chi Yanju's body at this time, and there was still a faint majesty of a king, and then he realized that he had inherited Bananhou's talent of tiger power.

In addition, Yi Tian is still very interested in knowing what else will happen to Chi Yanju.

A bolt of lightning flashed overhead, and with the roar of Jielei, the red thunderbolt accurately fell towards the position where Chi Yanju was sitting.What surprised Yi Tian was that the Chi Yanju actually moved this time, not to evade the robbery, but to meet it.

Chi Yanju opened his mouth towards the place where the tribulation thunder fell, at this moment a red ball of light spewed out from his mouth, this situation is very similar to the roar of the tiger used by Banlanhou.

Yi Tian stared straight at Chi Yanju's movements, and saw that the red light ball in his mouth spewed out and directly caught the first tribulation thunder.The remnants of thunder and lightning scattered in the sky like fireworks, covering the entire area within a radius of thirty miles.

The falling lightning sparks immediately ignited the forest under his feet, but Chi Yanju couldn't care about these at this time, and the second robbery cloud fell again.Opened his mouth and gathered his momentum again, doing the same thing to deal with the next few points of thunder tribulation.

After the four thunder tribulations, a little nectar fell on the Chi Yanju from the gap in the void. Yi Tian stood in the distance and saw that the Chi Yanju had obviously grown in size after absorbing the nectar.

At this time, the Red Flame Horse was already considered a solid sixth-level monster, and its body was a circle larger than before, and it became a nightmare beast about one foot long and nine feet high.The four hooves showed a fiery red color, and instantly turned into a raging flame, and the fur on both sides of the body was bright red.

To say that the biggest change is that a five-inch-long horn grew out of his head and forehead. Yi Tian glanced over and quickly searched the description of the nightmare beast in his mind. Until now, Chi Yan basically The foal has already displayed the characteristics of an adult nightmare beast.

In addition, after absorbing Banhou's blood and inner alchemy, he actually inherited part of his innate supernatural powers, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

Chi Yanju opened his mouth and shouted: "Thank you, master, for fulfilling my wish. From now on, I will be considered a level six monster."

Yi Tian replied with a look of relief on his face: "Yes, you have finally crossed this chasm, and you can be a great help to me in the future."

It's just that the eyelids twitched involuntarily at this point, Yi Tian turned around and found that something was wrong with the surrounding situation.It's really too weird. It stands to reason that after the catastrophe is over, the sky's catastrophe clouds should disperse and the surrounding area should gradually become brighter.

But it still looks like that now, and it has not changed at all from when the robbery clouds gathered before.There is still some change, the surroundings have become even darker, it is almost as if you can't see your fingers.

Yi Tian raised his head and looked up at the sky, only to see that the gap where the nectar had fallen slowly closed to a size of ten feet, and then black and red electric sparks appeared again, which was obviously a new robbery cloud that was brewing and condensing.

Looking around, it seems that there is no third person except himself and Chi Yanju. Could it be that Fat Dog is about to cross the catastrophe of transformation?A thought flashed through my mind, but was quickly rejected by myself.

Fat Dog and Qingyu are currently cultivating in their own spirit beast bags, and it seems that although Fat Dog has reached the sixth level, he does not know why the Transformation Heavenly Tribulation has not arrived.

After releasing Fat Dog and Qingyu, the two beasts circled in the air, and Yi Tian's divine sense swept over and found nothing abnormal.

Suddenly Qingyu screamed: "Look, the second brother's body seems to have changed a bit."

The fat dog turned his head to stare at Chi Yanju for a while, and then hurriedly shouted: "This brat turned into a form before me, how can I get along with it in the future?"

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian turned to look at Chi Yanju, and saw that his spiritual power was once again flourishing and his spiritual pressure fluctuations became extremely unstable, which was obviously a precursor to a breakthrough.

However, he has just passed the sixth level of Heavenly Tribulation, and now he is about to usher in the Transformation Tribulation, which is logically unusual.It is true that the spiritual power contained in the colorful roar inner alchemy is huge, but there is no reason why the red flame horse can pass two big steps in a row.

Only the middle situation will lead to the current situation, Yi Tian thought about it, and suddenly cold sweat broke out on his forehead, turned around and shouted at the fat dog Qingyu: "You two go back first, I will take care of it, this time it might be Chiyanju If you can’t pass this level, you will be finished.”

Seeing that Yi Tian said it so solemnly, Qing Yu was so frightened that Ji Rong turned pale and cried immediately.And Fat Dog also cried out two tears from the corners of his eyes: "Second brother, look over your head, the tribulation thunder is aimed at you."

When Chi Yanju heard the words, he raised his head and looked up, his face was ashen, and he couldn't say a word, so he began to neigh.I saw that the robbery cloud in the sky opened a gap again, and this time the movement was bigger than before, and the Jielei power bred in it was even stronger.

To be honest, Yi Tian doesn't know whether Chi Yanju can survive this transformation with his current state.And it's too late to put him in the spirit beast's bag now, at that time, I will have to stand up for him.

Seeing this, a decision was made in his mind instantly, Yi Tian shouted: "You two go back first, I'll figure out a way," and then he stretched out his hand and sent both Fat Dog and Qingyu back to the spirit beast bag.

(End of this chapter)

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