
Chapter 725 Helper

Chapter 725 Helper
After leaving the cave, I saw the Old Devil Hehuan standing on one side with a look of anger on his face, while Bai Jinglian was kneeling on the ground and dared not make any movements.

When Hao Ji saw it, she first tapped her disciple lightly, and then told her that there is nothing to do with you here.After hearing this, Bai Jinglian hurriedly turned around and left the valley, the forbidden area of ​​the Hehuan Sect, as if she had received an amnesty.

At this moment, Yi Tian found that the consciousness of He Huan Laomo seemed to have swept over his body several times, wanting to find out what happened, but at that moment, his face changed and he cast a white halo to cover himself and isolate the other party's consciousness outer.

A little later, Hao Ji said: "Why did the senior brother enter the little sister's territory in such a hurry without passing the information? Have you forgotten the sect's precepts?"

After hearing this, Old Demon Hehuan's face immediately became a little angry, and he returned to normal later and replied: "What the suzerain said is true, but I was reckless in this matter. But I don't know what virtue and ability this person has to enter the junior sister's house." Fragrant boudoir?" Taking advantage of the situation, he raised his finger and pointed to where Yi Tian was.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen in Haoji's cave, so I was the first person to enter her boudoir, no wonder the old devil Hehuan said this matter so seriously.

Yi Tian thought about it for a while and was about to distinguish, when Hao Ji who was at the side suddenly said with a serious face: "Yi Daoyou is the master-level craftsman I invited, this time he not only repaired the most treasured acacia bell of our sect, but also It also helped me to communicate with the spirit of the instrument," he said, then took out the three-inch-sized acacia bell and placed it in the palm of his right hand.

"Is this really the case?" Old Devil Hehuan's complexion suddenly changed into an unbelievable look, his eyes swept over the Acacia Bell suspiciously, and even stretched out a wisp of divine consciousness to probe it.

After ten breaths, the tightly locked brows slowly relaxed, and a little joy appeared on his face.Obviously, he also got in touch with Qi Ling in Hehuan Ling. Although it was only a preliminary negotiation, it is enough to prove that Hao Ji's words are true.

But after three breaths, Old Devil He Huan muttered again: "The junior sister is really too partial to one another, and even invited this person into the cave. Even my senior brother has no such opportunity."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was speechless. He didn't expect that the old devil of Hehuan would still pursue this matter, and he didn't say anything at the moment, but just glanced at Hao Ji to see how she would solve the matter.

Later, I saw Hao Ji moved her lips a few times and started a private voice transmission with Old Demon Hehuan, and the two talked for a full half a minute before seeing Old Demon Hehuan's expression gradually eased.

But Yi Tian found that when he looked at him, there seemed to be some suspicion in his eyes, but because of Hao Ji's face, he didn't dare to attack.

After the two of them finished talking, Old Demon Hehuan asked: "Since Daoyou Yi is a master of crafting and a master of formation, I happen to have something on hand and I want to trouble you."

The so-called no good thing, since the other party has a grudge against oneself, it is better to cooperate less, so as to save any trouble, and then everyone will lose their face and get along with each other.

Yi Tian didn't even think about it and refused directly: "I still have important things to do, so I will stay here. This time, the repair of the acacia bell of the noble clan has been successfully completed. Friends Haoji, let's just say goodbye." I wanted to leave immediately.

Seeing this, Old Demon He Huan just curled his lips as a signal, while Hao Ji showed embarrassment and said: "Friend Daoist Yi, I'm afraid you still need to rely on your formation for this matter."

"I don't know what made Fellow Daoist so difficult?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"Actually, this is also a strange thing that happened on the mainland of Zhongzhou in recent decades." Hao Ji paused before explaining: "The border between Hehuanzong and Nabeiyuan, thousands of miles to the north, happened after an earthquake six to seventy years ago. Then an underground ice cave was exposed. At first it was nothing, but as the years went by, a strange wind was born in the ice cave and formed a perennial hurricane barrier at the border of the northern plains."

Yi Tian thought for a while before replying: "The fellow daoist means that you want to help me to investigate in the ice cave?"

The old devil Hehuan who was on the side rushed to the mouth and said: "The investigation is unnecessary. Abbot Wuyin and I have already descended to the bottom of the valley, and then found a crack in the abyss. As for the wind, it came out of the crack." of."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian understood in his heart that the old devil of love and joy had spotted his formation skills and wanted to use it to seal the crack in the abyss.However, when he heard that Abbot Yin had also taken part in the investigation, it seemed to him that he had to make a trip this time.

Just looking at the old devil Hehuan's appearance, he felt a little stunned in his heart, most feared that he would secretly play tricks and put himself in danger because of his resentment.

After thinking about it again and again, Yi Tian directly took out a communication talisman, wrote a message on it, and then activated it.

Seeing Yi Tian's actions, Hao Ji and Acacia Old Demon didn't say much, but just waited silently.In less than a quarter of an hour, a golden light flashed on the communication talisman, and a solemn look appeared on Yi Tian's face after passing his consciousness over it.

This message is exactly the reply from Abbot Wu Yin, and the general content mentioned above is in line with what He Huan Laomo said.It just mentioned that they will ask Du Ziheng of Tiandaozong to help them this time.

Seeing this, the corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched and his eyes showed a bit of disdain. This Du Ziheng has met him three times.It was easy to say during the battle against demons, but during the trip to Lihuo Zong Dan Pavilion, he abandoned everyone and ran away alone. This act alone made him look down by three points.

Then he stretched out his hand and handed the Jade Talisman of Communication to Hao Ji, who had a look of disdain on his face after seeing it.After seeing it, Old Demon He Huan directly brushed over the Jade Charm of Communication with his divine sense, but after looking at it for a long time, he didn't find anything wrong.

Turning my gaze to Hao Ji, I saw that she said angrily at this moment: "This Du Ziheng escaped from the battle last time when he left the Dan Pavilion of Huo Zong and put our safety at risk. Senior brother, you still ask this person for help?"

After hearing this, Old Devil Hehuan showed helplessness and said: "Du Ziheng is the Nascent Soul cultivator with the highest attainment in formation techniques in Zhongzhou, and he was invited out of the mountain by Abbot Wuyin himself when he went to the Heavenly Dao Sect."

"That was in the past. With fellow Daoist Yi, Du Ziheng can only take second place with him," Hao Ji said disdainfully.

The old demon Hehuan glanced at Yi Tian again, his eyes rolled and he didn't know what he was thinking, and then he echoed a few words and asked Yi Tian to make a move.

Since there was no reason for the abbot's subpoena, Yi Tian was inconvenient to refuse and immediately agreed. He just confirmed again and again that this time because Du Ziheng was the first, so he let him take action, and tried again when the matter could not be resolved.

After listening to the words, the old demon Hehuan immediately agreed, and informed Abbot Wuyin that he was about to leave for the North Plains Ice Cave through sound transmission.

(End of this chapter)

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