
Chapter 726 Arrival

Chapter 726 Arrival
Two escaping lights, one white and one blue, flew quickly across the sky, and in the escaping lights was the old demon Yi Tiantong who had rushed from the Hehuan Sect to the ice cave at the border of Beiyuan.

Although he promised Haoji to try his best to solve the matter, Yi Tian also knew in his heart that Hehuan Laomo always had a deep grudge against him.But Abbot Wuyin had another set of scruples, since he agreed to make a move, he definitely had no intention of letting him down.

Along the way, Yi Tian didn't intend to talk too much with Old Demon Hehuan, and the other party also realized that although he was leading the way ahead, he speeded up intentionally or unintentionally.Yi Tian didn't know that Old Demon Hehuan's plan was nothing more than trying to overwhelm others with power.

But long-distance flying is also his strong point, no matter how he speeds up his escape, Yi Tian just keeps up with him indifferently, and keeps a distance of hundreds of feet from him along the way.

The two of them flew for more than half a month before arriving at the junction of Zhongzhou and Beiyuan. Looking from a distance in the sky, they could see a vertical white column connecting the sky and the earth hundreds of miles away.

Seeing this, Old Demon Hehuan showed a little joy on his face and turned back to transmit voice transmission: "Friend Daoist Yi, we are almost here. The place ahead is the location of the abyss of the underground ice cave, and the place where the hurricane connects to the ground is the entrance."

Yi Tian followed the trend and saw that the column looked very slender. If he looked closely, it might not be like this.The most terrible thing is what Old Demon Hehuan said if he wants to go down to the bottom of this ice cave abyss, he must go down through the exit of this hurricane.

Then another sound transmission came from next to my ear: "Abbot Wu Yin and the others should have arrived almost, let's find a place to wait for them first."

"Okay," Yi Tian replied, but he was secretly worried that the matter this time would definitely not be as simple as imagined.

Fortunately, Abbot Wuyin and Old Demon Hehuan took the lead, so let them both have a headache.

After the clouds fell, the two found an open space three hundred miles away from the hurricane as a place to rest. At the same time, Old Demon Hehuan sent a message to Abbot Wuyin and the others, and then sat on the ground and took out the elixir and began to recover.

After waiting for a long time, Yi Tian sensed that someone was approaching rapidly, presumably it should be Abbot Wu Yin and others.After three breaths, the old devil Hehuan also noticed it, but when he opened his eyes and glanced over, he actually showed a little surprise.

Yi Tian knew in his heart that the other party was comparing himself with him all the time along the way, and it was obvious that this time he was at a disadvantage in spiritual consciousness again, allowing him to win another victory.

As for the look of surprise in his eyes, Yi Tian also pretended not to know, slowly closed his eyes, sat quietly and waited silently.

Not long after, the three spiritual lights flashed in the sky, and Yi Tian swept away with his spiritual sense, and immediately showed some playful expressions on his face.This time, besides Abbot Wu Yin and Du Ziheng, there was another person who came. Judging from his aura, this person's strength was only that of Yuan Ying's early stage, but Yi Tian didn't know why Abbot Wu Yin would bring such a person here.

After ten breaths, three rays of light stopped above the sky and then slowly fell to the open space where the two of them were resting.Yi Tian's eyes swept over Du Ziheng and at the same time the other party also discovered his existence, but at this moment the embarrassment on Du Ziheng's face flashed away.

But Abbot Wuyin walked slowly towards Yi Tian, ​​clasped his hands together and said, "Benefactor Yi hasn't seen his cultivation level improve for many years, I really feel ashamed of myself."

"The abbot's words are serious," Yi Tian hurriedly replied, "I will keep in mind the good relationship I have formed with Banruo Temple."

The simple words of the two made the expressions of the three people around them change drastically, and as for what they were thinking, Yi Tian didn't want to spend too much time guessing.It's just that Abbot Wuyin's words made the relationship clear, and then the Old Demon Hehuan also looked sad and began to look at himself again.

On the contrary, the monk at the early stage of the Nascent Soul had a gleam of joy in his eyes after seeing him, and then he pretended to be indifferent and followed behind Abbot Wuyin.

It was only when the five people got together that Hehuan Laomo opened his mouth to explain the situation here. It turned out that there hadn't been such a huge storm here before [-] years ago.At that time, it was only because a gap was cracked on the ground after the earthquake, and then there were traces of strong wind slowly leaking out from underneath.

After a period of time, the gale became more and more intense. When they discovered the change here ten years ago, the gale that emerged from the hole on the ground had reached a thickness of ten feet.

Next, Abbot Wuyin and Old Demon Hehuan decided to jointly go down to the bottom of the ice cave to search after discussing. After that, they found an ancient formation plate with a radius of three feet, and the wind came from there. It popped out from the eye of the array in the middle of the array.

At that time, the two of them tried to seal the array after retrieving it. After one corner of the array was blown apart by the strong wind, the entire array lost control, and the crack at the center of the array opened wider and wider. Da Yuan was only the thickness of a thumb ten years ago.

By the time the two went down to investigate five years ago, they had already grown to the size of a fist, and the strong wind that came out was more than doubled.

After He Huan Laomo explained, Abbot Wuyin took out two jade slips and handed them to Du Ziheng and Yi Tiandao: "You two are the top formation masters in Zhongzhou, and I want to see the ancient formation recorded in this jade slip. Let’s discuss how to repair it after discussing the pattern of the plate.”

After hearing this, Du Ziheng was stunned for a moment, his eyes glanced at Yi Tianhou, he didn't know what he was thinking, and after three breaths, there was a look of eagerness in his eyes.After receiving the jade slip, he immersed his consciousness in it and began to study the ancient formation.

Yi Tian saw his demeanor and movements in his eyes, and then the corner of his mouth twitched inadvertently, thinking that Du Ziheng seemed to have sex with him.Regardless of everyone's different goals and no need to have the same knowledge as him, then Yu Jian stretched his spiritual sense in to check.

When I first saw this formation, Yi Tian immediately recognized that this formation was the sealing formation recorded in the secret book of Wanli Haiyunxiaozong. Judging from the pattern of this formation, there should be a wind-type spirit beast sealed underneath, and the level is not low. look.I estimated in my heart that it should at least be of the demon king level, but I don't know what kind of spirit stone this is sealed.

Turning his eyes to a few people for a while, he saw that the monk in the early stage of the Nascent Soul stared at him as if intentionally or unintentionally.Then, once their eyes met, they directly avoided themselves.

Although he has some doubts in his heart, this is not the time to pursue it. After analyzing the ancient array disk in Yi Tian's mind, he has a solution.But due to Du Ziheng being on the side, he didn't directly say that he was just quietly waiting for the other party's reaction.

Not long after, Du Ziheng turned his head with a slightly hesitant expression and said to Abbot Wuyin, "This ancient formation seems to have been affected by an earthquake so that one corner collapsed. As long as the formation pattern is repaired and refilled, the strong wind in the eyes will be destroyed." It will come back naturally."

(End of this chapter)

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