
Chapter 741 Divination 8 Past Events

Chapter 741 Divination Eight Past Events

In the closed place of the forbidden area deep in the Tianyunmen, in the eye of the "reversing the universe and returning to the dream formation", Tianjizi's words surprised Yi Tian immediately.According to what he said, if that is the case, then the war against Tianjizi 3000 years ago should have been experienced personally, and this is a living history textbook. The ones from the middle visit are more authoritative.

Before Yi Tian wanted to reply, Tianjizi stretched out his hand and made a stop gesture, and then said to Tianyunzi and Xiao Linhang: "You two go out and get ready first, and set up a hundred hundred [-] is full of stars, I want to do a divination for the suzerain."

After hearing this, Tian Yunzi said with a big face: "Master, this formation was originally used for divination by those with great luck, and it takes [-] brothers and sisters to form the formation together. Now there are only four of us who are afraid that we will not be able to enter the formation." achievement."

Tianjizi nodded and replied: "How could I not know about this matter, but I can't care so much about the matter's urgency. And there are not four people, but you and I have to take action. As for the suzerain and Lin Hang, the two of you are watching from the sidelines. Can."

After hearing this, Xiao Linhang hurriedly yelled: "Patriarch, no, divination for someone as lucky as Senior Brother Yi will definitely bring back a huge backlash early. How can the master, grandfather and master alone deal with it?"

Tianjizi's expression changed immediately and he shouted: "I don't need to say too much, Lin Hang, you must remember your mission. After Li Huozong revives, your next burden will not be light."

"Could it be Feishengtai?" Yi Tian and Xiao Linhang said in unison.

"Yes, suzerain, the characters you will face in the future are definitely beyond your imagination. I don't need to explain the strength of these superpowers," Tianjizi said angrily: "Even the old Zu is in his prime and can't stand up to one against two, so you have to be very careful about this matter. If you don't practice your martial arts to great success, you have no chance of winning."

After a pause, he continued: "The main responsibility of Qingtian Pavilion since ancient times has been to plan the Ascension Platform for the suzerain, and now this matter falls on you, Lin Hang."

When Xiao Linhang was still arguing, Tian Yunzi on the side suddenly showed a little anger on his face and reprimanded his apprentice: "Lin Hang, don't forget the clan rules. Since the ancestor made a decision on this matter, it is naturally reasonable. Remember Your duty," after speaking, he reached out and took out a simple tortoise shell and three jade coins and handed them over.

Yi Tian didn't know what it was, but when Xiao Linhang saw it, his eyes burst into tears and he couldn't help crying: "Master, what is your plan?"

"After receiving the turtle shell and jade coins, you will be the new Tianyunmen suzerain," Tian Yunzi said flatly, "Do you know why I have not allowed you to participate in divination many times?"

Xiao Linhang said with tears in his eyes: "The master doesn't want the disciple to suffer too much karma and the backlash of heaven."

Tianjizi shouted in a deep voice: "It's inappropriate for the dignified new head to cry like this. After you take the sect's keepsake, go quickly to set up the formation. I have a few words to explain to the head of the sect." After speaking, he took it out A jade box was handed over to Xiao Linhang, only to see the words 'Flying Ascension Platform Construction' written on the jade box in spiritual script.

After the two walked out of the inner cave, Tianjizi opened a sound-proof barrier with a wave of his hand, then turned around and looked at Yi Tiantian, sighed and said: "The suzerain is a good root, and he has already refined the late Nascent Soul before he was five hundred years old. , I'm afraid no one can leave you at this time except Patriarch Li Huo."

"Senior is absurd," Yi Tian hurriedly replied, "Since senior dismissed Tian Yunzi and Lin Hang, there must be something extremely important entrusted to me."

Tianjizi nodded and said: "The suzerain should have a thorough understanding of the success and failure of the Lihuo sect in this world."

"Yes, the information obtained from the Zongmen's classics and the relics left in various places generally connects the context of this," Yi Tian replied.

"Then do you know the reason why Luo Que and Qian Lingzi descended?"

"Is it related to the 'Ascension Guide', which caused the two great powers to come down to seize the ascension channel in this world," Yi Tian then shared what he had learned.

And Tianjizi didn't intervene until Yi Tian finished speaking, then shook his head gently and said: "The situation that the suzerain understands is not comprehensive. You must know that the upper spirit world corresponds to many lower spirit worlds, and Tianlan Continent is just busy. Among the busy beings, why did the slightly outstanding one attract two great powers to go down to the realm at the same time to snatch it?"

"Could it be that there are still articles on this 'Feishengyin'?" Yi Tian exclaimed.

"That's for sure," Tianjizi said resolutely, "For these powerful monks, there is something that can attract them to fight for it with all their strength. After thinking about it for 2000 years, I seem to have guessed something."

"What did senior guess?" Yi Tian asked anxiously.

"The news of 'Flying Ascension' is just a guess based on what we know now, maybe this is not a lost spirit treasure in the upper spirit world, but something handed down from the upper spirit world ,” Tianjizi explained.

"Above the upper spirit world," Yi Tian muttered several times incessantly, and then a disbelief appeared on his face.I only know that there is an upper spirit world, but I don't know anything about what else is above the upper spirit world.

Quietly looking inside the Niwan palace with a ray of divine consciousness, I saw that my Nascent Soul was sitting cross-legged in the center in the form of an Asura dharma body, while on top of my head was a simple wooden seal. After a hundred years of spiritual power baptism, several spiritual texts appeared on the front of the seal.

But Yi Tian went through all the spiritual world texts he had learned in his mind, but couldn't find a matching text style.I was startled in my heart and said, "Could it be that the words written on it are not spirit world characters, but fairy world characters, but this seal has been stuck in my body for a long time, and it has been baptized with the spiritual power I have acquired through hard work." As time goes by, it seems to become a part of the body. With the improvement of cultivation, bad things will naturally appear every time you pass through the catastrophe. '

Suddenly, Tianjizi's words came from next to my ear: "The suzerain needs to remember to guide that ascension tour. If you can really cultivate to the step of ascension, please bring that treasure back to the spirit world. There must be someone there who knows about it." The origin of the thing."

After hearing this, Yi Tian hurriedly nodded and replied: "Senior asked me to keep it in mind."

Afterwards, Tian Jizi stood up again and took a step forward. His aura suddenly increased a lot, and the blood on his face became brighter every time he took a step forward.After ten or so steps, he saw that the white hair on his head was replaced by black hair, and the skin on his face became rosy, revealing the appearance of a young man in his twenties, but the death energy on his body became more and more intense.Yi Tian knew that it was Tianjizi who forcibly boosted his spiritual power, and now he is his real body, but it will not last long as if it is a flashback.

Tianjizi said without turning his head: "Sect Master, follow me out of the cave, let me make the last divination for the sect."

(End of this chapter)

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