
Chapter 744 Divination 1 Escape

Chapter 744 Divination Eleven Escapes
Naturally, the thunder calamity on the mountain behind the Tianyunmen could not be concealed from the eyes and ears of the major sects in Zhongzhou, but everyone may not be able to react directly to it.

It has been more than three months since the massive thunder calamity, and there was a sudden rumor on the Zhongzhou Continent that Tian Yunzi, the lord of the Tianyunmen, asked for help from the Qianlingzong himself.

Afterwards, after the two suzerains discussed, Tianyunmen was directly merged into Qianlingzong to become its Tianyun Bieyuan, and Tianyunzi became the head of the Bieyuan.

From now on, all sects who want to come to find Tianyunmen for divination and divination can only see Tianyunzi himself with the permission of Qianlingyuan, the suzerain of Qianlingzong.

And somewhere in the south near the monster tribe's influence, an assault boat is flying rapidly towards the sphere of influence of the Shiwanda Mountain.There are more than a dozen monks sitting in the main cabin of the assault boat, all of them are young monks in their teens or twenties with immature faces.Its cultivation ranges from the Qi refining stage to the foundation building stage, and there is not a single monk in the Jindan stage.

The leader is Xiao Linhang's first apprentice, Ruan Hong. At this time, he is teaching the surrounding disciples, and at the same time, his eyes pass by the door of the control room from time to time.At this time, Xiao Linhang and Yi Tian were standing in the control room of the assault boat and driving the flying boat.

Since Tianjizi's divination for Yi Tian three months ago, the two followed Tianyunzi's arrangement and hurried down the mountain to the main hall to gather all the disciples. gone.

In Tian Yunzi's words, if all the people were taken away, the three major sects would be unhappy, so the three Jindan disciples stayed behind and cooperated with Tian Yunzi to deal with the next sect catastrophe.

With Xiao Linhang's initial cultivation of Yuanying, after arriving in Dongao, he merged into Xuanyang Sect and established a separate courtyard, and after spending decades or even hundreds of years to recuperate, he can raise the banner of Zongmen again.

Moreover, Tian Yunzi had already passed on the position of suzerain to him. Although he did not expressly say it to the outside world, all the disciples and grandchildren in the sect knew that facing Xiao Linhang was the suzerain.

At this time, in the control room, Yi Tian was holding the jade slip in his hand full of doubts. The result of Tianjizi's last divination had been clearly written on it, but after reading it for a long time, he could only find the words "the end of the sky and the sea". .

Looking at the jade slip, he didn't know what to do. Although he had a clue in his hand, it was no different from nothing.Turning his head to look at Xiao Lin Hang, who also looked helpless, said: "The results of the divination of the elder brother and ancestor are all here, what do you think?"

It was not the first time that Xiao Linhang had read this jade slip, but after entering the Southern Hundred Thousand Mountains, the next Louisian would not go with him, so he took this opportunity to express all the doubts in his heart.

After the divine thoughts passed by again, Xiao Linhang's face showed a dignified expression: "The 'end of the sky and the sea' written on this jade slip must be in the sea area around Tianlan Continent. As for the direction, I have no idea. It’s a search. If you know that the patriarch and the master work together to see a chance, even if I force the divination, it will not help.”

Yi Tian sighed and said: "Yes, I also know about this, it seems that I have to find a way to find out where the place referred to in this prophecy is."

Slowly, he took out a jade slip and wrote a letter on it with the unique secret technique of the Xuanyang School before handing it to Xiao Lin Hangdao: "Junior brother, go to Dongao, take this jade slip and go directly to the Chiyan Hill of the Xuanyang School to find my senior brother." Chiyangzi, after he reads the letter, he will properly arrange your disciples."

"Senior brother, please worry about it," Xiao Linhang hurriedly corrected his expression and replied, "From now on, my disciples and I will just merge into Xuanyang Sect directly. The gate of fortune has opened."

After hearing this, Yi Tian showed a trace of loneliness. After all, Tian Yunzi was still held hostage in Qianlingzong. As a disciple, how could Xiao Linhang not want to rescue all the disciples of the sect as soon as possible.

But today is different from the past, and now is not the time to directly turn against Qian Lingzong, so Yi Tian could only comfort him: "Junior Brother Mo Chou, I believe that Senior Tian Yunzi will be auspicious, and I can find a way in the future when I break through the natural moat and advance to the later stage Pick up a group of Tianyunmen disciples from Qianlingzong."

"Thank you, senior brother," Xiao Linhang nodded knowingly and continued, "How to decipher this prophecy still needs a lot of speculation. I guess there must be some unknown secret in it. It is not difficult to crack, the key is that the opportunity has not yet come."

"So I honor your good words," Yi Tian put away the jade slip with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then controlled the take-off boat to fly towards the south again.

After a while, the divine sense seemed to realize that there were four people flying towards their position at a distance of hundreds of miles in front of them, and the assault boat seemed to be locked on the flight path. Then it will break into the encirclement.

Yi Tian frowned slightly. According to his calculations, he should have already left the hinterland of Zhongzhou and came to the southern [-] mountains here. It is obvious from the flight trajectory of these four people that they should be in the same group, and what a coincidence. Coincidentally, he happened to stop in front of him at this time, and his intention was self-evident.

However, he fired his bow and didn't turn his head back. If he returns to the hinterland of Zhongzhou at this time, he will have to face many sect masters chasing and intercepting him. I am a brave man, but I still have more than a dozen foundation-building monks under such circumstances. It is absolutely unimaginable how difficult it is to protect it comprehensively.

A moment later, the four divine senses that were not weaker than those of the early Yuanying monks passed over the assault boat together, and at the same time, a clear voice came from a distance: "The assault boat of the human race in front of you has violated the boundary, turn around and return quickly. If not, my Qingtian Demon King Clan will make a move."

Xiao Linhang's face tightened when he heard this, but Yi Tian seemed extremely relaxed at this time, and directly used his skills to spread his words dozens of miles away: "Qin Fei? I'm Yi Tian," and then said his own The spiritual pressure fluctuations are slowly released to facilitate the other party's identification.

After a short while, the four people on the opposite side gradually approached, and then the figures of Qin Fei and the three big monsters under him appeared in front of the assault boat. At this time, the flying boat slowed down in the air and then stopped slowly, and a blue light flew out from it. Yi Tian's figure appeared in front of the four demons.

When Qin Fei saw it, she immediately shouted with joy on her face: "Why have you been to South China Sea for so long? You have not seen him for a hundred years." The spiritual sense passed over Yi Tian's body and looked up and down, and then a horrified expression appeared on his face. After a while, they winked at each other and said goodbye to Qin Fei, then hurried away.

Seeing that it was not strange, Yi Tian invited Xiao Linhang out to have a story with Qin Fei, and told about Tianyunmen's idea of ​​going to Zhongzhou via Southern Xinjiang.After hearing this, Qin Fei immediately agreed to the next route. She escorted and ensured that Xiao Linhang and his team could arrive at Chiyan Hill within half a year.

(End of this chapter)

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