
Chapter 737 Divination 4 Soul Search

Chapter 737 Divination Four Soul Search
There are still three days before Tian Yunzi divination the fortune of the sect for Beiming Kongjing, Yi Tian stayed in that hut and felt that he could make full use of this time to pry out some valuable information from the mouth of the blood refiner .

I heard Xiao Linhang mentioned before that this Blood Refining Demon Lord was originally a late Jindan cultivator 500 years ago.It wasn't until he came to Tianyunzi to divination his luck that he couldn't control it.

A hundred years later, his cultivation level rose to the Nascent Soul stage, and he came to ask for help one after another for another 400 years. After divination for him, he could find that his cultivation level had greatly improved the next time we met.

Gradually, the Loose Cultivator Blood Refining Demon Monarch made a name for himself in the Zhongzhou cultivation world, but he did not provoke any high-ranking monks from major sects despite his deliberately low-key behavior.It wasn't until the last time I came to Tianyunmen that I ran into Yi Tiancai and ended up being captured as a Nascent Soul out of his body.

Sitting cross-legged in the thatched hut, Yi Tian opened a soundproof barrier before taking out the jade bottle that sealed the Blood Demon King.

Gently lifted the seal on the bottle mouth and probed into the bottle with the divine sense, and found that a red Nascent Soul was curled up at the bottom of the bottle with its eyes closed. lock it up.

Yi Tian lightly cast a spell to take out the Nascent Soul and sacrifice it in his hand, then took out the silver needle, muttered something in his mouth, and then gently attached a trace of spiritual thought to it.Then the left hand manipulated the silver needle to aim at the Tianling cover of the Nascent Soul's spirit body and stab it lightly. I saw that the Blood Refined Old Demon's Soul was restrained and held still with his eyes closed, but when the silver needle pierced it, he couldn't help shaking. down.

Immediately, Yi Tian once again used a formula to nail the Nascent Soul's spirit body in the air, and he began to invade the sea of ​​consciousness of the Blood Refining Demon Lord through the divine sense attached to the silver needle.

Some fragmented memory fragments appeared in Shaoqing's mind. Although the effect is definitely not as good as the effect of the other party's unscrupulous search after letting go of the sea of ​​consciousness, Yi Tian still caught some useful information.

I saw that among these memory fragments, there would be a scene banned by the Fire Sect once every hundred years.Every time the old blood refining demon forcibly breaks through the forbidden defense from a fixed point and sneaks into the hinterland of Lihuozong, and all the opportunities he so-called come from here.

After looking carefully at the environment of the Lihuozong main hall in the memory fragments, he can be 100% sure that what he entered turned out to be the hinterland of Qi Pavilion.

This news surprised me a lot. You must know that the three remaining banned relics in Lihuo Ancestral Land in Zhongzhou only have a chance to break through once every 500 years by taking advantage of the weakening of the ban.

But this blood refiner actually goes in and travels once every hundred years, and it's really no problem to rely on the treasures he got from it for a long time to improve his cultivation by leaps and bounds.

And from his memory fragments, he also found that except for entering the same place every time, he also needs to hold a token of Lihuozong.Yi Tian rolled his eyes and raised his hand to wipe the storage ring, and took out all the belongings of the blood refiner to identify them one by one.

To be honest, the things he collected really surprised Yi Tian. Compared with ordinary monks in the Nascent Soul stage, the blood refiner can be regarded as a rich man.

There are more than ten level six spirit weapons alone, plus many pills and precious materials, it can be regarded as a small fortune for Yi Tian.

Yi Tian finally found a sealed ice jade box in the Blood Demon Monarch's belongings, lifted the extended seal talisman, and gently opened the box lid, only to see a hot flame coming out of it .

Yi Tian's eyes were quick and his hands hurriedly sacrificed Nanming Lihuo in his hand to swallow all these flames. Later, he stretched his consciousness into it and found that the token of Lihuozong was in the ice jade box.It's just that this token was covered by a real fire, and it was only restrained under the suppression of the ice jade box.

Sacrifice Nanming Lihuo, go deep into the jade box, hold up the token, slowly take it out and put it in mid-air, Yi Tian glanced at the token at this time, and saw the words 'Lihuozong' written on the front , while the back shows the words 'Zixiao' and the two spirit world patterns.

He conveniently took out the other two Lihuozong Tokens that he had found before, and after comparing the three pieces together, he found out that these three Tokens should be a complete set.

The two pieces I got earlier and the token I found this time should exactly correspond to the three places of Zixiao Temple, Qi Pavilion and Pill Pavilion.It can be seen that the piece in the hands of the Blood Refining Demon Lord should be the Sovereign Token, so he can use this to forcibly open the prohibition of the Qi Pavilion.

In this way, Yi Tian has a calculation in his heart, and he has also imagined it before. In this way, he can directly find opportunities to sneak into the Zixiao Temple and the Cangjing Pavilion to take out the complete Lihuo Three Changes, no longer need to wait for more than 500 years and so many monks Entered after breaking the ban together.

Thinking of this, I felt a burst of fire in my heart, the first form of Lihuo Three Changes is already so powerful, I really don't know how powerful the next two forms will be.Maybe after practicing this secret technique, he could directly kill Qianlingzong and become that old boy Qianlingyuan.

After tidying up his mood, he prepared to put away the three tokens, and then found that the flame inscription ring of the Sovereign Token resonated and activated the inscriptions on it automatically.

The token flew directly into the flame inscription ring with a 'whoosh' sound, and then the other two tokens also flew into it.Yi Tian probed with his divine sense and found that at this time the three tokens were gathered together in the storage ring, and the real fire on it slowly ignited and covered the three tokens.

And those two tokens seemed to be activated by real fire, and the words of the spirit world of Pill Pavilion and Qi Pavilion gradually appeared behind them, just like what I guessed.

After dealing with these matters, Yi Tiancai turned around to look at the unconscious Blood Refining Demon Monarch Yuanying's spirit body. With a smile on his lips, he directly took out the beast soul banner to slowly mobilize the soul of the Xiaoyue Wolf King, and then put Yuanying Throw it in directly.

Then the mantra that he couldn't help urging the soul to devour the spirit body of the Nascent Soul, Shaoqing saw a red and vicious head gradually appearing on the black beast soul banner under the golden wolf logo .At this point, the spiritual power on the entire beast soul streamer flourished again, and the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure also faintly increased.

After doing this, Yi Tian put all the things into the storage ring, and he sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed to rest his mind and practice.

About three days later, a golden talisman sprang out from the Qingtian Pavilion and flew straight towards the courtyard where Yi Tian was. The barrier outside the gate of the courtyard automatically opened a fist-sized opening, and the talisman slipped into it in a random flash.

Half a moment later, the restrictions around the entire courtyard were opened from the inside to the outside, and a blue light flashed across Yi Tian's figure, wrapped in the light, and flew towards the Qingtian Pavilion in the front mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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