
Chapter 717 Beast Chaos 5 Beast Tide

Chapter 717 Beast Chaos and Five Beast Tide
Lu'an City is located in the west of Zhongzhou, and it can be regarded as the largest cultivation city in this area. It is located in a remote area, so the monks sitting in the town are at most Jindan stage.

But recently, for some reason, monsters frequently appeared in the [-] mountains in the west and went deep into Zhongzhou. At first, they were all at the fourth or fifth level, so most of the human monks didn't take it seriously.But less than a month later, some monks actually saw the sixth-level monsters taking the lead from the edge of the Shiwan Mountain in the west.

As a result, the news spread back to the headquarters of the sect through the various sects in Lu'an City.Soon, elite monks sent by several major sects in Zhongzhou came to Lu'an City to sit in town.

This can be regarded as the first line of defense of Zhongzhou's defense. If Lu'an is breached, the monsters can directly rush into the hinterland of Zhongzhou.

It didn't take long before news spread that the four guardians of the golden-haired demon king were responsible for instigating the beast horde riot. As for the reason, even the Golden Core monks didn't know the reason.In the end, I could only ask Cihang Jingzhai and the Yuanying cultivator of Tianli Sect to help. Without him, more than half of the property in Lu'an City belonged to these two factions, so Master Miaoyin had to come forward to deal with it in person.

As soon as the Yuanying monks from the two factions settled in Lu'an City, they immediately ordered martial law to begin. The entire town was allowed to enter and not allowed to leave.

At this time, groups of monks were in a hurry on the main street of Lu'an City, with worried expressions on their faces.Although there are Nascent Soul cultivators sitting in command, but the four guardians under the Golden Haired Demon King are not vegetarians. If there is a real fight, those Nascent Soul cultivators are too busy to take care of themselves and have no time to pay attention to the people below.

And on the avenue in the city, Yi Tian suppressed the fluctuation of spiritual pressure, only revealing that he was walking leisurely in the street with a cultivation level like the late foundation establishment, behind him was a young man in his twenties.Judging from his appearance, he has red hair and fluctuating spiritual power, which is almost the appearance of the middle stage of Jindan, but there are still uncontrollable spiritual power rushing out from his body from time to time.

This red-haired man is the transformed Chi Yanju, but he thinks his name reveals his identity, so he changed his name to Chi Yan.Wearing a long gown and Taoist robe, imitating Yi Tian's appearance, he restrained his cultivation base and followed his master to go shopping openly and arrogantly.

Half a year ago, the Red Flame Horse, which was transformed into a cross-bone in Zhuiyan Mountain, refined the crossbone on the spot, and lost its animal shape and turned into a young man in his 20s.The appearance after the transformation can also be regarded as a handsome boy, coupled with the faint bright red color in the skin, it can be regarded as extremely conspicuous among the crowd.

Yi Tian also complained about this, as Chi Yanju followed him on the street like this, and it would be difficult for him not to attract attention.

Fortunately, he has just transformed into a new form, so he can't restrain his spiritual power freely. After Yi Tian's careful teaching during the repair of the Falling Flame Mountain, Chiyanju finally managed to refine the breath restraint technique, but after using it for the first time In the next step, he can only restrain his cultivation to that of the middle stage of Jindan.

Now the two of them were walking on the street as if Yi Tian had become his disciple, but the good thing was that the mid-term Golden Core cultivation base revealed also shocked many monks around them, at least until now no one dared to interrogate the two of them.

Originally, Yi Tian didn't want to show off with the red flame horse, but he couldn't stand his begging, saying that he wanted to appreciate the prosperity of the cultivation world and learn how to integrate into the human world.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian also felt that it made sense, but at the same time he agreed, he also agreed with Chi Yanju for three chapters. He must not show his original shape in broad daylight, he must practice the breath restraint technique, and finally he cannot make his own decisions in everything. How about Chi Yanju? Easy waited for this opportunity and naturally agreed.

Right now, Master Miaoyin of Cihang Jingzhai has settled in Lu'an City. Although Yi Tian had a relationship with her once, he didn't want to reveal his identity.This time, the reason why the four guardians of the Golden Retriever King's subordinates acted collectively was very clear to me.

Banhou, the crown prince of the Western Wilderness Demon Clan, fell into his hands, fearing that they would have to face the wrath of the Golden-Retriever Demon King, that's why they provoked this animal riot in advance.

In the final analysis, I am the instigator, and the red flame horse in front of me is the biggest beneficiary. I think it is really a white dog stealing a black dog to make a disaster.

The two passed by a restaurant not long after walking, Yi Tianben was not interested in patronizing, but Chi Yanju behind him quietly transmitted a voice: "Master's place looks good, do you want to go in and try the wine and dishes? I heard that these spiritual wines The spiritual power contained in the dishes is also helpful for cultivation."

His eyelids trembled a few times, Yi Tian turned his head and stared at him, Chi Yanju's expression turned slumped, a little helplessness appeared on his face, seeing his expression in his eyes, Yi Tian was also amused in his heart.

Although the monsters in the transformation stage don't need to care about these things at all, and the spiritual power that the spiritual wine and spiritual vegetables here can provide is just a drop in the bucket for his cultivation level, but Yi Tian has found some clues.Since the Red Flame Horse devoured the Colorful Roaring Demon Pellet, Beast Blood and Henggu Essence, it also inherited some of its innate characteristics.

For example, when crossing the catastrophe, he actually used the trick of colorful roar in his mouth, and long fangs grew out of his mouth. What's more, Yi Tian discovered that Chi Yanju started to like meat.

Although the nightmare beasts like to devour the fire source of the real fire in the center of the earth or some fire-type spiritual stones, but after searching through the spiritual beasts, they have not found that they have the habit of eating meat.

In this way, he understood that Chi Yanju not only inherited part of Banlanhou's innate supernatural powers, but also inherited all of his habits.

However, there is one thing that has been puzzled for a long time and has not been solved in the heart. Although Zhao Banhou's strength is a transformation monster, his strength is not as strong as imagined.At best, it is about Qin Fei's level, one level worse than Master Zhiying.But to such an extent, his inner alchemy can directly make Chi Yanju break through two natural moats and achieve transformation. It is really unbelievable to say that there must be these unknown secrets.

Now it seems that Chi Yanju hasn't fully understood the changes in him, so Yi Tian has no choice but to carefully identify them step by step.

After looking at Chi Yanju's expression, Yi Tian smiled and replied softly through voice transmission: "Okay, I'm a little hungry too, let's go in and order some dishes."

Immediately there was a flash of light in Chi Yanju's eyes, a look of excitement appeared on his face, and then he couldn't wait to walk towards the restaurant.

The guy in charge of the reception at the door saw that it was for the Jindan cultivator, and hurried forward to greet him with a nod and bow, and then led the two of them directly up to the top floor.

When he came to the top floor, Yi Tian glanced and found that all the monks sitting here were Jindan stage monks, it seemed that people with his own level of cultivation could only set foot here with the light of Chi Yanju.

After arranging the two of them by the window, Chi Yanju was not polite, and said like a human monk, he took the menu, pointed to the dishes on it, and said to the waiter: "Two servings of each dish, serve hurry up."

(End of this chapter)

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