
Chapter 722

Chapter 722 Beast Chaos Ten Princes
Hei San's first two moves were taken lightly by Chi Yanju, but the third move seemed not so easy to deal with.Yi Tian squinted his eyes in the distance and carefully looked at the power of the third move, which seemed to have surpassed the full blow of a monk in the early stage of Yuanying.

If it was him who wanted to make a hard catch, he would have to spend some effort. Turning his head to look at Chi Yanju, his condition was definitely not as good as he had imagined, and after the previous two moves, he consumed a lot of spiritual power and wanted to make a hard fight. It seems a little difficult to take the third move.

But as long as he can truly appreciate the effectiveness of this natal spiritual weapon, it will be a breeze to pass the level. It's just that he didn't think about using the spiritual weapon at all in the first two moves, but used instinctive moves. I don't know what will happen next. .

In fact, Chiyanju's situation is almost the same as what Yi Tian guessed. After the first two moves, most of his spiritual power is consumed, but at this time he is wearing a pair of armor and can't see his real situation.

In the face of menacing threats, the third move is to choose whether to believe in using one's own natural supernatural powers or to rely on the power of spiritual weapons to defend. Chi Yanju also seemed a little hesitant for a while.Turning his head slightly, he glanced at the master from the corner of his eye, and his mouth seemed to be repeating the word 'spiritual weapon'.

Chi Yanju's eyes lit up, his face darkened, and he stretched out his hand to infuse the spear with spiritual power. After being infused with spiritual power, the spear began to echo with the armor on his body, and then a white light glowed on the armor that was originally on his body. Instantly activated, it turned into a white light together with the long spear and fell back into Chi Yanju's hand, turning into a white ball.

After three breaths, the white ball swelled up again and swallowed Chi Yanju's body in an instant. After his figure disappeared into the white light, the long halberd in the distance was already close at hand.

After the halberd hit the ball of light with a sound of 'boom', the two spiritual weapons collided violently in the air, but no matter how the black three manipulated it from a distance, the black halo couldn't break the white light ball at all.

And Hei San didn't seem to give up on connecting the seals with both hands and wanted to compete in an endurance battle, but the golden-haired demon king said lightly in the air: "Stop it, it's not enough to be embarrassing."

Hei San's face turned ashen in response. Although he acted this time under the behest of the golden-haired demon king, if he went too far, he would inevitably be criticized by the demon king.

Hearing this, Hei San hurriedly activated the magic formula and vowed to take back the spiritual weapon, but he didn't know that the white light ball seemed to suck the halberd, no matter how he manipulated it, he couldn't take it back.

With a 'bang' sound, a trace of thunder and lightning began to faintly appear around the white ball of light, and it became brighter and brighter, vowing to absorb all the spiritual power from the halberd.

After ten breaths, when the original two spirit weapons confrontation turned into a one-sided situation, the Red Flame Horse had firmly gained the upper hand at this time, after the white arc flourished again, the halberd flew out directly.

After the white halo faded slowly, it looked like a carriage frame in the light ball, but after a while, the halo's hands shrank into a human shape, and after a while, it appeared as a red flame horse in white armor.

But at this time, Chi Yanju was obviously not as embarrassed as he imagined. After taking off the face guard on the helmet, he looked at the armor on his body in surprise.

Not long after, he turned his head and shouted at Yi Tian: "This spirit weapon seems to be tailor-made for me, and it's really good that this second form has such a strong defense."

Yi Tian's eyelids twitched and he said lightly: "It's good that you like it, this spiritual weapon has a third change, you can try it again when you have a chance." In the blink of an eye, he secretly said gloatingly: "You brat, you will be obedient in the future." Pull the cart for me."

I believe that the red flame horse in the halo just now has urged Yunxiaoyu's main form to defend, and that armor form is just a whim that he changed Yunxiaoyu into a second form suitable for the use of monsters.

"What's the name of this spiritual weapon?" Chi Yanju asked happily.

"Yunxiao battle armor," Yi Tian said in a harmless manner.

At this time, the golden-haired demon king in the distance has already seen the appearance of the two of them, and what the red flame horse appeared in the white light just now is exactly what it wants to be, but behind it is a streamer four shot frame.As for Black Three's attack, it survived while the defense facilities on the frame were activated.

To put it bluntly, with Chi Yanju's ability, even if he catches the third move, he may not be able to be so unscathed. It is conceivable that the current suzerain Yi Tian still treats Chi Yanju very preferentially.

After sighing softly in his mouth, the golden-haired demon king flew up in front of the red flame horse, and then said slowly: "Okay, from now on you will be my adopted son of the golden-haired demon king. The prince of the Yaozu."

Although his voice was not loud, there was real power in his words, and both parties present could hear them clearly, as if they were ringing in their ears.

Then the golden-haired demon king took out a fang from his bosom and handed it to Chi Yanju, saying: "You take this thing, it will help you develop a new supernatural power after refining it."

After hearing this, Chi Yanju's eyes showed some surprise, and then he called out: "Father," he took the fang without slowness, looked at it again, and said, "It should look like this. Is it the fangs in your mouth, foster father?"

The golden-haired demon king smiled without saying a word, just nodded slightly in response, then turned his head and turned his eyes to Yi Tian's voice transmission and asked: "The suzerain is indeed very comparable, I didn't expect that the one you tailored for Chi Yanju was actually Yunxiao Sect Master's car."

"Jin Lao is polite, Chi Yan, as the second spiritual pet I signed, will definitely take care of him," Yi Tian replied.

"In this way, Sect Master Yi, don't favor one over another, but I don't know how strong your first spiritual pet is, how much higher than Chi Yan?" The golden-haired demon king asked.

Now Yi Tian looked embarrassed, to be honest, I really don't know why "Fat Dog" has cultivated for 500 years to reach the sixth-level high-level strength but failed to transform.

Looking at Yi Tian, ​​the golden-haired demon king, he thought it was on his mind. He didn't know much about the method of transforming monsters into form. He took this opportunity to ask questions.

He reached out and patted the spirit beast pouch on his waist, and saw two auras, one red and one white, flashing out of it, and then 'Fat Dog' and Qingyu appeared in front of him.

'Fat Dog' still looked harmless. Seeing the golden-haired demon queen, he just sniffed his nose and turned to Yi Tian and said, "Why are you in trouble again? This man is so strong."

"Same existence as your mother-in-law, don't talk nonsense, kid," Yi Tian replied disdainfully.

On the other hand, Qingyu trembled all over, then hid behind the 'fat dog' and yelled weakly: "Uncle Golden Retriever."

The golden-haired demon king Chao Qingyu nodded, then stared at the 'fat dog' carefully for a while, and then exclaimed from time to time: "I don't know where the good luck comes from, you kid, there is still a trace of it in your body." Xuanyang real fire. It seems that you can only transform into form after you have completely refined this real fire, and the supernatural powers from this mutation are much stronger than Chiyan."

"Father, could it be that my elder brother's delay in transforming is due to the fact that the master's real fire has not been refined in his body?" Chi Yanju asked suspiciously.

"Indeed," the Golden Retriever King replied, "This reminds me of Brother Eagle King, who was also like that back then, so the three of us admire him so much."

(End of this chapter)

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