
Chapter 727 Difficulties

Chapter 727 Difficulties
Everyone nodded after listening to Du Ziheng's suggestion, but Abbot Wuyin looked a little worried after he glanced at Yi Tian.He was well aware of the impatience of the people in front of him. Although Yi Tian didn't express his opinion, Lian Shang had already shown some intriguing expressions.

Knowing that this is definitely not as simple as what Du Ziheng said, Abbot Wuyin immediately asked via voice transmission: "Fellow Daoist Yi, in your opinion, is what Friendship Du said is feasible?"

Hearing Abbot Wuyin's question, Yi Tian knew that he couldn't avoid it, so he said directly to everyone: "This matter is by no means as simple as Fellow Daoist Du imagined. I think the repair is secondary. The key is how to enter the ice cave. The entrance to the gap is the real one."

"Why does Fellow Daoist Yi think that you can't enter the bottom of the ice cave with my cultivation level?" Du Ziheng said displeased.

Yi Tian knew that his words were inappropriate even if he didn't speak anymore, but his face showed a little worry under the deep frown, and he thought to himself, "Du Ziheng thought things too simply, how could the Yunxiaozong's sealing formation be so easy to repair?" Yes, and it must be difficult to operate against the violent wind. '

On the other hand, Abbot Wuyin and Old Demon Hehuan seemed to be a little shaken by Du Ziheng's proposal after hearing what he said, but they didn't show it in the slightest.

Just as I was thinking about it, Abbot Wuyin's voice came from my ear: "Fellow Daoist Yi, you can speak up if you have any scruples. Everyone is for the Zhongzhou cultivation world, but you don't have to worry about other entanglements if you do these things well. This old monk is here to uphold justice."

Yi Tian hurriedly replied via voice transmission: "Master, I'm worrying too much. I just feel that the situation inside is still a little unclear. This Yunxiaozong's sealing formation is definitely not so easy to repair, and God knows that the wind-type spirit beast that is sealed inside Will you forcefully break out of the formation?"

After hearing this, Abbot Wuyin's eyes brightened, and he looked at Yi Tianhou and asked: "Since Daoist Yi can tell the origin of this ancient formation, there must be a perfect plan?"

"There is a solution, but I still have some doubts in my heart, so please ask the abbot to clarify."

"What's the matter?"

Immediately, Yi Tian turned his head and cast his eyes on the early Yuanying monk, which meant it was self-evident.

When Abbot Wuyin saw it, he just smiled and replied via voice transmission: "This person has some connections with you, but it's not convenient for me to reveal his identity."

"I think the key to repairing the formation is still on him, but Du Ziheng hasn't noticed it yet," Yi Tian replied.

Abbot Wuyin nodded slowly to let Yi Tian rest in peace, and then stood aside and listened to Du Ziheng explain his method in detail.

Later, after he had finished speaking, Abbot Wuyin directly suggested that Du Ziheng should prepare for a while, and then he and Old Demon Hehuan would accompany him to go down to the ice cave.As for Yi Tian, ​​he will wait again with the other person, and make a decision if he encounters any situation.

Du Ziheng immediately agreed to this, and Yi Tian walked aside with a casual look on his face, found an open space, sat down and waited quietly.

Not long after the three escaping lights flashed, Abbot Wuyin and Hehuan Laomo cooperated with Du Ziheng and the three of them flew towards the location of the hurricane in the distance, and after a while, they disappeared into the wind column and disappeared.

Even De Yitian couldn't detect the whereabouts of the three people who stretched out with his divine sense. All he knew was that they should have drilled down the hole of the crack at this time.

After recovering for a while, I saw the monk at the early stage of Nascent Soul slowly came forward and bowed to Yi Tian: "Sect Master Yi is indeed a real person without showing his face."

"Who are you?" Yi Tian was instantly alert.

"Guess." The man narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Yi Tian took a look at this person's figure, which was slightly shorter than normal people by three points. He looked like a transformed monster of the monster clan, but transformed monsters of this level were indeed rare, and since the other party knew his details Then its identity is naturally not simple.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian suddenly realized that he stood up and returned the salute: "It turned out that it was the Soul Eater Mouse King in person, but my poor eyesight did not recognize it immediately."

"Sect Master Yi's gaze is like a torch, just call me to eat gold." The man stepped aside and only dared to accept Yi Tian's half-respect.

Seeing this, Yi Tian immediately understood in his heart that what he saw in front of him was just a clone of the Soul Eater Mouse King, no wonder he only had the cultivation base of the early Yuanying stage.Then he asked directly without going around the corner: "The ice cave at the bottom of the crack should be the Yunxiaozong's sealing formation, I'm afraid the three of them will return without success."

Biting Gold said with a faint smile: "That day, Du Ziheng of the Dao Sect really dared to trust him. He made a rash assertion without even knowing what the formation seal was for. Let him suffer a little bit."

"I'm afraid it won't be smooth sailing when it's my turn to repair the seal," Yi Tian said lightly.

"Is there really nothing Sect Master Yi can do?" Biting Gold asked, "There is a Fengling beast with a peak seventh level sealed below it. If it escapes, it will take four demon kings to subdue it."

"Is your body sleeping in the core of the Northern Spiritual Tree?" Yi Tian asked for no reason.

"Sect Master Yi has been to Beiyuan?" Biting Jin replied in surprise.

"No, I just saw the whole picture of Tianlan Continent in Qi Shanyun's closed retreat of Cloud Firmament Sect," Yi Tian replied.

"Then what did you find?" Asked the gold-devouring everything: "Is there any clue to find Luo Que and Qian Lingzi?"

Yi Tian's eyes lit up when he heard these two names again, and then he stared at Biting Jin for a while before shaking his head and said: "I didn't find any clues, these two people seem to have disappeared out of thin air 3000 years ago. There is no trace of it on the mainland."

"They must still be there, probably trapped somewhere," Biting Gold said decisively: "How can people in the upper spirit world willingly stay in the lower spirit world to waste their lifespan, even if their lifespan is as long as ours?" Unimaginable bottom, but there will always be a day of exhaustion."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's eyes lit up, why didn't he think about it? Jin Sui's analysis is not unreasonable, the two must have encountered some huge trouble and were temporarily trapped.

For the current plan, if you want to find out their whereabouts, you can only go to Tianyunmen for help, or you can't find the slightest clue after searching around Zhongzhou like headless chickens.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly found three streaks of spiritual light coming out of the hurricane and flying towards him.After a little investigation with spiritual sense, a suspicious expression appeared on his face. Although the three of them were able to retreat completely, the aura of the other two seemed to have weakened except Abbot Wuyin. He wondered in his heart if he had eaten something Dark loss.

Before the three of them flew back to their side, Du Ziheng's expression was grim, and some scars were showing on his clothes.Luckily, Old Demon Hehuan looked a little drained of spiritual power, while Abbot Wuyin was still the same as before, but he looked at the hurricane in the distance with an even more worried look on his brow.

(End of this chapter)

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