
Chapter 738 Divination 5 Helping Hand

Chapter 738 Divination Five Helping Hands
Tianyun Sect's recruitment of disciples is extremely strict, and most of them go to the mortal world to find destined disciples after divination by the master himself.So the entire Tianyunmen seems to have a big family and a big business, but there are only more than 20 people up and down.

As for Xiao Linhang, he also accepted a few registered disciples after he reached the Golden Core Realm, and after he broke the alchemy and became a baby, he chose a gentle-hearted disciple as his direct successor.

When he flew to the front hall of Qingtian Pavilion, Xiao Linhang had already been waiting with his disciples. After sweeping his eyes, he saw a mid-stage foundation-building monk behind him. His bone age was about 50 years old. On the contrary, it was almost the same when I met Xiao Linhang back then.

After the meeting, Xiao Linhang hurriedly saluted and said: "Senior brother," then pointed to the disciple behind him and said, "This is the bad apprentice Ruan Hong, please take care of me from now on."

After sizing it up, Yi Tian casually took out a pair of spirit armor and handed it over gently: "I, as an uncle, can't treat my nephew badly, this defensive spirit weapon can be regarded as a meeting gift."

Then he took out a piece of spiritual jade, sacrificed a ray of real fire in his hand, carved a few words on it, and handed it to Ruan Hong, saying: "When you travel to Dongao in the future, if you encounter any troubles, you can take this token to Xuanyang Send any one of the three branches to seek help."

After hearing this, Ruan Hong's eyes lit up. This thing is more useful than a defensive spirit weapon. It is simply a weapon for mobilizing troops. With this token, it is estimated that almost no one in Dongao would dare to embarrass him.

Looking at the master Xiao Linhang in front of him, he only saw a faint smile on his face and said: "Since your uncle is kind, then you can accept it."

After the episode, Yi Tian, ​​under the leadership of Xiao Linhang, seemed to visit the site of today's divination, which was a little different from the general Gongtai.

I saw that many disciples on the Qingtian Pavilion Square were busy preparing. Eight fences had been set up on the originally empty platform, and there were eight-color flags around them to show the directions, and the words "gossip" were written on them.It's just that Yi Tian can find that the layout of this formation seems to be different from normal ones after a little attention. After careful observation, he realizes that it is an anti-gossip formation.

Xiao Linhang, who was leading the way, saw the voice transmission and said quietly: "Brother, I don't know that the technique of divination is originally used to spy on the secrets of the sky. You have to wait until the chaos of yin and yang to break through the layers of fog to peek at a chance. This is an anti-gossip formation." It is also called Yin-Yang Reversing Formation, which is specially used for divination of large-scale luck."

At the same time, Tian Yunzi and Beimingkongjing entered the field early in the Taiji circle area in the center of the formation and sat down at the two eyes of the yin-yang fish in the middle, but Beimingkongjing sat at the yin eye of the yang side, But Tian Yunzi is the opposite.

Later, Xiao Linhang's voice came from next to his ear, saying: "This time, what we want to divination is the luck of the Divine Sword Sect, and Senior Beiming, as the suzerain of the Divine Sword Sect, naturally has a close relationship between his personal fortune and the fortune of the sect, so by the way In divination, his personal fortune is used as a guide to explore the fortune of the sect behind it."

After following Xiao Linhang to the rest area on one side of the formation, Tian Yunzi who was directly at the eye of the formation slowly opened his eyes and nodded to himself, Yi Tian hurriedly cupped his hands in return.

After a while, it was noon, Tian Yunzi suddenly stood up and stretched out his hand to signal all the disciples to withdraw from the formation.At the other end, Beiming Kongjing also stood up and arched his hands and said to Tian Yunzi: "Thank you."

After the latter knew it, he stretched out his hands and began to quickly form seals on his chest, and then tapped several formulas in his hands into the eyes of the formation under his feet. After three breaths, the formation patterns of the entire formation were activated, and the eight gates around The flag started to spin.

At the same time, a lot of dark clouds suddenly appeared above the originally clear sky, covering the originally cloudless sky.After a while, the sky became dark like dusk, and as Tian Yunzi continued to drive the formation, he muttered: "The world is boundless, and the universe borrows the law. Today, Beimingkongjing of the Western Wilderness Sword Sect wants the luck of the sect , use blood as a medium, and seek guidance from heaven."

After finishing speaking, Beiming Kongjing gently squeezed out a sliver of real blood from between his fingers, flicked it into a drop of blood, and went straight to the center of the upside-down yin and yang formation.

Immediately, the spiritual light flashed in the big formation, and then a golden light shot straight into the sky and submerged into the dark clouds above the head. Later, a gap in the sky was formed in the dark clouds, and the spiritual light shot into it within three breaths and was completely swallowed up.

Then in the gap, a thick thunderbolt flashed across the gap and struck straight towards the upside-down yin and yang formation. At this time, Tian Yunzi and Beimingkong looked at each other, and then each used their means to jointly sacrifice a protective barrier to bring the thunder to life. Next.

Seeing this, Xiao Linhang showed a hint of worry on his face, and Yi Tian asked in puzzlement: "Could it be that the thunder calamity is related to divination?"

"Yes," Xiao Linhang nodded and replied, "Every divination will be punished by heaven, and the more powerful the fortune of the divination object, the stronger the feedback of heaven's punishment will be."

"Then what is the power of Heaven's Punishment from Divination God's Sword Sect this time?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's very strong, comparable to crossing the catastrophe. I hope the two seniors, Master and Beiming Kongjing, can survive it," Xiao Linhang said worriedly.

Under the arc of lightning on the field, the two joined hands to catch the first thunder that fell.And the thunder and lightning in the void seemed to be unbearable, and then the second one fell again.

This power is about the same as when he crossed the catastrophe, but I don't know why the faces of Tian Yunzi and Beiming Kongjing became extremely dignified.

I only heard the sound of 'Boom', the thunder catastrophe on that day seemed to rush out together, and before the two of them took over the second thunder catastrophe, the third one fell down again.

At this time, the protective cover jointly supported by the two seemed to be crumbling under the thunder disaster, and the light shone rapidly after receiving the second thunder disaster.

Seeing the situation, Xiao Linhang blurted out: "No, I'm going to be unable to hold on."

As soon as the words fell, before the figure moved, Yi Tian beside him suddenly became blurred, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

After the third tribulation thunder fell, there was a trace of exhaustion on Bei Mingkong's face.At the same time, the crazy output of spiritual power on both hands was poured into the shield to stabilize it.

After the Thunder Tribulation fell, it hit the light film, and bursts of blue sparks appeared, which hit the protective barrier of the entire spherical body and stirred up cracks, and at the same time caused the surrounding spiritual power to fluctuate violently.

Such a situation of unstable spiritual power is only one step away from the collapse of the protective cover. The blue arc in front of him seems to be eroding the protective cover after seeping through the cracks in the white light film.

Suddenly, the other end of a cyan spiritual shield appeared, quickly filling and sealing those cracked gaps, and firmly resisting the arc outside.

After the thunder calamity, a ray of white light fell from the gap in the void above, and Tian Yunzi hurriedly took out the jade slips he had prepared earlier to catch the white light.

After the dark clouds in the sky cleared a little later, the three of them slowly descended from the clouds to the square.At this time, after Tian Yunzi glanced at the jade slip, he suddenly raised his head to look at Beiming Kongjing and Yi Tian, ​​and then said meaningfully: "It's God's will, the so-called crisis is also an opportunity, friend Yi Dao But it just so happens to be the key point.”

(End of this chapter)

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