
Chapter 743 Divination Legacy

Chapter 743
The star-studded formation hosted by Tianjizi originally required [-] brothers and sisters to form the formation at the same time. Now, in order to keep it secret, only two masters and apprentices of Tianjizi can do it. Although his cultivation is profound, his spiritual power is exhausted It is also extremely amazing.

Yi Tian and Xiao Linhang's expressions were moved after the two of them held the spirit lead to receive the catastrophe, but luckily, Tian Yunzi just seemed to have exhausted his spiritual power a bit.

At this time, Tianjizi's appearance has turned into a 40-year-old appearance, some white hairs appear in the black hair on his head, his face is no longer as rosy as before, and there are some faint wrinkles .

And as he forcibly resisted the catastrophe and was distracted by manipulating the spiritual power in his body under the divination formation, the spiritual power in his body was rapidly passing away. In just a few breaths, his whole figure seemed to change from a young man to a middle-aged man.

After the two fell down, Tian Yunzi almost staggered and failed to stand still while holding the Sun Moon Tong Hui Wheel, a trace of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

Tianjizi slowly released the gold book in his hand and hurried back to his previous position to continue manipulating the formation. After chanting a profound spell in the air, he pointed to the jade slip placed in the middle: "With I have explored the whereabouts of Qian Lingzi and Luo Que here."

The thunderclouds in the sky also seemed to have been sensed. At this time, a cyan thunder condensed from the gap in the void and fell towards the position of the large formation.

With a 'bang', the thunderbolt fell to the eye of the formation and placed the entire formation within the range of lightning.Tianjizi gritted his teeth and continued to manage the formation under the baptism of thunder.

After the thunder and lightning were all gone, a cyan aura fell from the void facing the encounter at the eye of the array. After all of them were collected, Tianjizi reached out and closed the jade slips and threw them directly to Yi Tiandao: "The result of this divination That’s all there is to it, you have to study it in detail.”

After Yi Tian put away the jade slips, he bowed to Tianjizi three times and said, "Yi Tian will keep in mind the great entrustment of the seniors of the sect. From now on, he will do his best to restore the lintel and revive the former power of the Lihuo Sect."

After hearing this, Tianjizi showed a satisfied smile on his face, and looked at Xiao Linhang beside him in a blink of an eye, and said, "You have a good understanding, in the future, you must remember to assist the suzerain to carry forward the Lihuo sect. Ascension to the platform is of great importance. Only after thorough comprehension of Dian can we choose an excellent location to rebuild, unless the Lihuo Sect can dominate this world, this matter must not be easily revealed to others, or the sect will be dragged into a place of eternal doom."

After hearing this, Xiao Linhang's eyes were moist and he said: "The disciple must live up to the great trust of the patriarch and assist the suzerain to achieve great things." The tone of Tianjizi at the moment is completely as if explaining the future, so Xiao Linhang dare not disobey the last instruction of the patriarch.

On the side, Tian Yunzi slowly suppressed the disordered spiritual power in his body, and his face showed a look of disastrous defeat. Although his appearance was a bit cold, most of the divination counterattacks were blocked by Tian Jizi, so the real Not much power fell on him.

At this time, Tian Jizi's face was rapidly aging, and after more than ten breaths, he changed from a middle-aged man to an old man and slowly sat on the ground, and the death energy on his body was more intense than when he saw him in the cave.

He only heard him say to Tian Yunzi: "This time I really put you in a difficult situation, but your task has not been completed yet."

"The master asks for instructions, and the disciple will go through fire and water," Tian Yunzi coughed up a mouthful of blood and hurriedly replied.

"After my death, you will continue to sit in Tianyunmen to deal with visitors from all walks of life. I predict that those old friends will soon notice some changes in Tianyunmen," Tianjizi began to pant a little while speaking, but his eyes There was still a look of perseverance in it, and he continued to order: "Let Lin Hang lead potential disciples in the sect to Dong'ao to temporarily avoid the limelight, and return to the ancestral land of Tianyunmen after Lihuo recovers."

After hearing these words, Xiao Linhang couldn't help but burst into tears. Tian Yunzi hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed and replied: "I would like to obey the decree of the master. After that, I will immediately call the disciples to pass on the position of suzerain to Lin Hang, and then send him to select potential disciples far away. Avoid Dong Ao."

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, also hurried up and said: "Don't worry, senior, I will properly arrange for the younger brother and the disciples to stay in the Xuanyang sect temporarily, and I will assist the younger brother to return to the ancestral land after I settle the matter here."

After hearing this, Tian Yunzi managed to show a smile on his face and said: "Sovereign Master, please take care of the rest of the matter. I still have one wish that has yet to be fulfilled."

"Senior, please tell me, Yi Tian dare not obey."

"After I go, I will dispose of the body in the way passed down from generation to generation by the Li Huo Sect, so as not to," Tian Jizi was speechless after saying this.

After Tian Yunzi looked at it, he burst into tears angrily, while Xiao Linhang kept muttering: "The master has gone, and I ask Brother Yi to fulfill the last wish of the master."

Yi Tian also had a solemn expression on his face, no matter how Tian Jizi waited for him for so many years, he could be regarded as having devoted himself to the sect and died.

Immediately, he went forward to pay respects to his corpse three times, and then stretched out his hand to sacrifice a wisp of Nanming Lihuo and said slowly: "Senior Gao Yi, junior Yi Tian will be buried in the name of the suzerain."

With a light flick of the right index finger, the wisp of Nanming Lihuo flew straight to Tian Jizi's body, and then quickly set his body on fire.After Yi Tian kept sealing spells in his hand, he lit the white flame a few times, and after a short while, the flame swallowed Tianjizi's body completely.

Three breaths later, after the wisp of Nanming Lihuo was taken back into Yi Tian's hands, the place where Tian Jizi sat was nowhere to be seen, and Tian Yunzi's master and apprentice couldn't help crying.

After the flames dissipated, a gleam of light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, only to hear a 'dong', and an emerald green jade tablet fell to the ground.After scanning it with divine sense, I saw the word 'Tianyun' written on it. This thing was not completely burned under the burning of Nanming Lihuo. It can be seen that the material of this thing is definitely not simple.

After reaching out to pick it up, he threw it to Tian Yunzi and said, "This thing should be of great use if it is hidden in Senior Tianjizi's body, please put it away."

Tian Yunzi just glanced at it and manipulated the jade token to Xiao Linhang's hand, then sighed and said: "You shoulder the great responsibility of assisting the suzerain and revitalizing the sect, so I will leave this token of fortune with you." Listening to his tone, it seems that he is explaining the funeral.

Xiao Linhang wiped away his tears and replied: "The patriarch has just exhausted his lifespan, so is the master going to leave me too?"

Tian Yunzi's face changed and he said sharply: "Could it be that you want to disobey the father's will? Hurry up to the main hall to select potential disciples and flee to Zhongzhou as soon as possible. I guess it won't be long before the masters of the three major sects of Zhongzhou come forward." Come to ask for divination, and then I will not be able to leave even if I want to.”

Seeing what Xiao Linhang was arguing about, Tian Yunzi suddenly showed some displeasure on his face and said to Yi Tian, ​​"Isn't the suzerain also planning to help? You must know that the ancestors of Tianyunmen can deter Zhongzhou, and now the ancestors have passed away in Zhongzhou All the various sects will definitely come to the door, and then the entire Tianyun Sect will become a prisoner with just one word."

Hearing this, Yi Tian also had a gloomy look in his eyes, he was indeed not as thoughtful as the two seniors thought.Those big sects in Zhongzhou have long coveted the existence of Tianyunmen, if they can't hold it in their hands, they can only destroy it.

(End of this chapter)

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