
Chapter 724 Misunderstanding

Chapter 724 Misunderstanding
Yi Tian, ​​who is the training cave of Hao Ji in the Hehuan Sect, walked up slowly, sat down in front of the table, looked around and found that this place was really beyond his expectations.However, the spiritual power in the cave is very strong. This valley should be located at the intersection of two large spiritual veins.

After recovering, he took out the acacia bell and put it gently on the table, Yi Tiancai said: "Fellow Daoist Hao Ji is lucky, this acacia bell has been repaired, but it needs to be warmed up by fellow daoist after it has just been repaired." to unleash its power.”

After hearing this, Hao Ji showed a faint smile on her face, then stretched out her hand to the acacia bell, held it in her hand, and looked at it again and again, with beautiful eyes, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

After Yi Tian saw it, he was also secretly on guard, not knowing what kind of ghost Hao Ji had in mind.

It was only later that she said: "Yi Daoyou should have communicated with the weapon spirit in the Acacia Bell, right?"

When Meng heard this, Yi Tian suddenly became suspicious. According to Qi Ling, she had never communicated with Hao Ji, but her tone didn't seem to be tempting.But pretending to be nonchalant, he replied: "Daoist Haoji's words are wrong. You are the owner of this Acacia bell. Are you not sure about your spiritual weapon?" A rhetorical question kicked the topic back to Haoji .

At this time, Hao Ji's eyes flashed brightly and she said: "Yi Daoyou Mingren doesn't speak dark words, if I didn't know that you are Lihuo Sect Master, I would never have asked this question?"

"Oh, what exactly does Fellow Daoist Hao Ji want to ask?" Yi Tian pretended to be calm now, obviously she seemed to have guessed something, but she didn't say anything.

Shaoqing saw her eyes were red and her face was wet with tears and said: "Sect Master Yi is so heartless, don't you really know the relationship between you and me?"

Hearing what she said, Yi Tian's heart moved immediately, but he pretended not to understand and replied: "Friend Daoist Haoji doesn't know that the sect is unfortunately now torn apart, and most of the messages left by the ancestors have been lost. Reviving the sect, but still worrying about how to face the difficulties of the major sects."

After hearing this, Hao Ji smiled and said: "As long as the suzerain restores the relationship between your two sects, no one in Zhongzhou would dare to oppose the revival of the Lihuo sect."

This is a good suggestion. With the help of Hehuan Laomo and Haoji, he must have the strength to fight against the combination of Qianlingzong and Tiandaozong.After hearing this, Yi Tian thought for a while before he figured out the truth, and immediately looked directly at Hao Ji before saying, "Daoist Hao Ji's proposal seems to me that I have no reason to refuse."

He stretched out his hand to touch Hao Ji's face slowly, then suddenly turned his hand to take the acacia bell in her hand and said: "What Daoist Hao Ji said is very exciting, but I already have two wives , if fellow daoists come here, they can only be small ones. But I can summon that weapon spirit, which can be regarded as fulfilling the wish of fellow daoists."

There was a gleam of joy in Hao Ji's eyes, and then a bit of shyness appeared on her face, and she said: "Then it's settled, and I will definitely commit myself to you when I become a concubine in the later stage of the Taoist friend's advanced stage. As for the matter of the spirit weapon?"

After Yi Tian coughed lightly, he concealed the astonishment on his face, then settled down, put his mind into the Acacia Bell, and tried to contact the Linglai.

A lazy and naive child's voice came from Shaoqing's ear: "You are a big fool, you are not willing to be embraced by others, I think you are too embarrassing."

"Did you hear everything?" Yi Tian asked with an embarrassed voice transmission: "Then you are still like this? It's not like you don't know the relationship between me and the Suzerain of the Acacia Sect."

"Understood," Qi Ling replied: "For your sake, I can communicate with her. In fact, I know what this girl is thinking. But I also have conditions."

"What conditions?" Yi Tian asked hastily.

"Take me with you when you ascend to the upper realm," Qi Ling replied.

This condition is not difficult to achieve. Yi Tian thought about it and immediately agreed to Qi Ling's proposal. Anyway, he also knows the method of refining the acacia bell.

"Deal," Yi Tian immediately agreed.

After reaching an agreement with Qi Ling, Yi Tian pretended to communicate hard, then slowly handed the acacia bell to Hao Ji, and then signaled her to try to communicate in person.

After taking the hand, Hao Ji's face was filled with joy, and then she put her consciousness into the acacia bell, and a smile appeared on her face in a short while.After chatting with Qi Ling for a few words, he turned his head and said, "Sect Master Yi is indeed a believer. What I just said is always valid. Even if you can't revive Li Huo Zong, this place will always be a safe haven."

At this point, Yi Tian just smiled at the corner of his mouth and then fell silent. If he continued to speak, his description would become darker and darker.The rest of the time should be given to Haoji to communicate with the Qiling.

After sitting for a while, suddenly his eyelids twitched, and he felt as if someone was rushing towards this place. This person didn't seem to restrain his breath at all, so Yi Tian could clearly see it even if he was sitting in Haoji's cave. noticed.At the moment, I was surprised that there would be no other person besides Old Demon Hehuan who could do such a thing in the Acacia Sect, but it seemed that he was King Xiang with a dream, but it was a pity that Haoji was a goddess and ruthless.

I'm afraid it's really hard to explain why the old devil Hehuan vented his anger on himself for being hit in the face like this.

After a while, the person who came flew straight to the entrance of Haoji's cave. After landing, he was a little bit scruples and generally didn't break in directly, but shouted outside: "Who is visiting from the sect of junior sister, who is willing to invite you into the cave?" In the first narrative?"

After hearing this, Hao Ji wrinkled her forehead slightly and then returned to normal. After putting away the acacia bell, her lips moved a few times, as if she was communicating privately with the acacia old devil outside the door.

But after three breaths, He Huan Laomo's voice came again: "Junior Sister, even if you are a master craftsman to send back the secret treasure of the sect, you don't need to enter your cave, right?"

Hearing his tone, he seemed to be unimpressed by his visit, and Yi Tian also noticed that it would not be difficult to enter the cave according to the cultivation base of Acacia Old Demon, but now he is waiting outside the cave like a gentleman. Hao Ji's permission did not dare to enter.

Turning his head and looking at Hao Ji, he seemed to want her to give some decent explanation.I saw Hao Ji slowly getting up and moving her lips a few times. After hearing this, Yi Tian felt the cold sweat on his head, but he couldn't help cursing in his heart: "You're plotting against me, then I'll be a shield To deal with Old Demon Hehuan, I was careless this time, and I really don't know how to face it next."

At this time, Hao Ji slowly started to walk towards the entrance of the cave, while Yi Tian hurriedly got up and followed her, anyway, he had to go out and explain the matter so far.

After Shaoqing came out of the cave, Yi Tian saw a middle-aged man with a beard waiting outside. When Hao Ji came out, his eyes showed infinite tenderness.As for the sudden change in painting style when he saw himself, a little disdain flashed in his serious eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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