
Chapter 732 Induction

Chapter 732 Induction
Holding the beast soul flag in his hand, Yi Tianfei flew high in the sky all the way, seemingly aimlessly wandering around Zhongzhou for a year or two, digging three feet into the ground every time he went to search for the traces left in the surrounding area .

At the beginning of the period, he didn't find anything, so after the first three times of tossing around, Yi Tian began to have some doubts whether the connection between the soul in the beast soul banner and its owner had been broken.It wasn't until the fourth time that the Beast Soul Banner fell into an unknown valley in the depths of Zhongzhou that Yi Tian discovered that there were traces of a war here.

After putting away the beast soul banner, it slowly lowered and extended the divine consciousness to scan the situation within a hundred miles around, and then a look of joy appeared on his face.

Under the guidance of this sub-soul, I actually found a trace where Qian Lingzi once stepped foot. Although thousands of years have passed, there was indeed a big battle here at that time, or Luo Que and Qian Lingzi. Lingzi once made a stop here.

After Yi Tian searched the entire valley, he found some scratched spiritual texts left on a stone wall in the middle of the valley. He hurriedly flew over and glanced over those records, and he could only roughly read "void, node, Soaring' three words.

Although the remaining information is incomplete, Yi Tian was very happy this time. Qian Lingzi and Luo Que really left a message on the Zhongzhou Continent, but they still used the spirit world to engrave it on the stone wall, so there was no one. Its whereabouts can be traced.

From the point of view of himself in these spiritual world texts, the person who wrote them should be Qian Lingzi, but what is the meaning he wants to express?After re-engraving these words on the jade slips, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan sword to directly write off the words left on the stone wall.

After finishing these, he took out the beast soul banner with his left hand and urged the sub-soul of Xiaoyue Wolf King to guide it to the next place.

In this way, Yi Tian found four sensitive land boundaries in the hinterland of Zhongzhou along the way. Except for one of them falling inside and outside the jurisdiction of the Qianlingzong sect, the other three places were found.It's just that there are only some traces of battle found in these remaining sensing points, and there is even a place where Qian Lingzi used the shining sword technique to create a gap in an entire hundred-foot-high mountain.

Although after years of baptism, the bottom of this gap has formed a river, but searching from the top of the mountain can clearly find the traces left by that year.

Yi Tian also tried to chop down from the top of the mountain vertically like Qian Lingzi after Ji Yaojian. The result is that although he can split the mountain in the same way, it is still a bit worse than Qian Lingzi.

In the next few years, Yi Tian visited all the places in the hinterland of Zhongzhou that could be sensed by the beast soul flags except the territories of several major sects and the ruins of Lihuozong.

But the result was unsatisfactory. Most of these places were passed by Qian Lingzi in a hurry or stayed temporarily while chasing Luo Que. Except for a few places where there were still writings left, the rest were either deserted or had been destroyed by man.

But it's not completely useless, at least the words of the message left by Qian Lingzi were found on these several land boundaries, but it was originally described in the spirit world text, but later it gradually changed to the text of Tianlan Continent.

After Yi Tian put it away, he found that the words 'Lihuo, Luo Que, Feisheng, Space Node' appeared frequently in it.

According to a comprehensive interpretation, the first two writings are about the situations of other great powers he encountered in this world. As for the "ascension" may refer to the ascension platform of Lihuozong, and the space node refers to the connection between the ascension platform and the upper spirit world. bridge of communication.

Or it was the passage that Qian Lingzi needed to pass through in order to return to the upper spirit world. You can find an opportunity to ask Wanying King about these things. Presumably he, who is guarding the Feisheng Platform, must know more about this matter.

Under the guidance of the Beast Soul Banner, Yi Tian gradually found that he was exploring the western region of Zhongzhou, until one day when the Beast Soul Banner was activated, the soul of the Xiaoyue Wolf King seemed to be under the influence of an unknown force. Under the traction, it flew straight to the sky above a mortal city, and then circled around the city several times as if it wanted to land but couldn't find a foothold.

This is the first time Yi Tian has seen such a situation, so it goes without saying that the situation is not much different from the previous few times.This must be the place where Qianlingzi once stayed, and the remaining footprints were destroyed by the mortals earlier than before.

Most of the sub-souls behaved like this because they had some senses, but Yi Tian thought that if he had seen it before, he would not miss it, and it wouldn't take long to check it out.

He picked up the tactic in the air and used an invisibility tactic before slowly lowering the cloud head, and then wandered around in this mortal city.Passing by the main gate of the city, I saw the word 'Xuanye' written on it, and found out from the passers-by that this is Xuanye City of Zhenwu Kingdom in the hinterland of Zhongzhou.

It's just that I don't know why the beast soul banner will deliberately fly here, even though Yi Tian has used the invisibility formula, he can't sacrifice the spirit weapon out of thin air, otherwise it will definitely cause riots in this mortal world.

After walking around the city, I heard that today is a good day for the Zhenwu Kingdom's ten-year martial arts competition. People from all over the country who have some confidence in their own skills gather here to participate in the competition and want to take this opportunity to stand out.

Originally, he didn't want to join in the excitement, but his spiritual sense found that the beast soul flag placed in the storage ring seemed to be shaking continuously, and the closer he got to the imperial city, the more intense his reaction was.

It goes without saying that this phenomenon must have been sensed by some clues left in the imperial city, and then sneaked in through the city gate on the other side of the imperial city along the roads in the city, avoiding the crowded streets.

When he came to Xuanye Imperial City, Yi Tian took a rough glance and saw many martial arts practitioners on the square doing warm-up, all of them looked eager to try.But there is also a special case of a person wearing a long gown, holding a book in his hand and reading tirelessly, forming a great contrast with the people around him.

After a closer look, Yi Tian's eyes froze for a moment, and then he quietly cast his Qingling Dharma Eye to take a closer look.After the three breaths, there was an unbelievable look on his face. Fortunately, he still used the invisibility technique, otherwise it would be really bad if people saw him.There was a bit of spiritual fluctuations around that special person, and it was obvious that he had cast a disguise technique. Fortunately, the clear spirit method he cultivated could see through his true face, and he realized that this person turned out to be the young master of Tianyunmen Xiao Linhang.

This young man has no treasures, and he doesn't really want to be a martial arts examiner when he comes to a mortal city.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't want to just walk towards him slowly, thinking that with his own cultivation base, the mortals around him should not be able to detect his whereabouts.

After walking to a distance of twenty or thirty feet, Xiao Linhang obviously felt something strange, and put down the scroll in his hand, his eyes showed some suspicion.

(End of this chapter)

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