
Chapter 719 Beast Chaos 7 Greetings

Chapter 719
The sudden appearance of two people on the top floor of the restaurant stunned the surrounding Jindan monks. After scanning with their spiritual sense, they found that they couldn't see through the cultivation of the middle-aged scribe.

At this time, Yi Tian's face also showed a trace of solemnity, and he remembered him after hitting this person into the restaurant.Quietly glanced at his figure with his spiritual sense, and found that the other party turned his head and smiled at him.After that, he just stared at Chi Yan and looked again and again without saying a word. Although his face didn't change much, there was deep surprise in his eyes.

Chi Yan also found some signs, but the master sitting opposite didn't make a sound, and it was even more inconvenient for him to come forward.I saw Chi Yan quickly swept away all the delicacies on the table, then turned to the waiter at the stairway and said, "Hurry up and serve the food, haven't you seen me, sir, am I still hungry?"

In an instant, the entire attic was filled with the screams of Chi Yan, and the guy also realized that something was wrong, but the people in front of him were all advanced people, and he couldn't offend any of them, so he hurried downstairs to urge the food.

After a short while, hurried footsteps came from the stairs again. This time, seven or eight waiters came with trays, first removed the leftovers from the table, and then served hot dishes one by one.

Chi Yanju just glanced at the middle-aged scribe, and then suddenly said: "Aren't you going to eat? I'm treating you," then pointed to Yi Tian and said, "Don't worry, he will pay."

The middle-aged scribe scanned the dishes on the table, then turned his eyes to Yi Tian and said slowly, "Thanks to the hospitality, can Master Yi pick up the chopsticks?"

Hearing this tone, Yi Tian's heart shuddered, as if the middle-aged scribe in front of him seemed to be asking for his consent, so he treated himself as his master.

Scanning this person with his divine sense, Yi Tian can be sure that the opponent's strength should be higher than his own, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body have been completely restrained, but the oppressive feeling in front of him can only be felt when facing the King of Eagles.

You don't have to guess that you can count the number of wrenching fingers that can make you feel this way in the world, and the other party seems to have admitted his identity to say this.

With a little smile on his face, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and gestured before replying: "Old man Jin is too polite, Yi Tian has lost his way and neglected."

The person who came must be Golden Retriever Roar, but Yi Tian couldn't see the other party's joy and anger at this time, and he was afraid that the other party would overhear him by mentioning Chi Yanju, so he simply invited the other party to the table generously.

After hearing this, the Golden Retriever Demon King picked up the chopsticks and slowly picked up some vegetables, put them in his mouth and began to eat slowly.

Yi Tian took out the jug and wine glass again and filled them up with the Golden-haired Demon King, then slowly handed them over, then he also picked up the glass in front of him and gently lifted it up: "This glass is Yi Tian's apology to Jin Lao, I hope this matter can be settled here. Overturned."

"The suzerain has an order, and I dare not disobey," the Golden Retriever King also raised the wine glass in his hand and drank it down in one gulp.

Facing the boldness of the Golden Retriever King, Yi Tian didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.But in his spiritual consciousness, he noticed that the attack of the beast tide three hundred miles west of Lu'an City was wave after wave, and the human monks began to rely on the formation of each well-arranged stronghold to start a defensive counterattack.

At the same time, an alarm from the city lord's mansion sounded outside the restaurant, and all the monks coming and going on the street returned to their clans and prepared to gather and set off.

But the environment on the top floor of this restaurant was surprisingly weird, and people who had made several tables around were on guard.The people at the table in front of Wuhe were too weird, and the spiritual pressure of the red-haired monk seemed to fluctuate from time to time, as if he had been deliberately suppressed and couldn't restrain himself.

The cultivation level of the red-haired monk is undoubtedly that of the Nascent Soul Stage monk, and it is also a lingering fear for such a person with such a cultivation level to sit in front of him and feast on it.

And that's not counting, the three people next to him are even more suspicious.The standing black-faced cultivator made no secret of his appearance in the early stage of Nascent Soul, but the other two sitting on the table, one was at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and the other couldn't see through the depth at all, allowing the Nascent Soul cultivator to serve him. How could someone like this be a small character.

After putting down the wine glass, Yi Tian straightened his expression and said, "How did Mr. Jin find us?"

The golden-haired demon king first turned his head to look at the Chi Yanju who was gobbling away, a strange color flashed in his eyes, then he bowed his hands and saluted Yi Tian: "I heard Brother Wan Ying mention it a few years ago. When the ancestral lineage appeared again, I was skeptical at that time."

"How do you say this?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"It's so difficult to practice the direct-handed skills of Patriarch Lihuo, and my original intention was to wait for hundreds of years until you grow to that stage before seeing each other again," the golden-haired demon king replied, "I didn't expect to see you now." It just so happens."

Hearing his tone, he seemed to recognize his identity now, Yi Tian asked: "Then Mr. Jin came here because of Chi Yan, right?" At the same time, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the opposite side.

The golden-haired demon king shook his head and said, "The suzerain is only half right."

"Oh, I would like to hear about it."

The golden-haired demon king straightened his expression and said: "The suzerain's Yaoli style has just completed, and the residual power left behind can be found everywhere in the area of ​​the Falling Flame Mountain. I have taken action to dispel all the residual power of the spiritual pressure left in the air by Yaoli's first style." Go, from now on, the suzerain should pay attention to the aftermath after performing Zixiao's three unique skills." Speaking of this, he looked at Yi Tian meaningfully.

Seen by the Golden Retriever King's eyes, Yi Tian could only hide the shock in his heart with a dry laugh, and then asked, "Is the other half on Chi Yan's body?"

"Exactly," the Golden Retriever King turned his head to look at the Red Flame Horse again before continuing: "Banlan Roar is really useless, I passed him a trace of true spirit blood in vain, I didn't expect that it would not be able to be refined for 500 years after it was put into the gut go."

Hearing this, Yi Tian finally understood that the reason why the Chi Yanju was able to break through the sixth level so quickly and then went on to cross the Heavenly Tribulation was not only because of the beautiful roar inner alchemy, but also because of the refinement of the golden-haired demon king A trace of true spirit blood.

Such changes in Chiyanju's body can be explained, but he killed Banhou after all, I'm afraid this matter is not so simple and can be done well.

Moreover, Yi Tian believed that the Golden Retriever King sitting here would not be ignorant of the situation of the beast tide outside. He has not ordered the four guardians under him to stop for a long time, indicating that there is still a funeral.

Sure enough, he only heard him ask through voice transmission: "The suzerain is above, the old man feels that he has a good relationship with Chi Yan, I wonder if he can be adopted as a foster son?"

As soon as these words came out, Yi Tian's eyes brightened, and he thought that this was a good thing. This way, the anger in the Golden Retriever King's heart could be calmed down. Second, the crisis of the beast tide could be properly resolved. Third, he made good friends with the Golden Retriever. King, it is the policy of killing many birds with one stone.

Immediately nodded and replied: "Don't dare to ask, it is his blessing that Mr. Jin can see him."

Immediately, he hurriedly explained to Chi Yanju through sound transmission, and after three breaths, Chi Yanju only heard Chi Yanju speak directly to the golden-haired demon king: "Is there any benefit in recognizing you as a foster father?"

Before the Golden Retriever King could reply, the black-faced man standing behind him said angrily, "Old Ancestor, I don't agree, unless this kid takes three tricks from me."

Chi Yanju became angry when he heard this, and shouted at the black-faced man, "Who are you?"

For a moment, the tense atmosphere on the scene suddenly became tense.

(End of this chapter)

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