
Chapter 742 Divination 9 Divination

Chapter 742 Divination Nine Divinations
There is about a dozen feet of space outside the cave gate of Tianjizi. At this time, Tianyunzi and Xiao Linhang are busy depicting the starry formation.The two have been immersed in this way for many years, and they are very familiar with the formation.

It's just that when Tian Jizi and Yi Tian stepped out of the cave, Xiao Linhang's hand stopped and his eyes showed an unbelievable look, while Tian Yunzi just glanced over and a tear flashed in his eyes, and later he scolded his disciple Said: "Why are you in a daze, that is the real body of the ancestor, hurry up and finish drawing the big formation."

Tianjizi also said in a deep voice to Xiao Linhang: "Set up the formation quickly, don't waste time, I only have one shot left."

Xiao Linhang knew the meaning of the master's words and reached out to wipe away his tears, and the work in his hands immediately accelerated, together with Tian Yunzi, he quickly finished writing the pattern.

Later, Tian Jizi nodded and said, "Lin Hang, I want you to find the relevant objects left by Qian Lingzi and Luo Que in this world, have you ever found them?"

Xiao Linhang reached out and took out the golden book that was brought from the capital of Zhenwu Kingdom, held it in his hand and said: "Here is the golden book written by Qian Lingzi himself, please have a look at the old ancestor."

Tianjizi glanced at the golden book like a torch, and then admired: "Okay, it is indeed the handwriting left by Qian Lingzi. Using this as a guide, we can find out where his real body is. The fly in the ointment is that Luo Que's personal belongings are missing. .”

Hearing this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out Sun Moon Tong Huilun and said: "I have Luo Que's natal magic weapon here, I wonder if it can be used together?"

After hearing this, Tianjizi's eyes lit up, and his face showed a little excitement, and he said: "The natal spirit weapon is the most intimate thing to the master, and with this magic weapon, it is sure to be able to pinpoint its location."

Then I saw Tianjizi's figure flashing and entering the formation, he reached out and took out a jade slip and put it in the center of the formation, and then he stood in the south Lihuo position.

Then he opened his mouth and gave instructions: "Qian Lingzi's skill belongs to gold, put the golden book on the western dry position. Luo Que's skill is earth attribute, the suzerain put the spiritual weapon on the northeast position of Gen."

After the spiritual weapon was in place, Tianjizi pointed at Tianyunzi and said, "You stand at the threshold, and we will control the large formation from south to north to retrograde the nine palaces to see the secret. I will lead and you can assist."

"Isn't that the will of God's backlash will fall on Master?" Tian Yunzi said hastily.

"It's okay, the old man is about to go deep into the woods to test the last hexagram for the sect. You can also make this wish. Don't waste any more time, let's start," after speaking, stretch out your hands and start to quickly form seals on your chest .

And Tian Yunzi, who was standing opposite, didn't dare to be careless, and hastily stretched out his hand to manipulate it to assist the master to start the last divination.

Yi Tian and Xiao Linhang hurriedly stepped outside the formation to watch carefully how the two seniors cast spells.

With the continuous mobilization of the surrounding spiritual power, I saw that the array patterns under Tian Yunzi's feet were slowly activated from point to surface, and a golden light started from the fire position in the south and moved backwards in the order of the nine palaces to the water level in the north.

Suddenly he heard Tianjizi mutter something in his mouth and shouted "get up", and the [-] light spots in the nine palaces immediately illuminated the surrounding area of ​​ten feet.

With the continuous changes of his hand seals, these points of light that were originally stationary in the Nine Palaces began to move slowly according to a fixed trajectory, and the Li Nine Palaces where he was standing were activated first, and then only the spiritual energy flowed backwards On the other hand, from nine to one, all the palaces are lit up in turn.

After the golden book and the house where the sun and moon were located were activated, a cloud of spiritual energy enveloped it, and then it seemed to start to feel a little bit, and it floated automatically.At the same time, bursts of thunder suddenly came from above everyone's heads, and if you look up a little, you can see the overwhelming dark clouds gathering, covering the area of ​​a hundred miles in darkness.

When the gap in the void opened again in the thunderclouds in the sky, Tian Yunzi said: "Yi Tian, ​​you must not help this time, a slight deviation will definitely have a negative impact on the divination results."

Tianjizi nodded and said: "That's right, this time the divination is about the whereabouts of the great powers of the upper realm. With the strength of his luck, there is no room for any mistakes. Sovereign Master, you will not let the old man wait for thousands of years to come to naught, right?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian nodded silently like a deflated ball and said: "Listen to the orders of the two seniors, and I will keep them in mind." After finishing speaking, he had to stand aside and watch carefully.

As the gap in the sky opened wider and wider, it seemed that something was rapidly conceiving in it.Yi Tian raised his head and performed the Qingling method to look at it, and suddenly a strange color appeared on his face. It seemed that the difference from the past was not just as simple as Lei Jie.

After a roar, what fell directly from the gap in the void turned out to be a series of fireballs. Everyone was far away, so they looked like dots, but after a few breaths, the fireballs rapidly enlarged in the pupils.

Roughly estimated that they are about the size of a head, and they are still a series of uninterrupted attacks.At this moment, Tianjizi's complexion darkened and he took the lead in making a move, and his whole figure became blurred with a flash of spiritual power all over his body.

After three breaths, he disappeared from the location of Li Gong, and appeared in the sky instead.Then he stretched out his hands to cast a spell and unfolded a three-foot-large defensive barrier.

There was a 'bang', and after a series of bewildering sounds, all the fireballs hit the protective shield, but fortunately, Tianjizi was very powerful and caught them all.

After ten breaths, when he fell down and returned to Jiugong to leave his position, Yi Tian found that the death energy on his body was a little stronger.

After the first backlash of divination, a little bit of blue light once again condensed in the gap in the void.Seeing this, Tian Yunzi quickly made seals with his hands and flew up to the sky to imitate his master and began to respond to the robbery.

It's just that the heavy water bombs that fell this time corresponded to the attributes of his palace, but Tian Yunzi's strength was obviously much worse than that of his master, and he was instantly suppressed by the water bombs. Shizhang finally stabilized his figure.

When he returned to the Nine Palaces formation, his face was already flushed, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was a sign that the spiritual power in his body was disordered after the Heavenly Tribulation.

Xiao Linhang could see clearly from outside the formation. As soon as there was a change in his figure, he felt Tianjizi turn his head in the formation, and then swept his stern gaze over him, and immediately stopped in fright, not daring to overstep.

Then, as if the catastrophe was not over yet, two thunderbolts fell at the same time one after another, and the two spiritual objects flew into the midair with a 'swish' as ​​if they had been summoned by something.

When Tianjizi saw it, he hurriedly shouted: "You take the two wheels, I take the gold book, after passing this level, the heavenly sign will come down."

After Tian Yunzi nodded, the figures of the two of them flashed past and flew to the side of the two spiritual weapons in an instant, then held them with one hand and poured spiritual power into them crazily to prop up the protective cover.

(End of this chapter)

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