
Chapter 721 Beast Chaos 9 3 Moves

Chapter 721
On the battlefield of the beast tide, the golden-haired demon king sat down and Black Three blatantly shouted in front of the battle, but what he said made many monks on the human side feel terrified.

Although Yi Tian didn't know the details of the black three, just looking at the faces of Miaoyin Shitai and Helian Hongbo with his spiritual sense, he knew that this person was definitely not a simple character.

Before Chi Yanju could reply, Miao Yinshi's anxious voice came from next to his ear: "How did you mess with this black three?"

"Why is this person very powerful?" Yi Tian replied.

"It's more than powerful. He is the number one general under the Golden Retriever Demon King and the head of the four guardians. His prototype should be the black-spotted leopard at the top of the sixth level," Master Miaoyin said, "In terms of strength, he is more powerful than Helian Hongbo." All three points."

"That's between the early and middle stages of Nascent Soul, so it's not difficult for Chi Yan to catch his three moves," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

At this time, I saw that Chi Yanju was about to slowly fly forward to prepare to strike. It seemed that his confidence had swelled since he transformed into a monster. It seemed that he really wanted to fight this veteran monster in shape.

The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched, and then he took out a white ball-like spiritual weapon and threw it to Chi Yanju, saying: "Boy, I've caught it, try your natal spiritual weapon. I prepared it early in the morning, but because your level is not up to it." It's just unusable."

As soon as Chi Yanju reached out to take the ball, he showed a suspicious look on his face and asked directly: "What is this thing, are you going to let me use this thing to deal with the black three?"

"It's fine for you to drop your blood and let the spirit weapon recognize its owner," Yi Tian replied with a smirk on his face: "Don't worry, this thing is definitely tailor-made for you. It was originally called 'Yunxiaoyu', but I changed the spirit weapon in it There are three forms of the array pattern of the weapon, and you only need to activate the combat form when facing the enemy."

Chi Yanju twitched his eyelids for no reason, why he always felt that what the master said did not match the smile on his face so well.Under Yi Tian's repeated urging, Chi Yanju stretched out his right index finger and squeezed out a drop of heart blood to touch the ball, and later urged the spiritual power on his body to sacrifice it.

With a sound of 'whoosh', the ball opened in response, and a silver-white halo flew out of it to directly envelop the Red Flame Horse. Immediately, a dazzling white light flashed around the Red Flame Horse, illuminating the entire battlefield.After ten breaths, the white light slowly faded away, revealing a red flame horse wearing a silver-white armor, with a bright white helmet covering the face, leaving only the eyes and mouth exposed.

Chi Yanju waved the long spear in his hand, and suddenly a wave of spiritual power fluctuations in the air caused the wind to spread in all directions, so that the golden core monks below had enough skill to resist to maintain their figures, while the low-level monks had to Hiding in the formation and joint exercise will not be blown down.

After ten breaths, Chi Yanju put away the spear and said to Hei San: "Let the horse come here, today I will not punish you for disrespect."

"Fart, if you want to be my young master, you have to see if you have the ability." Hei Hei was furious after hearing this, "Don't think that you can do whatever you want with the support of the golden-haired patriarch. It's nothing to do with you."

In an instant, a streak of black spiritual power gathered from Hei San's back and then directly circled around the halberd. After three breaths, when the power was fully charged, a stern look appeared on the black face, and then pointed the halberd in the air with both hands The Chiyan horse not far away waved violently.

Immediately, a black arc of spiritual power appeared on the halberd, splitting the air and attacking the red flame horse with the sound of 'Zla'.

Facing such a fierce attack, the Red Flame Horse didn't dare to push it too hard, and hurriedly opened its mouth wide, and after accumulating power in its mouth, a red light ball appeared, and after a loud roar, the red light ball blurted out and hit the black light arc head-on .

With a loud 'bang', the two spells even canceled each other's attacks after attacking in mid-air, but the spiritual power fluctuations generated after the attack of the spells spread out and shocked the monks in the defensive formation of the human race ten miles away. Steady figure.

Master Miaoyin hurriedly greeted Helian Hongbo and returned to the big formation to preside over it in person. Before leaving, he did not forget to explain to Yi Tian: "I will leave the rest to you."

"Master, don't worry," Yi Tian replied lightly, but then he stared at the two people on the field and said in his heart: "It seems that Chi Yanju's confidence is not enough, and he still uses that when facing the enemy. Inheriting the unique move of Banyan Roar, if the black three on the opposite side realizes this, it will be dangerous."

Sure enough, the corner of Hei San's eyes glanced at Chi Yanju's move, and he said angrily on his face: "Stinky boy, you are just a deceitful person, the move just now was completely the stunt of Prince Beautiful, don't tell me you have nothing else besides these It's up to you."

Chi Yanju just sneered and said: "You don't care what tricks I use, as long as I catch it." Yi Tian, ​​who was supervising the battle, was speechless after seeing this tone, why Chi Yanju even imitated the tone of his speech like their own.

Sure enough, these words completely angered Hei San, and he raised the halberd in his hand again, this time drawing a circle in the air to gather a black light wave with a size of one foot, and then spit out a spiritual force from his mouth to send out the light wave Compressed and condensed into a one-foot-sized black thunder ball.

He shouted loudly: "Take the move, boy." The black thunder ball flew out in response to the sound, circled in the air and struck from the right side of the red flame horse.

Although Yi Tian couldn't see Chi Yanju's face, judging from the fluctuation of spiritual power on his body, he was also extremely dignified.In an instant, his whole body was stunned, as if he had taken a breath of true energy from his chest, and then opened his mouth again, as if to repeat the old trick.

After three breaths, a shocking and thorough roar came out of his mouth, and a violent sound wave headed towards the black thunder ball, and instantly stopped its rapid flight momentum, and then the sound wave visible to the naked eye Wave after wave will be sent out, the black thunderball is like a boat in a storm, and it was submerged by the sound waves in a short time.

At this time, Hei San showed an unbelievable look on his face and shouted: "Impossible, this is impossible, who are you, and how can you know the unique skills of the ancestor?"

Chi Yanju didn't answer the words, he stretched out his finger and raised a finger to hook Hei San.This appearance completely irritated Hei San, and he raised the halberd again, this time spit out a mouthful of blood sword to attach to the halberd, and flew towards the red flame horse under the control of both hands.

At this time, the golden-haired demon king above the beast tide formation first showed a gleam of joy on his face, and he said to himself: "The red flame horse is indeed more suitable to be my successor than the colorful roar. Refining a sliver of my blood to make my determination, this idiot Hei San really doesn't even have this bit of vision, he has lived for thousands of years in vain."

Although the voice was not loud, the other three guardians behind him could hear clearly. This is no different from the fact that the golden-haired demon king has admitted the identity of the red flame horse, and I'm afraid that the black three will not displease him after this matter is over. What good fruit did I eat.Everyone couldn't help showing a bit of regret on their faces, but when they looked at Chi Yanju in a blink of an eye, there was a gleam of light again.

(End of this chapter)

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