
Chapter 733 The Golden Book

Chapter 733 The Golden Book
Xiao Linhang is quite independent among the crowd of martial arts practitioners, but it is easy to win the championship based on his cultivation base, and it has not been seen for so many years that he has broken the alchemy and reached the initial stage of Yuanying.

It's just that Yi Tian didn't know why a dignified Yuanying monk would specially come to participate in the martial arts competition in the mortal world. There must be some secrets that are not humane.

When they were about twenty feet apart, they saw a serious look on the other party's face, slowly put away the scroll in his hand and began to be on guard.He obviously sensed something was wrong but couldn't say anything about it. This kind of situation can only be felt when facing higher-level monks.

Even if Yi Tian completely restrained his breath and used the invisibility technique, he still couldn't hide Xiao Linhang's induction.I saw him staring at an empty space in front of him for a while, and then there was some suspicion in his eyes.

A little later, a sound transmission sounded in his ear: "Junior brother Xiao, who hasn't seen you for many years, is he all right?"

At this point, Xiao Linhang's face changed, and then he showed a little joy. He looked at Yi Tian's figure looming not far away, and hurriedly replied: "Senior Brother Yi is really you? I didn't expect your cultivation base to be so advanced , I guess even my master Tian Yunzi can't match you. But aren't you afraid of causing commotion when you show up?"

"It doesn't matter," Yi Tian said as he walked: "With my cultivation base, if I don't want others to see it, I will never see it. Junior brother can rest assured."

After hearing this, Xiao Linhang sneered and said: "I was worrying too much." After speaking, he took out the scroll and pretended to be reading and blended into the mortals.

After walking to Xiao Linhang's side, Yi Tian looked at him carefully. Although his cultivation was advanced Yuanying, he was about a hundred years later than himself, and the gap between the two would only grow wider in the future.

Yi Tian couldn't help sighing at this, and then straightened his expression and said again: "Junior brother Xiao came to Xuanye City to participate in the martial arts this time, can't it be by chance?"

Xiao Linhang replied with a slight smile on his face: "Recently, I did some divination and found that there is a looming opportunity, but I don't know exactly where it is. Now that senior brother appears here is a guiding light. With your great luck There must be some clues to be found."

After hearing this, Yi Tian had a scheming move, could it really be the opportunity guided by the wolf soul, but he doesn't know where it will be now.Then he told Xiao Linhang in detail about the beast soul banner he held in his hand.After discussing for a while, the two decided to find a secluded place to take out the beast soul flag after the martial arts exam and see what happened.

In the following time, Yi Tian found a place beside Xiao Linhang to sit down and wait for the competition, while Xiao Linhang went up to the competition in a decent manner.Under Yi Tian's deliberate instruction, after more than a dozen rounds of competitions, he was finally defeated before the finals, and finally won the No. [-] ranking.

After the whole martial arts contest was over, the Lord of Zhenwu Kingdom took out a golden scroll and began to recite it, while all the citizens bowed their heads and knelt on the ground and prayed silently.

At this time, Yi Tian found that since the appearance of the golden book, the beast soul banner in the storage ring seemed to be shaking violently, and it seemed that this was the object that was sensed.

After quietly knowing about Xiao Linhang, Yi Tian walked slowly to the king holding the gold book to find out what happened.After the divine sense swept over it, there was a little joy on the brows. Although I don't know what material this golden book is made of, but with my own eyesight, it is definitely not lower than the level of a fifth-level spiritual weapon.

Moreover, the faint golden light emerging around the golden book was absorbing the power of faith from the surrounding mortals, and the golden book itself collected these powers of faith and gathered them into a group of spiritual power invisible to the naked eye, and then slowly flew into the sky.

Then I saw a dark cloud gathered in the sky and covered a radius of thirty miles, it looked like it was about to rain.It's just that Yi Tian's spiritual consciousness found that there seemed to be a gap in the void in the dark cloud that was slightly opened, and the power of faith burrowed in.

After the gap was closed later, the dark clouds in the sky dissipated. Yi Tian turned his head to look at the golden book in the hands of the lord. At this time, the golden light around his body was gone. Fortunately, these ordinary people were unable to detect it. This one changes.

At this time, the beast soul banner in the storage ring has returned to calm, and it seems that the induction to this party is also weakening.Yi Tian immediately informed Xiao Linhang and quietly disappeared into the crowd after the martial arts ceremony was over.

Later, the two walked together and sneaked into the palace with the Lord Zhenwu. After going around a few corners, the Lord came to the bedroom and blocked all the servants. put it in.

After the others left, Yi Tian and Xiao Linhang winked, and the two walked quickly to the hidden compartment, opened the closed door with one hand, and took out the golden book, and then a gust of wind blew by, and they went straight out of the palace and flew up to the sky .

After showing his figure in the air, Yi Tian held the golden book in his hand and slowly opened it, his face showed a little shock after scanning the recorded text on it with his spiritual sense.

And Xiao Linhang was also extremely surprised when he glanced at it. After reading it, the two were silent for a while, and then Yi Tian couldn't help but blurted out: "This is a spiritual world text. Judging from the material and style, it must be an old antique that has been handed down for thousands of years."

"What brother said is true," Xiao Linhang nodded in agreement, "and what is engraved on it seems to be some kind of high-level spell."

"It's the technique of wish power. If I'm not wrong, the ancestor of the Lord of Zhenwu should have a great relationship with Qian Lingzi, so he passed on this treasure."

"Why do you see it?" Xiao Linhang asked.

"The wish power collected by this golden book flies into the void and disappears. I think it will feed back Qian Lingzi himself." Yi Tian frowned and said, "If my guess is correct, Qian Lingzi must be with Luo Que. Trapped somewhere after the fight, and now relying on these wills to recover or maintain itself."

After hearing this, Xiao Linhang looked at the golden book thoughtfully and said: "The spells on this should be handed down from the upper spirit world. Why don't senior brothers go back to the mountain with me and hand over the golden book to the old man for his eyes. Let's see if we can find any other clues."

For the current plan, Yi Tian only thinks that among the clues to follow, this is the only one that is more intuitive, and it is not a problem to run around like a headless chicken. It is better to test it through the divination technique of Tianyunmen.

After nodding his head, Yi Tian took out a jade slip and engraved all the spiritual world texts on the gold book, then closed the book and handed it to Xiao Linhang: "This thing should be kept by the younger brother, I have already written it on it. It is written down in the spirit world."

Xiao Linhang took the golden book and put it away with a light swipe, and then the two of them set up the escape technique and flew straight towards the Tianji Pavilion of Xingxing Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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