
Chapter 716 Beast Chaos 4 Transformation

Chapter 716
The sudden change made both Yi Tian and Chi Yanju feel at a loss, but Yi Tian calmed down after ten breaths.Just based on his state after advancing to the sixth level, the next transformational catastrophe must be extremely dangerous.

Taking a look at his state, Yi Tian knew that he hadn't recovered yet. At this time, it was impossible to forcibly cross the tribulation without using some means.

After thinking about it, he directly took Banlanhou's tiger penis from the storage ring and threw it towards Chi Yanju's mouth, shouting: "Eat it and we'll talk."

After hearing this, Chi Yanju still had a flustered look on his face, but he didn't care so much at this time, he opened his mouth and swallowed the tiger penis in one gulp according to Yi Tian's intention, chewed it roughly for a few times, and swallowed it belly.

Then the spiritual power around him once again surged, and the state of the red flame horse quickly recovered, the hair became shiny and shiny, and surrounded by spiritual energy, his cultivation directly rushed to the stable stage of Yuanying's initial stage.

But Yi Tian, ​​who was in the distance, took a closer look, and the worry on his face did not ease at all. You must know that this tiger whip can only be used for a short time, and at most it can only withstand the power of thunder disaster once.You have to know that you don't know much about the transformation of monsters and beasts, and God knows how many thunder disasters will fall.

At this time, Yi Tian also suddenly remembered the "Monster Crossing Tribulation Pill" that was refined after helping the two demon kings capture Jianmu fruit, and he specially reserved enough for Fat Dog, Qingyu and Chiyanju.At this moment, there is no need to wait any longer. After thinking about it, I hurriedly stretched out my spiritual sense to scan the storage ring, and then took out the reserved 'Monster Beast Crossing Tribulation Pill'.

Before I had time to think about it, I heard a roar from the sky, and a black-red electric column with a thick bowl mouth fell from the cloud of calamity and hit the Chi Yanju directly.

Chi Yanju didn't dare to sit still and wait for his death. The ball of light spit out from his mouth like a gourd shot towards the Thunder Tribulation, but this time the Thunder Tribulation was obviously more than twice as powerful as before.The red ball of light spit out from the mouth only reduced the power of the thunder tribulation by less than half, and the remaining electric power hit the red flame horse without reservation.

After a burst of 'bang', the figure of the red flame horse in the air was obviously smashed and fell more than a foot. Fortunately, he was protected by a protective shield, but at this moment, there was already a trace of white air from his mouth. Come.

Yi Tian shouted: "Open your mouth and take it," and at the same time stretched out his hand and shot a 'monster crossing robbery pill' towards his mouth.After Chi Yanju swallowed the elixir in one gulp, it was obvious that spiritual power swarmed up quickly to stabilize his figure, and then slowly returned to his original height.

At this time, the Tribulation Thunder from the sky fell again, its power was the same as before, and the Chiyan Horse after taking the 'Monster Transcending Tribulation Pill' obviously adjusted its state, much better than before.

If the Transformation Thunder Tribulation is only at this level, it would not be difficult to get through it, and the master Yi Tian is still on the sidelines. If there is a slight difference in the end, he will definitely make a move with all his strength. With such confidence, the Chi Yanju is obviously invigorated Get up your spirits and face Jie Lei again.

The next two thunder tribulations Chiyanju handled calmly, but there seemed to be a hint of joy on his face, it seemed that this test should be passed.

Little did they know that the thunder calamity condensed for the fourth time in the sky hadn't landed for a long time, which surprised the two of them.Yi Tian stood in the distance and used the Qingling method to check, and the relaxed look on his face disappeared again and was replaced by an unusual solemnity.

The thunder calamity in this catastrophe cloud also seems to be accumulating energy. Just by looking at the density of the thunder cloud, one can tell that the next attack is no small matter, and it should be the key to refining and transforming into a human form.

The word "horizontal bone" just flashed in his mind, Yi Tian took out the tiger bone with colorful roar and took a closer look, but there were some dots of light left on the skeleton, and he was overjoyed.He secretly thought that he was really in a mess, what could resist the thunder calamity better than the refined monster bone.

Just wanting Chi Yanju to swallow this tiger bone, I'm afraid it will burst his stomach, so Yi Tian hurriedly stretched out his right hand to sacrifice Nanming Lihuo, and put the tiger bone in the flames to be calcined .

After three breaths, the bone marrow in the whole set of tiger bones was forcibly refined and condensed into a drop of bone fluid, and then this drop of bone fluid was sent to the Chi Yanju.The latter is also open to all comers, and at this point, he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

After swallowing the bone marrow spirit liquid in one gulp, Chi Yanju's face showed some pain, and the skeleton around him made a sound like "crackling" fried soybeans.After he regained his composure, he saw that the figure of the Red Flame Horse didn't seem to have changed much, but the jet-black horns in front of his forehead had turned white, and there was still a faint layer of golden light on it.

At this time, the thunder calamity in the sky seemed to have accumulated enough energy, and suddenly the thunder roared, forming a thunder column as thick as a bucket and falling towards the red flame horse.This time, Chiyanju didn't spit out thunderstorms to weaken Jielei, and at the same time put away the protective shield around his body to reveal his body.

Yi Tian knew that it was Chi Yanju who wanted to rely on his own strength to take over the sky thunder and let him refine the horizontal bones, but he could do nothing about it and could only let him do it himself.

With a sound of 'coax', a red spark flashed in mid-air, and after Jielei hit the Red Flame Horse, the electric force wrapped his whole body, and a huge electric ball appeared in the air.

The white light source illuminated the entire dark sky, and after about a quarter of an hour, a red flame burst out from the electric ball and swallowed up the tribulation thunders one by one.

In the distance, Yi Tian swept away with his divine sense, and the corner of his mouth showed a little joy. After the electric light faded, nectar fell again from the gap in the robbery cloud, and drenched on the red light ball.

And in the ball of light, the originally huge body of the Red Flame Horse began to slowly change. It stood up on its hind legs, and its forelimbs gradually shrunk into the shape of a human hand.The whole figure seems to have shrunk, from more than one foot long to about seven feet long.

At this time, Yi Tian was very happy in his heart. This was the first time that his spiritual pet had transformed into a form and it succeeded. Then from now on, wouldn't there be an extra thug in the Nascent Soul stage? The key is that this thug can also be used as a mount.

Summon Fat Dog and Qing Yu again so that they can also witness the transformation of the Red Flame Horse, so as not to recognize it when they see it later.

Who knows that Fat Dog just said with disdain on his face when he saw it: "That's it, it's not difficult to transform."

But Yi Tian could hear the strong sourness in his mouth. As the first spiritual pet who followed him since he was a child, he was overtaken by his second brother Chi Yanju in the stage of transformation. Yi Tian can also understand the distress in the elder brother's heart.

On the other hand, Miss Qingyu giggled and shouted: "Brother Chiyan didn't expect you to be the first transformation among the three of us. If your eldest brother dares to bully me in the future, you will help my sister out."

Yi Tian's face turned black after listening to it from the sidelines, women are a disaster, it seems that his two spiritual pets are not bad in strength, scheming and determination are not as sharp as Qingyu's, it seems that he still lacks education in this aspect.

(End of this chapter)

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