
Chapter 718 Beast Chaos 6 Feast

Chapter 718
There were not many Jindan cultivators above the restaurants in Lu'an City, and there were only four or five people present here.These people dressed in costumes of different sects can tell at a glance that they are Jindan monks in this station who are in charge of one side's government affairs.

It's just that Yi Tian and Chi Yanju walked up there in such a big way that they aroused their attention, and Chi Yanju even ordered all the dishes in the restaurant as soon as he opened his mouth, which directly made those golden pills around The eyes of the monks were all attracted.

At this time, the two suddenly became the focus of the scene. Although Yi Tian was not afraid of things, Chi Yanju really didn't pay attention to these sect monks in his actions. Transsion was investigating the details of the two of them.

It's a pity that Chi Yanju's mind is now full of those spiritual wines and delicious dishes, as if he is temporarily immune to other things.I couldn't help feeling a bit chilly in my heart, why my spiritual pet has become a foodie, I really don't know how to feed him after this meal.

Not long after, there was a rush of footsteps on the stairs, and with a glance, I saw seven or eight waiters who passed the dishes went up to the top floor, and then walked straight towards the table where I was.After a while, more than a dozen dishes were arranged on the table, and the waiter who took the lead said respectfully: "Senior ordered a lot of dishes and the kitchen is still preparing them, so please use them slowly."

Yi Tian just nodded slightly, while Chi Yanju, who was sitting opposite, waved his big hand and took out his chopsticks to eat without saying a word.What's surprising is that Chi Yanju's eating looks really good, and it's not as wolf-eating as I imagined.

Seeing a little surprised look on Yi Tian's face, Chi Yanju had a complacent look on his face, and then quietly said: "Why did you let me down?"

"No, I didn't expect that after your transformation, you not only imitated the habits of the human race, but also have a lot of magic, which is much stronger than the transformation monster I saw before," Yi Tian said with relief.

"That's right, I have all your usual habits in mind, and it's not difficult to imitate these movements," Chi Yanju said, and began to grow up.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting across from him, watched carefully, and the smile on his face became stronger. Although Chi Yanju's eating appearance was similar to his own, his stomach must not be covered, and more than a dozen dishes were eaten within a quarter of an hour. more than half.

Originally, he wanted to praise him a few words, but now he was spared, and then took out a pot of spirit wine and took the cup on the table and filled two cups.He picked up one of the cups and sipped it slowly.Chi Yanju's sharp eyes then reached out to take another glass and began to taste the wine as if imitating the example.

Just as the two of them were eating, there was another sound of footsteps on the stairs. It seemed that three Golden Core monks were coming upstairs.Yi Tian's eyes lit up as soon as he moved, and the people who came upstairs actually had the tracking marks he had buried back then.Needless to say, it should be Feng Renhan of Tiandaozong, it seems that he is also a monk who came to participate in the fight against the chaos.

After the three of them reached the top floor, Yi Tian glanced over intentionally or unintentionally, and saw that Feng Renhan was slowly walking forward surrounded by two Golden Core cultivators.

After the eyes of the two made contact, he paused for a moment, and then he returned to normal and led him to sit behind Yi Tian's table.

Looking back, Yi Tian continued to taste wine, and suddenly Feng Renhan's voice came from his ear: "Senior Yi, we are really destined. I wonder if you are also here to quell the chaos of the beast tide?"

Yi Tian curled his lips and asked through sound transmission: "How many Nascent Soul monks came to quell the chaos this time?"

"Miaoyin Master from Cihang Jingzhai took the lead, and Huyan Hongbo from Tianli Sect also assisted in the battle. As for the other major sects, they sent Jindan disciples to wait for dispatch," Feng Renhan replied.

With Master Miaoyin coming forward, it seems that this matter should subside soon, but the people of the Buddhist sect are double-faced in dealing with these matters, and I believe that the four guardians under the Golden Retriever King will not be so stupid as to fight with them. Cihang Jingzhai died.

Just as he was thinking about it, Feng Renhan's sound transmission came from his ear: "May I ask Senior Yi who the red-haired monk in front of you is, it seems that his cultivation is not simple, at least he is at the Nascent Soul level. "

"You are getting more and more discerning," Yi Tian said with a faint smile, "Do you know what is the cause of this beast tide?"

Feng Renhan replied: "I heard that the prince of the Western Wilderness Monster Race was robbed and killed by someone. The four major protectors rebelled against him due to their negligence. They are determined to punish the person who harmed the Prince of the Monster Race on the spot."

The smile on Yi Tian's face grew stronger after hearing this, and then he replied lightly: "Ban Lanhou, the prince of the Western Wilderness Monster Race, is really worthless, and the four guardians seem to be nothing more than a bluff."

Although it was just a faint sentence, at this time Yi Tian's spiritual sense noticed that Feng Renhan who was sitting not far behind visibly shook his body, the wine glass in his hand almost dropped, and cold sweat burst out on his forehead.

And the two people next to him seemed to have noticed something was wrong with Feng Renhan, they hurriedly wanted to ask a question, but he stopped in time and changed the topic.

After half the payment, his words came to mind again and he asked, "Did Ban Lanhou really fall into the hands of Senior Yi?"

"Why bother to investigate a dead tiger," Yi Tianman said indifferently.

Feng Renhan stretched out his hand to wipe off the cold sweat on his head, and then pretended to be calm and continued to talk with the two people around him, but in fact, the light in his eyes was slackened, suppressing the panic for a while.

Yi Tian smiled and said again: "With Teacher Miaoyin too involved, this beast tide won't last long."

"Senior Yi doesn't know, but this time the guardians of the four great demon tribes have already spoken out. As long as Master Miaoyin handed over the bodies of the assailant and Prince Banlan, they will retreat. Otherwise, the golden-haired demon king must be immortal in his rage. The endless situation," Feng Renhan said tremblingly through voice transmission.

"Don't pay attention to them, Banlanhou's demon pill, blood essence, tiger bone and tiger penis have already entered the stomach of this red-haired foodie in front of you, what are you going to do with it?" Yi Tian snorted coldly.

"What?" Feng Renhan blurted out without caring about the sound transmission, causing everyone on the floor to turn their eyes.He knew that he had lost his composure, but now he was really shivering in his heart. The two people in front of him were really daring, not only killed the prince of the monster clan, but also divided the body to get the pill.

This is to say that it will become the target of public criticism in an instant, but Feng Renhan knows that Yi Tian is powerful and even Prince Ban Lan is in his hands, plus a red-haired Nascent Soul monk with unknown strength, if he has any changes, It is estimated that within three breaths, he must have evaporated from this world.

Feng Renhan sat down slowly after confessing to everyone around him a few times, and turned his eyes away from the front not far away. The clothes are soaked through.

Immediately, the messenger jade talisman in his hand lit up, and Feng Renhan took a closer look at it, and it was an urgent order for the battle ahead.Just when he was about to get up and say goodbye, Yi Tian's voice transmission suddenly came from his ears: "Don't go to the beast tide, there should be a fight there, and you go there. It won't help, and there is also a good show here."

At this time, there was another sound of "dumping" from the stairs, and a middle-aged scribe came up after a while, followed by a black-faced man.The eyes of the middle-aged scribe swept across the floor and stopped directly on Yi Tian and Chi Yan, and then he walked forward with joy on his face and sat down directly next to Yi Tian.

 Thanks Hobbit for the tip.

(End of this chapter)

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