
Chapter 736 Divination 3 Promise

Chapter 736 Divination Three Promises
Sitting in the main hall of Tianyunmen, the atmosphere at this time is much more relaxed than before. Without the interruption of the blood refiner, the four of them chatted happily.

During the period, Yi Tian learned about his purpose of coming to Tianyun Gate from Beiming Kongjing's mouth. To be honest, after hearing what he said, although his face was calm, he was very concerned about Xihuang's intentions in his heart. There is a new understanding of the situation.

In the final analysis, this matter still happened to me. Dugu Tianfeng of the Tianmomen after the battle of Dange finally got his wish and got the Peiying Pill, and then went directly back to the Tianmomen of Xihuang to retreat to attack the bottleneck of Yuanying's later stage up.

You must know that in the Western Wilderness, only the Excalibur Sect had a late Yuanying cultivator sitting in command, so it was possible to maintain its position as the number one sect in the Western Wilderness.Now this late Nascent Soul cultivator is also late, and his lifespan is estimated to be less than a hundred years.

If a hundred years later he waits until he rides a crane back, then the entire Excalibur Sect will only be able to take advantage of Beiming Kongjing.And once Dugu Tianfeng breaks through the bottleneck and reaches the late stage of Nascent Soul, it will definitely shake the situation in the entire Western Wilderness.

That's why Beimingkongjing came to Tianyunmen in such a hurry to ask Tianyunzi to take a shot himself, to see where the opportunity for him to break through.Now we can't wait any longer. According to what he said, the probability of Dugu Tianfeng breaking through the bottleneck is at least [-]%.

After listening to his explanation, Houtian Yunzi's face looked calm, and after thinking for a while, he replied: "Friend Beiming belongs to the honor and disgrace of the sect, and such divination has already involved the sect's luck. Pindao believes that this matter is not trivial and needs to be done with caution."

Beimingkongjing nodded frequently after hearing this. He naturally knew that such an appeal must involve a lot, but judging from Tianyunzi's meaning, his attitude seemed to be vague and he did not make a clear statement.

But his skill in nourishing qi was not so strong, so he sat on the side with closed eyes and rested his mind, waiting for Tian Yunzi's reply.

On the other hand, Yi Tian lowered his head and moved the corners of his mouth slightly after listening to the sound transmission, and asked Xiao Linhang, "Is the luck divination of this sect a little difficult? I think Senior Tian Yunzi seems a little hesitant."

"Brother doesn't know something," Xiao Linhang replied quietly through voice transmission: "This divination technique still has backlash, and nine out of ten it will be on the person who does the divination."

"Could it be that Senior Tianyunzi's current appearance is caused by backlash?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

At this time, Xiao Linhang showed some pitiful regret on his face, and then he could not bear it: "It is true, the degree of backlash depends on the luck of the divination target, for example, the lightest for a single person cultivator, as for those involving Those with good luck in the sect are much stronger. As for those with great luck, they are even stronger," he turned his head and stared at Yi Tian, ​​with a look of helplessness in his eyes.

Although he had guessed this early in the morning, after Xiao Linhang said it, Yi Tian had a better understanding of Tian Yunzi's situation.It is not so easy to be a descendant of Tianyunmen this day. Every time you do divination, you will suffer the backlash of heaven. On the other hand, this is also a punishment for those who have insight into the sky.

It didn't take long to see Tian Yunzi sighing, and then said to Beiming Kongjing: "Since Daoist brother came all the way to the border of Zhongzhou just for this, I can't refuse anymore."

After hearing this, Beiming Kongjing's face flashed with joy, and then he took out a storage ring and handed it to Tian Yunzi, saying: "I still understand the rules of divination in Tianyun Gate, here is a mere thought, please tell me You Xiaona."

Tian Yunzi just glanced at it and asked Xiao Linhang to accept it for him. Then he made a formula with his left hand in the palm of his hand and silently counted it. After ten breaths, he said: "The luck of the divination sect is very important. , Three days from now will be the Day of the Four Suns, which is suitable for divination, and then I will open the altar and perform divination techniques to obtain the luck of the Excalibur Sect's sect."

After hearing this, Beiming Kongjing hurriedly got up and arched his hands together: "Brother Daoist is so thankful."

"It's okay," Tian Yunzi hurriedly got up and held up Beiming Kongjing's hands and said: "At that time, I will also invite fellow Taoists to participate together. The poor Taoist will use your luck as a guide to calculate. Before that, I would like to invite fellow Taoists to participate." Come with me to the quiet room in the backyard of the sect to rest and recharge your batteries for this divination."

"Dare to obey."

After hearing this, Tian Yunzi turned around slowly and told Xiao Linhang, "I have no time to clone you when the distinguished guest arrives. You should take care of Yi Daoyou on behalf of the sect. I will introduce the two of you to meet the old man after I finish dealing with the matter at hand. Zu."

After hearing this, Xiao Linhang was stunned for a moment, and then a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. Behind the Tianyun Gate, there is a late-stage Yuanying cultivator who has a real secret, but since he entered the gate, he has only been included in the gate wall by Tian Yunzi I was able to meet him only when I was a young suzerain.Even the other direct disciples of the previous sect failed to see the ancestor Tianyan, and Yi Tian had a chance just after he arrived, which is enough to show the importance of Tian Yunmen.

In a blink of an eye, he glanced at Yi Tianhou and said, "Brother Yi, please follow me to the inner hall to rest."

So Yi Tian didn't pretend to get up and saluted Tian Yunzi and Beiming Kongjing, and then followed Xiao Linhang to go out through the side door of the main hall.

After only a few steps, Tian Yunzi's voice came from his ears: "The divination ceremony in three days' time, please also watch the ceremony with Fellow Daoist Yi."

Beiming Kongjing just frowned, but there was no objection on his face, while Xiao Linhang just looked at Tian Yunzi and Yi Tian in puzzlement and didn't make a sound.

Yi Tian just replied faintly, then followed Xiao Linhang and walked out.

Not long after, the two walked through several long corridors and side halls and came to a quiet courtyard in the back mountain. Xiao Linhang pointed to the thatched hut in front of him and said: "The humble sect is used to being simple and simple, so I invite you to rest here for a few days. Before the divination ceremony begins, I will come back to invite my brother."

"It doesn't matter, how can a cultivator be blinded by material desires," Yi Tian replied, "I see that the concentration of secluded aura here is also very good.

After Yi Tian walked into the hut later, Xiao Linhang turned around and left in the same direction as he came and went. Suddenly, Yi Tian asked inquiringly: "I have something to ask my brother to speak clearly?"

Turning around, Xiao Linhang regained his composure before replying: "I can also guess eighty-nine points of what is in my mind, brother, but this is my fate in the Tianyunmen, and the master and the ancestors did not force myself. I Qingtian Pavilion is originally a member of the Lihuo Sect, and should devote itself wholeheartedly to the Sect Master."

"Okay," Yi Tian replied helplessly, and stopped his words in time.But in his heart, he already roughly guessed what the result of his fortune-telling at Tianyun Gate would be.

(End of this chapter)

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