
Chapter 740 Divination 7 Questions and Answers

Chapter 740 Divination Seven Questions and Answers
Following Tian Yunzi slowly walked to the depths of the formation in the forbidden area behind the Tianyun Gate, the three of them came to the end of the path in a short time. At this time, there was a closed stone gate on the mountain wall in front of them, and there was a layer of stone gate outside. Thin halo restraint.

After the three of them stood still in front of the door, Tian Yunzi walked up slowly and bowed to the stone door, saying, "Master, the person you are waiting for is here."

After closing the words, I saw the faint halo of prohibition outside the stone gate gradually dimmed, and after three breaths, only a few "clicks" were heard, and after the stone gate opened, an old voice came from inside: "Sovereign, you are finally here!" Now, I think you should have retrieved the Haotian mirror, the sect's token."

Yi Tian's eyelids twitched, although he knew that Qingtian Pavilion was originally a branch of Lihuozong, but when he heard the other party's words from Tianjizi's mouth at this time, he couldn't help showing some respect on his face.Stretch out your right hand and lightly touch it, only to see a one-foot-sized bronze mirror appear in your hand after a flash of spiritual light.

At the same time, Tianjizi's voice sounded again: "I don't know how many grades Nanming Lihuo, the suzerain, has achieved?"

"A few grades," this is the first time Yi Tian heard about it, and he has never seen Nanming Lihuo subdivided in the previous sect classics.And now I only know that I am refining the Xiaocheng realm, but I don't know how many grades this Xiaocheng realm is.

After thinking for a while, he stretched out his right index finger and lightly sacrificed a wisp of flame, and suddenly there was a violent fluctuation of spiritual power within a radius of one foot around himself.

After three breaths, Tianjizi said again: "That's right, the suzerain didn't pull down the sect's direct inheritance. Although Nanming Lihuo is only refining the third-grade elementary level, it is enough to perform the Lihuo three transformations."

Tian Yunzi and Xiao Linhang on the side looked at Yi Tian intently, at this moment they couldn't get in the conversation and could only listen.

"Come in, all three of you, it's time to explain to you," Tianjizi's voice said after a while.

After putting away the real fire and the Haotian mirror, Yi Tian went straight into the cave under the leadership of Tian Yunzi, and Xiao Linhang followed into the cave at the end.

The three of them walked in for a little while and then came to a stone room with a radius of three feet. At this time, sitting in the center of the stone room was an old man in his early sixties with white hair, wrinkled face, and his eyes closed tightly. at every turn.Yi Tian couldn't feel the fluctuation of spiritual power around him, if this is how to describe it, this Tianjizi is more like a living dead.

Seeing that the three of them had arrived, they opened their eyes and slowly got up and bowed to Yi Tian, ​​saying: "Tianjizi see the suzerain."

Although his movements are smooth and flowing, there is no evidence of malice at all, but Yi Tian can feel a strong death energy around him, as if his life is about to be exhausted, so he hastily returned the gift: " Seniors don't need to be polite."

A rare smile appeared on Tianjizi's face, then he pointed around and said, "Sit down and talk."

The three of them understood and sat around Tianjizi, and after Tianjizi sat down, they looked at Yi Tian carefully and said: "Sure enough, the suzerain has a long fortune, and now it happens that the Zhongzhou sect is falling apart, and it happens to take advantage of the situation. "

Yi Tian replied: "Senior said it is true. I have now integrated the Dong'ao branch, and the three sects return to their hearts according to my orders. It's just that Lu Jinyuan, the Zhongzhou branch, has made many achievements in the revival of the sect for more than a hundred years. If I immediately set up the banner for fear that it would make him unhappy, and then the revival of the sect will not be achieved until the external enemies have not been eliminated and the internal strife will be added."

Tian Jizi caressed his beard lightly and said lightly: "Speaking of which, Lu Jinyuan is also from your main line of Dong Ao, and he himself has the luck to be the master of a sect, but it's a pity that he was born at an untimely time, so you don't need to worry about the destiny."

One sentence made Yi Tian's eyes light up, and if Tian Jizi made the final decision, then he would have to drive the ducks to the shelves if he couldn't do it.As for Tian Yunzi and Xiao Linhang's eyes looking at Yi Tian at this time, there is a different kind of strange color in their eyes.

Seeing that Yi Tian was silent, Tian Jizi smiled and said: "Sect Master, don't worry too much, Lu Jinyuan also visited me in the early years, so the only people I have met in the past thousand years are you four."

It turned out that Lu Jinyuan had come to see Tianjizi a long time ago, and his purpose was also self-evident to divination his future fortune.After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian asked, "Then how did the senior tell Senior Brother Lu?"

"The sect is promising, but unfortunately he is not the order of the sect master," Tianjizi said.

It seems that Lu Jinyuan knew about this early in the morning. He knew that he was making a wedding dress for himself, but he was still running around for Zongmen affairs. Yi Tian didn't know how to face him in the future when he thought of this.

At this time, Tianjizi calmed down and said: "Sovereign, you and Lu Jinyuan will not be against each other, and you have your own destiny in the dark. .Furthermore, both of them are contributing to the revival of the sect. Although the means of doing things are divided into "the way of kings and overlords", it is not impossible to accommodate."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's complexion finally improved a lot. This time, he came to Tianyunmen originally to inquire about the relationship between himself and Lu Jinyuan. Guilt comes.

After thinking about it for a while, I straightened my expression and asked: "Senior taught me that this matter is a heavy burden on my heart, and I was instantly enlightened by my senior's kind words, and I will never hesitate again in the future."

"That's very good," Tianjizi said with a smile: "You came to Tianyunmen to be a part of this wheel of fortune, and I'm just pointing out the direction for you to move forward."

"Senior, do you know what's on my mind?" Yi Tian asked.

Tian Jizi didn't say much, and directly stretched out his right index finger to write a few words lightly on the mud floor of the cave, and the faces of Tian Yunzi's master and apprentice on both sides showed deep confusion when they saw it.

After all, it was the first time for them to see these two names. As for Yi Tian's face, he couldn't help but twitched a few times, only to see the words "Luo Que, Qian Lingzi" written on the mud. , Feishengtai' eight characters.Secretly surprised in his heart, he said, "It's no wonder that a person with such a cultivation level as Tian Jizi has written down his intentions in just a few strokes." '

Then he opened his mouth and asked: "Dare to ask seniors if you don't know how old you are this year? How did you get this secret information?"

"The old man is about to die, but the suzerain will come again, so there is no need to hide anything." Tianjizi suddenly seemed to have a rosy face and said: "I am about [-] years old this year. "

"Impossible," Yi Tian blurted out, "As long as the lifespan of a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul is no more than [-] years old, it is unimaginable that the seniors have nearly doubled their lifespan."

Tianjizi murmured with a wry smile: "Is it unimaginable? The suzerain doesn't know that I have taken the life-extending pill to increase my life by five hundred, and then set up this 'reversing the universe and returning to dreams', but I am sitting here like a living dead I have been waiting for your arrival for thousands of years, but fortunately God has not disgraceed my life and made me wait."

(End of this chapter)

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